Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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You do not have to cowboy, you just need to make a live call, otherwise you know where to stick your statements, you are a scam, the biggest one of all.

Is that to imply there are many more?
Is that statement a LIVE CALL?
My level of comprehension would read it that way.
Ok enough distractions, carry on coming to a thread to disagree with the main protagonists and ask them to do it your way. Oh I think you have your own thread but not many participants, any reasons?
Let the people have what they want I say.
Free market for all.
Glad that's out of the system, now more buttons to press.
GL all.

you said that Magnum easily makes 500 pips, those are the facts.

Regarding the little cowboy, if he brain washed you, he has not any chances around here....

You surely lost all my attention with those 500-1000 pips deal, I trade everyday and I know what is about, it is just garbage and I am surprised the administrators have not yet banned those who are making those claims.

I like to move on now if you do not mind, this is endless.

Have a great session.


Strange from a guy who keeps leaving the thread and follows up with a while after how he learnt somethings today.

You have many personas and one name, the opposite of many here. So that is unique.

Look just get on with trading, stop nitpicking and being yourselfs.

Hi Fugazsy, I stopped being concerned about peoples live trades & statements a long time ago, it's never really interested me tbh. It's peoples approaches & views I like to exchange on.

By the look of it MM & all the other regular contributors on this thread have a great handle on how the fx market is to be played. If you want to see some hum dinger late "live" calls go on the dax discussions thread, I've stopped posting on there for the mo.

You definitely have a great handle on how the market moves, try not to lock horns too much, I've wasted quite alot of time on it myself.

Good luck today.
Hi Nick

I am not upset at all, it is all in your mind, only there....

I made a point and I left for the day, we were having an exchange of opinion started with BP, F brought me in two posts while I was away and I replied to them in my morning. I like to be honest about things especially when they ask my opinion and I am sorry if that bothered you....... That is all, nothing more. I am happy you find your way with this thread and I wish you the best.

Have a great session as with F and the rest.


Hi Fugazsy

No problems and you know you are always welcome to join in this thread and comment - good or bad - its all part of life etc

I have just seen you comment to Major M and calling him a cowboy and rogue etc etc etc

Now I will say and I will put my hand on my heart and swear on my late mothers death bed - that you are totally 100% wrong there.

All of MM's statements and performance stats are 100% GENUINE and truthful

That itself must wind up maybe 80% of all traders - who think - how can he be that good

Well - He is - and even last nght between about 7 30 am - 9 30 am UK time we ere trading together on the GJ and EU - and he his an excellent intraday trader - but i am sure he will admit on one error he was lucky to only lose 5 pips on the GJ

Honestly Fugazsy we are in a different league to 95% FX retail traders you will ever meet - even all the well known guys who write all the books etc.

I appreciate it might be difficult to comprehend - but its the truth

With regards to live calls - they are a piece of cake - compared to making anything from 10 to 25 trades a day - thats the bit I cannot understand with you - you just don't think we make them - so its up to us to prove how wrong you are

Anyway - lets all chill and have a good session


Got to watch a film now

Waiting for it too start- WD MM on GJ

I reckon now above 185 25 / 28 its a buy now - to leave on

Don't blame if it don't make 1000 pips - lol



at 21.12 ( a good album) F said the above.
it went 10 lower but with your gaping stops you would have been ok for over a 100 pips. go figure


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8 56 am

Back to trading

Just before I went out - i explained the key times of every hour and how 7 09 am was one for me in that last hour

EU after peaking at 1125 - as now dropped 75 pips and gone under its LitS area - ie from bullish to now bearish

Will update levels next
Is that to imply there are many more?
Is that statement a LIVE CALL?
My level of comprehension would read it that way.
Ok enough distractions, carry on coming to a thread to disagree with the main protagonists and ask them to do it your way. Oh I think you have your own thread but not many participants, any reasons?
Let the people have what they want I say.
Free market for all.
Glad that's out of the system, now more buttons to press.
GL all.

You are such a loser, this is public forum and I am a member of it, if someone is constantly showing unrealistic facts, it is my right and my prerogative to ask to back up those constant and unrealistic fact with proofs. Why? Because, it is also my interest to keep the forum at the highest level to filter the scam.

Mine is not a thread, is a journal and I am not looking for readership or popularity but seems you have not enough brain to see the difference.

You talk talk but it seems you do not have a clue, only the other day you mention a great trade of yours (made 6 pips, but you missed the following 40 because you had not the guts to stay with it) indicating the KT as 26 past, there is not such a 26 past kt you moron......

I better go before they banned me......this a cult nest.

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Missed the 8 51 am additional scalp sell on EU from 1057

Thats a level for us now ie 1057 -60

Pullbacks staying under here now - are still scalp sells

We have to see which supports holds next and lasts 30 mins
Morning CS and all the guys

Fugazsy - you are always welcome - just chill and lets satisfy you more etc etc

As CS says - lets get back to trading
9 04 am

OK - any requests on any pairs etc as I know I keep commenting on EU the most and really I should be covering so many other pairs as well

So what would you guys prefer - ie what helps you etc etc ??
Hi Fugazsy, I stopped being concerned about peoples live trades & statements a long time ago, it's never really interested me tbh. It's peoples approaches & views I like to exchange on.

By the look of it MM & all the other regular contributors on this thread have a great handle on how the fx market is to be played. If you want to see some hum dinger late "live" calls go on the dax discussions thread, I've stopped posting on there for the mo.

You definitely have a great handle on how the market moves, try not to lock horns too much, I've wasted quite alot of time on it myself.

Good luck today.

Only your view my friend, not mine.

Good luck today.
evens he's back by monday -)

i hope he back this morning ;)

That's always the trouble with trading - it is so emotional - 3 good wins and you are on a high - 1 bad loss and the whole world is your enemy at times etc etc

Nowadays I just say - I will be wrong today at some point or two or more


I will also be right - a lot of times - live with both (y)
guys guys guys guys guys .............

how have we got to this ?;)

this is the best damn Thread on T2win (much as I hate to admit it over mine :p )....and eclipses many of the other best forum threads with a good mix of banter and calls and trader training

we have a high % of good traders contributing and frankly the arguments about whos posting what results is not worthy of what goes on here most of the time :cool:

c'mon guys ...............we all agree to disagree at times ......its up to each of us individually to know and be comfortable with what we are truly achieving ........and that's all that matters .

lets just all contribute and stop the nonsense on questioning results..........its a subject that has no closure point and wastes energy :smart:

9 01 am was a bounce on EU from its low at 1027

Did I scalp buy at 28 or 30

No - busy commenting - still there will be loads more during the day
guys guys guys guys guys .............

how have we got to this ?;)

this is the best damn Thread on T2win (much as I hate to admit it over mine :p )....and eclipses many of the other best forum threads with a good mix of banter and calls and trader training

we have a high % of good traders contributing and frankly the arguments about whos posting what results is not worthy of what goes on here most of the time :cool:

c'mon guys ...............we all agree to disagree at times ......its up to each of us individually to know and be comfortable with what we are truly achieving ........and that's all that matters .

lets just all contribute and stop the nonsense on questioning results..........its a subject that has no closure point and wastes energy :smart:


Here Here N - and good morning
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