Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok got to scoot again ..................nowhere near as many pips as I wanted but over all good progress today


its a scalp buy again above 0890 but without going over 0921 and 24 - then its back to sells again

Range say 0890 to 0925 first - bigger range 0880 to 0940

We need to come out first range to then consider next directions

Comment at 1 48 pm - approx 20 mins agao

We went up to 0915 just before hr change and stalled leading to scalp sell as no over 21 or 24 +

We need under 0884 and 0880 to sell more as still in range
next news at 3 00 pm

Will pop back in for 2 30 pm and then for start of 3 00 pm TW at approx 2 50 pm

See you in a bit

its a scalp buy again above 0890 but without going over 0921 and 24 - then its back to sells again

Range say 0890 to 0925 first - bigger range 0880 to 0940

We need to come out first range to then consider next directions

EU comment from over 45 mins ago

Still in its new range

More news in 25 mins on US dollar - so that might be the excuse
EU - After 2 21 and 2 30 pm on the scalp buys

EU comment from over 45 mins ago

Still in its new range

More news in 25 mins on US dollar - so that might be the excuse


1 Min Chart with LRs and KT's for latest scalp buys



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    EU - 50815 PM.png
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The last news at 3 00 pm was back to dollar strength - great excuses for the banksters to move everything around again

My scalp buys after 2 21 and 2 30 pm peaked at 0913 not quite 19 pips from first entry

From 3 00 pm news up to 3 21 pm - price dropped over 50 pips to 0850 low - same approx as earlier on this morning.

3 21 pm onward as been scalp buys - and they have risen so far 17 pips

We need over 0882 to stay with the buys
Ucad this afternoon - key earner

We need to get you on tick N

buy scalp at 3116 /7 after a false low at 13 at 1 48 pm


Now 3 53 pm and was posted at 1 50 pm ish

That buy scalp moved up from 3117 to 3179 and at 3 09 pm became a scalp sells

So the movement on the call after I posted it - lets say from 1 55 or 2 00 pm only to keep it as a call in advance as been just over 50 pips

Now for my new alternative Fans - especially one Irish Gentleman - thats know as a -


Its no hindsight call -

Its a call of an interim low and then a buy

The UCad as been brilliant for me today

Great after the 1 30pm news - over 50 pips then 42 pips on scalps in between and then over 50 pips on a 30% stake left on

So 1 30 pm to 3 00 pm ish - approx 90 mins easy over 140 pips - although the majority not of 100% scalp stakes - just part stakes

Surely thats great for a charlatan / trickster who is an hindsight trader


Hi F,
It seems you have been having a good day, what's the rough tally of points made?
certainly a rollercoaster afternoon for the usd .............ride it enjoy it



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:cheesy: as it happens no BS

as it should be .............warts and all is truly what we need to be showing the newbies who come here BS...

I made some howlers here today but made them cant scalp over 50 times in a day and not have losses

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