Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3 58 pm

i have lost out here as not took a scalp buy on EU above 0912 /13 after a 0909/10 low

It looks as though it might now make over 27

Sod's law - the market is just so clever at pulling these type of stunts etc - all with the aid of supercomputers I am sure

3 58 pm

i have lost out here
as not took a scalp buy on EU above 0912 /13 after a 0909/10 low

It looks as though it might now make over 27

Sod's law - the market is just so clever at pulling these type of stunts etc - all with the aid of supercomputers I am sure

are you sure its not 160 + years (lol)
Great example of how the market tricks and gets inside your brain

EU - after it went against me not going over 27 before - i was reluctant then to buy like I normally would from clues at 0912 price and 3 48 / 51 pm time area

So i sit on hands and miss out on 13 pips so far

That's why you must just always move on from any bad call - even after making over 18000 live trades - it can still get me at times - i am only normal after all - and old lol
3 48 pm to 3 51pm looked good on many pairs with changes of small waves and possible scalp directions

Heres another example of manipulation on the EU

If it had gone over 0935 - ie previous main interim high - it would have given too many clues away to bulls and bears

So it stops at 0932 and pullbacks

That way - still indecision and market as more chance to trick and catch out more traders etc

3 23 pm

Whether you got in at 2 00 pm or 82 or higher - it now got past 3015 and made 3037 so far- so a great scalp - Well Done N - hope u got some mileage out if it

For now any pullbacks staying above 18 /20 are buys again


4 25 pm

We stayed above 20 and so far made 3043 and 4 21 pm ( kt) was a perfect scalp sell

so far its dropped 15 pips

2 39 pm

Been ignoring it up to 2 30 pm when it went into scalp sell mode again

Above 5600 still in bullish PS - but that could easily change if price drops under there and 5590


an hour later from comment

still not under 5600 and 5590 - only at 5502 for now

shows how slow its gone again - its all the teasing again


Over 2 hrs after i started scalp selling - now GU under 5600 and 5590 and made 5572 just

Only in on 30% stakes but will move stop in profit down tight now as finishing soon - 5592 still gives me over 25 pips so that will do

5 18pm

Low so far 0907/8

Bounces staying under 0917 still sells again for now

Need back over 0920 and 37 to be holding buys on for any chance of a turn up again

5 18pm

Low so far 0907/8

Bounces staying under 0917 still sells again for now

Need back over 0920 and 37 to be holding buys on for any chance of a turn up again


5 25 pm

now at 0898 - moved stop tight down in profit at 0906 and if stopped no problem - finishing now anyway

Will pop back in later

Hope its been good for you all as well


finally move stop in profit on GU now down to 81

anyone would think i want to get stopped out - but when you are in profits its just not so bad

If It wants to drop another 30 pips - no problem - i dont mind lol

See you later
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