Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 21 am

we started to try and get out the tease zone at 10 19 am by making over 44/45 -

45 to 30 was just 15 pips of noise awaiting a direction

Whether up is the direction all depends on whether we try over 50 /51

If not then just a 20 pip range - ie 50 to 30
AU looking positive for more buys. Buying .74 was obvious with hindsight - but PS on M30 would support the idea I guess. Looking to get long if poss later.
What is a bit confusing on whether dollar is strong or weak is the UChf and UCad

Both bullish according to LitS - but not in sync and making opposite moves at times - maybe showing Cad is weaker than chf or visa versa

We had some good moves prior to 9 30 am and maybe its the lull from 10 to 11 00 am ish

Even the EU and EJ are now out of sync not helping

Will check over next 8 -9 mins of this TW otherwise back for 10 50 am ish
10 35 am

i can see scalp moves in the 3 -7 pip mode - but ideally would prefer to wait to we get time syncs on say 4 or more pairs and moves that should make over 15 - 20 + pips

GL if saclping - and see you at next TW
You expect now on EJ - any pullbacks to stay below 33/34 and then an attempt on 15 / 20 support area

Under both stay with sells - if one holds then its 30 min rule etc

Thanks, you confirmed my thoughts. I was thinking of re-entry around 32 if it gets there.

Then as you say back to 15/20, or maybe closer to 135.00

update for 11 10am

the rise above 44/45 - which did not make over 50 - was false

We then stayed in range and are now trying to come out of it under 0930

We need under 27 and 21 to stay with sells - otherwise - we stay in the range
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