Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU - after 5 00 pm and after I finished



4 58PM

Update for 5 00 pm

It would need above 1640 and 50 to hold scalp buys or take new ones for another go up

In my chart above I have shown a R area under there its sells down to 1550 and supports below

Classic new range from supports to resistance then

I am finishing - its not been a normal boring day at the office


6 22 pm

I finished ages ago - but as you do - I left a 30% stake on my last scalp sell from 4 27 pm and the 1620 area with stop in profit - ie no worry - no problem - if I am stopped out - I still make a few pips - if not - I make more

I commented above it was a sell down to 1550 and supports below

Now its been down to 1520 and bounced after 6 00 pm

What kept me in the sell

Have a look on 2 charts and do you Sherlock Holmes - Columbo job on it - yes its some LR's but which ones ??



After 6 00 pm and 100+pips lower



  • EU - 240815 pm 2.png
    EU - 240815 pm 2.png
    91.7 KB · Views: 445
i think the point has been proved yet again

I'm pretty new to this game and have been alerted to the fact that this thread may have some less than savoury characters on it.

I could very easily replicate the statement that you have attached to your post, it's missing many details and doesn't really paint a true picture of your achievements today.

Not 'dissing', just pointing out that even to a newb like I that a few things stand out.

Good Luck

I'm pretty new to this game and have been alerted to the fact that this thread may have some less than savoury characters on it.

I could very easily replicate the statement that you have attached to your post, it's missing many details and doesn't really paint a true picture of your achievements today.

Not 'dissing', just pointing out that even to a newb like I that a few things stand out.

Good Luck

read the thread for more picture
Ah ok.

Why do you present your statement in different formats and not just keep it the same each time i.e showing entry exit times and profit/ loss pips and pounds?
Thank you. But I just don't feel that this is the thread for me.


Hi Kurt

Of course its not the thread for you

Have a look at the first comment this morning I said at approx at 6 37 am on page 5567 - the one in red

Good luck with your journey and maybe in a year a two - then see if its for you


Well it's time to call it a day.

£ 24.8.15 DDEOD.png

Macdonalds is closing, so no more free wifi to trade. My car has broken down, and my minion Darktone is giving me a piggyback home. Whoa there horsey.

Have a crap week trading y'all, I know I won't.

Well it's time to call it a day.

View attachment 197406

Macdonalds is closing, so no more free wifi to trade. My car has broken down, and my minion Darktone is giving me a piggyback home. Whoa there horsey.

Have a crap week trading y'all, I know I won't.


Let him drive you home by a rickshaw


I allow you the privilege to be a follower of mine now (y). You will be the sheep. :LOL:

I'll pick you up in my

View attachment 197358


We'll head to macdonalds, use the free wifi to Nav Sarao the markets, eat something from the michelin starred saver menu, and then pop on here, and regale stories of what an expert I am.

P.S. You must call me Sir John Now.

Ah John, as enticing as the offer sounds im gona have to politely decline mate. :love::love:
Im currently doing a PHD in windows paint and a BTEC national in psychology atm.
After contributing to the forum theres not much time for play.
All the best
darkie xx


Having a quick read through the trading. Top notch guys! Seriously impressive stuff.

MM made a shekel
scholfield made a shît pile more than a shekel

i think the point has been proved yet again

Youre right, I think it has.


Quick shout out to Kurt.

Chin up mate! Stick with the thread, Im sure its a bit o you. As long as you can put the hours in and like posts youll be just fine. (y)
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