Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i dunno man. every time i just blow it. have to go to work now.

sorry - you have got to leave now - dont worry - as you know yourself you are not trading on luck - but you are not carrying out all the disciplines still - ie stops - over trading - jumping in and out etc etc

This morning when you had a break - i though you where well in control - BUT

Its all possible to get your controls in place - and then you will keep your gains

But you should not be chasing 10 -15% per day - 2- 5% per day controlled is fine
AU - had to accept 57 on 70% and 30% came off at 61 - shame AU might now be just going onto a BT zone ready for news announcements etc over next hr
Back now for a couple of hrs

Still got EA down and AU up MM for now

got stopped on my EJ - before it fell again ;-)

Shame - taken out of 30% free trade and did not reenter another sell under up trendline after it tested it again - EJ now down to 136.92 - so 30 +pip missed there - whilst playing with EU and AU trades
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So the market as managed to take out trailing stops and get traders in wrong way again - as if anything changes - and we have another excuse for more play in 35 mins now

Time for a quick bite to eat I reckon
1.33 and EA bottomed for now at 24 and EU at 82 - and bounces from news up atm saying scalp buys - but cannot trust anything just yet -
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