Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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1 00 pm

How's it going guys ?


Well 12 33 / 34 pm - was the sync time on new scalp moves over last 30 mins

This time as been used on at least 5 pairs from what I can see - not checked 10+ pairs though

nearly 30mins of usd buying is doing us ok (y)
jees ..........a bloody freefall usd buy and the Europeans wont bite...........aussies and cad mopping ipips up
GU or EU ??

Got the EU a nice fall and GU still a buy for now above 22

No new high on GU then we have to look for scalp sells - but for it to fall under 20 then

gu was falling when I posted........damn thing is pretty volatile at moment

1 07 pm

Pullbacks staying under 0927 are sells again - but we need then to see 0908 and 04 let go next

Otherwise 30 min time rules etc
Even though no lunchtime news - been some nice scalp set ups over last 40 -50 mins

EJ my best atm from 12 34 pm ish sell off

Still falling as I type at 1 11 pm - now down 26 pips
eu now 11 (finally ) but the damn gbp is continuing to be far to BULL headed ;)

GU only joined the sells after end of 1 00 pmm TW at 1 09 / 10 pm

Its been so bullish this morning and really still is whilst above 5600 area

EU and EJ - dream scalp sells

Will post charts on them next in a bit
eu at 0903 is really resisting the usd for resells here
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