Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Damn screen shot hackers! Will it ever end!?!

Lol - I had the feeling hacker 69 had got into your machine - he's the well known welsh hacker the Yanks are after :D

3 20/ 21 pm at 1578 was a scalp buy but needed 95 + to stay with it

Otherwise under maybe wait to under 72 and 68 to sell more
I guess HHiusa and the guys over in America who have been confidently selling the EU might be in for a bit of a shock ?

Now DT if you had been selling EU under say 1000- would have you been still OK on your method handling a 700+ pip rise ???

Well if I were trading it, me selling EURUSD at 1000- would be about as likely as you posting a statement F!
Well if I were trading it, me selling EURUSD at 1000- would be about as likely as you posting a statement F!

That good then

I know a guy called Marius who's a private fund manager - controlling over $3million of clients monies and he would trade with no stops and many times be out by over 4000 pips - and manage his way out of it

I told him it was inefficient etc - but I think he got a bigger kick trying to live with open trades for 8 -18 months then focusing on his winning trades

I am sure there are a lot of no stop guys in sells at 0950 and under and were happy to stay in up to say 1300.

We get to 1300 and then they think - it won't go over 1450

We get to 1700 and then they think - Oh F@ck - I have been caught out

If you are experienced enough to manage it etc - no problem - maybe 90% of traders might not be

Do statements not in my name count ???? lol

Bounces on EU staying under 1650 are sell again - but watch 30 min time rule on 1581 low next


3 47pm

so far been down to 1563 and then he bounce after 3 27 pm - instead of being a normal say 5 -12 pips is like 40 pips

Shows the volatility

1605 and after 3 35 pm on the LR chart was an easy scalp sell but so far 1565 to 75 is all support area and wanting to hold

I reckon we need a clean break under 1555 and 50 to stay will sells - otherwise see if 1560/63 lasts 30 mins

3 47pm

so far been down to 1563 and then he bounce after 3 27 pm - instead of being a normal say 5 -12 pips is like 40 pips

Shows the volatility

1605 and after 3 35 pm on the LR chart was an easy scalp sell but so far 1565 to 75 is all support area and wanting to hold

I reckon we need a clean break under 1555 and 50 to stay will sells - otherwise see if 1560/63 lasts 30 mins


4 00 pm update

Coming up to 30 mins with no new low and after 3 51 pm and above 1575 it was a clean scalp buy

If anybody needs confirmation - it was so easy on a 1 min LR chart

Now price at 1595

so anther 20 pips in the kitty in under 7 mins
That good then

I know a guy called Marius who's a private fund manager - controlling over $3million of clients monies and he would trade with no stops and many times be out by over 4000 pips - and manage his way out of it

I told him it was inefficient etc - but I think he got a bigger kick trying to live with open trades for 8 -18 months then focusing on his winning trades

I am sure there are a lot of no stop guys in sells at 0950 and under and were happy to stay in up to say 1300.

We get to 1300 and then they think - it won't go over 1450

We get to 1700 and then they think - Oh F@ck - I have been caught out

If you are experienced enough to manage it etc - no problem - maybe 90% of traders might not be

Do statements not in my name count ???? lol


Theres always them folks wot think they know something F, thankfully!

Time to go climbing I think. Have fun, I know I will :D
Cheers for upload John.
I downloaded for posterity, impressive stuff!


I allow you the privilege to be a follower of mine now (y). You will be the sheep. :LOL:

I'll pick you up in my



We'll head to macdonalds, use the free wifi to Nav Sarao the markets, eat something from the michelin starred saver menu, and then pop on here, and regale stories of what an expert I am.

P.S. You must call me Sir John Now.


4 00 pm update

Coming up to 30 mins with no new low and after 3 51 pm and above 1575 it was a clean scalp buy

If anybody needs confirmation - it was so easy on a 1 min LR chart

Now price at 1595

so anther 20 pips in the kitty in under 7 mins

Actually I did not make 20 pips on the last scalp buy - only 16 and got slipped as it fell exiting

Now we are seeing a turn down again - and can we make under 1560 within next 3 mins

Show manipulation going on rotten here atm
We are just over 30 mins with no new low breach with scalp LRs still saying sell under 70

15 60 to 65 is all support

Can it hold now ??

I allow you the privilege to be a follower of mine now (y). You will be the sheep. :LOL:

I'll pick you up in my

View attachment 197358


We'll head to macdonalds, use the free wifi to Nav Sarao the markets, eat something from the michelin starred saver menu, and then pop on here, and regale stories of what an expert I am.

P.S. You must call me Sir John Now.


I cannot like it - i have run out of "likes" today -

michelin starred saver menu - rofl
We are just over 30 mins with no new low breach with scalp LRs still saying sell under 70

15 60 to 65 is all support

Can it hold now ??

Must post a chart of what my scalp 2 LR''s said at 4 04 / 5 pm

Maccy dees dont like me taking in 4 screens and using their wi fi - even if I have a double Big Mac
Must post a chart of what my scalp 2 LR''s said at 4 04 / 5 pm

Maccy dees dont like me taking in 4 screens and using their wi fi - even if I have a double Big Mac

Notice the cross after 4 04 pm and anything above 65 was a scalp buy

So far only made 1590 again

Must be a interim R



  • EU scalp 240815pm.png
    EU scalp 240815pm.png
    41.4 KB · Views: 576
Notice the cross after 4 04 pm and anything above 65 was a scalp buy

So far only made 1590 again

Must be a interim R

4 20 pm

Now thats after I posted my chart etc and after 4 04 pm and 4 15 pm

Price now at 1615

Is that a live scalp in advance ??

Are they allowed on this thread ???

Must check by rule book - dont want members to think I am just lucky

i think the point has been proved yet again



Well Done - I get more delighted with your performance than my own - because it proves to me that the method I have been trading for over 8 yrs (before I went full time ) can be learnt and used by another competent trader

That is the proof and as we know - its not a one off

Heres my latest 30 + pips of a sell on EU



  • EU - 240815 SCALP 2.png
    EU - 240815 SCALP 2.png
    71.1 KB · Views: 496

4 58PM

Update for 5 00 pm

It would need above 1640 and 50 to hold scalp buys or take new ones for another go up

In my chart above I have shown a R area under there its sells down to 1550 and supports below

Classic new range from supports to resistance then

I am finishing - its not been a normal boring day at the office

I have accumulated enough today to be able to try the food and wifi at Nando's rather than Macd's - ie going up in the world lol

Only joking - but then to my alternative fans everything I say is a joke

Will pop back in later and see you in the morning

Must check how Sun 11 did today


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