Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Ironically many other members think that T2W is reaching new lows because of this thread's material ...

on a warning now cant argue anymore with the dissers ...apparently its not allowed ....and I want to stick around for a little longer

so no more arguments from me with all the Dissers ........their constant sarcasm will have to be suffered here like a slow weeping wound

apologies to the people trying to follow the commentary here ..just put the dissers on ignore wont be missing anything regarding their contributions here or anywhere else at T2win .....collectively they have added no value at all to the forum ;)

Why do you get so bent about a bit o leg pulling? Cos thats all it is. Youre so quick to make it an issue, and label those who dont walk in step. You dont see F getting disturbed by it do you. Its not because he has rhino skin as you put it, he can see it for what it truly is, and he doesnt suffer his mind as you seem to do. Hell, he might even give me a like.
Seriously man, sort your head out. If you get so disturbed about a bit of jibe on the net, I can only imagine what sort of a state you get yourself into when them pips are slipping the wrong way.

but its not just a simple jibe dude...........its protracted bullying of one single person and his threads a small group ..........that's not fair .............ive always been someone who stepped up in these situations where I feel things are not fair

you are trying to prejudice anyone who wants to read his threads...if they think its a pile of Cr*p then let them make that decision .........the small group of dissers are here to warn off newbies and attack them if they chose to try the ideas here ...........look at the post earlier .....that's bullying

and i'm not going to stop ramming it back down the dissers throats

mines probably more sharkskin these days .......but the rhino skin is in the post

but its not just a simple jibe dude...........its protracted bullying of one single person and his threads a small group ..........that's not fair .............ive always been someone who stepped up in these situations where I feel things are not fair...

Hats off to you for trying N, but there's no telling bullies, they don't get it. If you complain, they say it's just banter, and that you're the problem, "just lighten up!". There's no point in wasting your time N, sadly.
4 40 pm

Hi guys

Not long back after being out most of the day

See I have come back to World War 3 or is it 4 now - - just hope you all got some nice trades in today - as markets look as though they have been nice again

Going to have my tea and then pop back later

Not gone through all comments but will try and respond to any later

I just like Tar's Cable / GU buy at 2 27 pm this afternoon for his 12 pips

I know it easy in hindsight - but we will review his trade and then look at all the clues he missed out on - many we should all spot and earn from

Check it out and see you later with some charts etc

Also the LiTs levels did well on may pairs today - I know I got to explain them more to NVP and maybe some other guys on here

See you a bit later


Hats off to you for trying N, but there's no telling bullies, they don't get it. If you complain, they say it's just banter, and that you're the problem, "just lighten up!". There's no point in wasting your time N, sadly.

hey G

trust me .........i'm chilled ...;)......these guys are lightweights.....but irritating me nonetheless these days as ive always believed T2win allowed a fair playing field for newbies to make their own minds up on threads where they can feel unthreatened

its ok because I don't think anyones noticed me getting wound up ?.........:LOL:

4 40 pm

Hi guys

Not long back after being out most of the day

See I have come back to World War 3 or is it 4 now - - just hope you all got some nice trades in today - as markets look as though they have been nice again

Going to have my tea and then pop back later

Not gone through all comments but will try and respond to any later

I just like Tar's Cable / GU buy at 2 27 pm this afternoon for his 12 pips

I know it easy in hindsight - but we will review his trade and then look at all the clues he missed out on - many we should all spot and earn from

Check it out and see you later with some charts etc

Also the LiTs levels did well on may pairs today - I know I got to explain them more to NVP and maybe some other guys on here

See you a bit later



more handbags at dawn F ............:LOL:
4 40 pm

Hi guys

Not long back after being out most of the day

See I have come back to World War 3 or is it 4 now - - just hope you all got some nice trades in today - as markets look as though they have been nice again

Going to have my tea and then pop back later

Not gone through all comments but will try and respond to any later

I just like Tar's Cable / GU buy at 2 27 pm this afternoon for his 12 pips

I know it easy in hindsight - but we will review his trade and then look at all the clues he missed out on - many we should all spot and earn from

Check it out and see you later with some charts etc

Also the LiTs levels did well on may pairs today - I know I got to explain them more to NVP and maybe some other guys on here

See you a bit later



no rush rush.........
Over the years ive contributed much to these boards, some of it outright bollox, some soso, some dead set serious, the occasional bit o gold perhaps and some jollies too.
Relatively recently, Ive talked about psych, no stops etc. Its like im talking in a different language. Some members, flat out insult you, no jollies or nuthin. So what. Am I reaching for the flag button? Of course not.

I get it now, you have put in enough years now and have a right to be rude.
What is the scheme like, 5 years a bit of trolling 10 years and belligerent etc?
hey G

trust me .........i'm chilled ...;)......these guys are lightweights.....but irritating me nonetheless these days as ive always believed T2win allowed a fair playing field for newbies to make their own minds up on threads where they can feel unthreatened

its ok because I don't think anyones noticed me getting wound up ?.........:LOL:

You dont come across as chilled N. Either in the trade or the lulz. I think some psych work would do you the world of good.
Re the noobies:- Id suggest listen to noone in particular and do your level best to evaluate the material offered from a neutral place as possible. A very hard thing to do without good psych
Just mho
I get it now, you have put in enough years now and have a right to be rude.
What is the scheme like, 5 years a bit of trolling 10 years and belligerent etc?
Not really nick.
Theres not much here for me to talk about any more re trading. No one really wants to discuss the psych side which I now see as pretty much all of it. But you can learn much of the psych of others on T2W, thats fascinating stuff!
Other benefits: My understanding of MS paint has sky-rocketed! I havent laughed so hard in ages! Serious tears in my eyes can barely breathe laughing. :D

I dont expect you to understand mate, but thats ok. ;)
Not really nick.
Theres not much here for me to talk about any more re trading. No one really wants to discuss the psych side which I now see as pretty much all of it. But you can learn much of the psych of others on T2W, thats fascinating stuff!
Other benefits: My understanding of MS paint has sky-rocketed! I havent laughed so hard in ages! Serious tears in my eyes can barely breathe laughing. :D

I dont expect you to understand mate, but thats ok. ;)

I would be intrigued in the psych side of coming to a thread with the sole purpose of mocking the participants. As for laughing so hard at your own jokes, well I may not be Ivan Pavlov or even Jean Piaget but i think I know enough to draw some conclusions.

Good luck and I hope you remember to share your special brand of humour on the other threads in equal measure.
I would be intrigued in the psych side of coming to a thread with the sole purpose of mocking the participants. As for laughing so hard at your own jokes, well I may not be Ivan Pavlov or even Jean Piaget but i think I know enough to draw some conclusions.
Youd be right to be intrigued, you start with yourself.
Others jokes mostly mate.
Thats the problem nick, they think they know something.

URL to the tab on right hand side would be handy if you wouldn't mind budrigo.

I think that will help my trading, the other 3 not so much.
Good afternoon Peter

What's the settings for your linear regression setup? I like clean charts myself which has always put me off taking a look but I see some people are only using 3?



Hi Jackson 7

The traders just using the quick 3 LRs on 8/ 9 - 12/13 and anything from 25 to 40 settings are just on stage I taking 500 scalps to get used to scalping and working with tight stops and timing so that their entries are really good

For my methods - its the otherway around to most methods - entries are paramount

If you get get a good entry based on a tick or 1 min and with LR#s and time and interim levels and be in the trade anything from 3 to 6 pips before the 5 min and 15 min traders - then you have scored an edge

Immediately you can stick a part stake stop in profit and let it run.

If you get stopped out you only make 2 or 3 pips profit

If you get a great entry at a daily interim high or low - ( thats the aim and is achievable every day ) then your part stake might make you 30 pips or 70 pips of even 300 -500 pips over a few days - as I have just made on several pairs this week

Scalping is key to end up being a master trader - ie swing / position / PPND etc

So its stage 1 before another 3 stages leading to 9 LRs and time rules and other more advanced money management methods

Major Magnum is the only other fully trained on the method and he has been using now over 18 months with this year all on a small live account until he goes full time

I am hoping I can train 2 or more other experienced traders over the next 3 to 6 months who can then get to a level equivalent to MM etc

i am sure out of every 10 traders to are dedicated and want to commit to the learning schedule - not everyone will make it - but then thats like anything in life.

Hope that helps for now

All the best


Pmossie, you need to get yourself on teh youtube and get 1,098,360 views there. You'll be richer than your old boss Ricky in no time at all.

You'll definitely make more dollar than you do as a forex commentator.:cheesy::love::love::love:
Major Magnum is the only other fully trained on the method and he has been using now over 18 months with this year all on a small live account until he goes full time

What method ? :whistling
No I will bloody well not do that! PERVERT.

Give us 20 quid and I'll think about it.

As much as I need the reputation points scholfield I am certainly not doing what you suggesetd for £20! You need someone a lot more adventurous than I.

Good Luck though, I'm sure you'll find him somewhere on the internet.:cheesy:
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