Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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The actual change may have been 6 55 / 57 am time

The switch changed - all manipulation via LP's and players then at opens

on the usd the test was around 58-02...........I tried to play a EU correlation switch but it didn't pan out and the gu just kept steamrolling

plenty of pips around at moment..........

cad and gnp are the perfect foils for usd at the moment ..............euro and chf are more in sync so not delivering the moves

ucad still falling...................euro and swissie are observers here

my aces are GBP and Cad so far (y)

Under 0980/85 still a sell - but market is craftly trying a change from 0961

First clue if its on would be at 0975 and 77

Under there still a sell - but over 75 - then could be the start of a new ball game

This was 7 02 am comment

Price now at 0978 on EU and 136 95 on EJ

Expect pullbacks - but now they need to stay above low for 30 mins from 6 55 am
ar 3060 the ucad may be cheapest entry if usd punches north here ..........watching

7 17 pm

I would be surprised if we did a full turn from 0960 area

0950 or 30/40 could understand - but its important sometimes not to be logical with trying to think what the market will do - thats how it catches traders out - doing the unexpected
usd shaping for more falls .............cad is flying north so ucad is a steamroller sell still
8 mins of dicking around now from usd .may take a break soon .............

Ideally would like to buy it again at 0968 /70 and above 0987

Under 64 and 60 - i would be looking at more scalp sells
usd tight at moment and has stoped time soon
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