Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Whilst i do the rest of the LitS area - I do want to try and scalp buy the EU and EJ again at lower levels - ideally after 6 51 am and around 134 50 / 55 on EJ and then on EU around 1083 / 1090

In both cases - stops from 3 to 5 pips and if they don't line up at those prices - then will look for other ones

I will try and call them in advance for entry price - but as we know - i dont plan to keep doing that all day - as I really dont want to just be a free trade alert service for everyon and their dog to follow - thats not the idea of the thread

For now EU is holding 1093 and is a scalp buy and EJ at 134 70 - and another scalp buy atm
I got 27 points from EU at 06.00
Need to find 23 more for the day -)
Tenner a go for the purists!

WD Nick

What was nice - all 3 pairs basically lined up - ie EU / EJ / GU

When that happens and they all look scalp buys - you get bigger stronger moves

I am not ready at this time of the morning to trade simultaneously 3 pairs - ie too much risk for an old codger when he's hardly got the brain fully in gear lol

Also the moves started after 5 54 - 57 am - but by 6 00 am I was happy it all was ready to try higher

I guessed I should get more than 10 pips - but not approx 50 pips just off the EJ
I am happy to get one pair but with practice could add the others. I picked EU as I have traded it more and waiting till 06.00 you taught me as like you said it was getting ready a few minutes before.
OK back to the LitS area on other pairs

6 52 am

Yen crosses

EJ - 133 60 - 80 ish

GJ - 185 20 - 45 ish

UJ - 120 60 - 120 80 ish
I am happy to get one pair but with practice could add the others. I picked EU as I have traded it more and waiting till 06.00 you taught me as like you said it was getting ready a few minutes before.

That was good Nick - and also one step at a time - rather than go from FX trading newbie to " master trader" in 3 months - its really important that its gradual and you keep gaining confidence and experience every day.

I am still no way a "master trader" - but I do think I am better than say 2 or 4 yrs ago - and way better than 10 yrs ago - even though I am 10 yrs older lol
6 58 am

We are getting some fizzling out for now

EU not keen to go over 1110 area and EJ 130 00 ish

will look again after 7 00 am - incase of spikes on EO
I am still no way a "master trader" - but I do think I am better than say 2 or 4 yrs ago - and way better than 10 yrs ago - even though I am 10 yrs older lol

Maybe 12 or 13 than me -)
I am still no way a "master trader" - but I do think I am better than say 2 or 4 yrs ago - and way better than 10 yrs ago - even though I am 10 yrs older lol

Maybe 12 or 13 than me -)


No - you have a 4 or 7 yr start - ( ie short cut) just off my tips and methods etc

I am out again today on a school run before 7 50 am and should be back about 8 40 am - depending on traffic conditions - yesterday was horrendous

So will update in 7 30 am TW and then just before I go out ready for LO
After the EO at 7 00 am - we had the odd spike etc - but dollar weakness still ongoing and EU etc - still bullish with more highs etc

Since 6 00 am

EU - now up nearly 50 pips

EJ - now up approx 60+ pips

GU - now up approx 45 pips

Uchf - now down approx 25 pips
Yen crosses

Yen must be weak again this morning - as all 3 - UJ / EJ / GJ have been bullish and buys so far

Ok - back in 15 mins
7 29 am

Time Windows ( TW ) and Key Times ( KT)

There are - for me - 2 TW's every hour with 3 KT's in each one - ie 6 in total in an hour

Not every hour will all 6 lead to new scalps - just 2 an hour is good - 3 shows the session is busy

The main 2 in last hour were 6 00 am and 6 09 am - both saying buys on my main 3 pairs

This hour - the main one so far was 7 09 am - a KT and end of the 7 00 am TW

For next hour from now - we have the following 6 KT's

7 30 am - 7 39 am - 7 51 am - 8 00 (1) am - 8 09 am - 8 21 am

Will not be around for the ones after 7 51am - but what every FX pair you trade - always be aware of them and expect maybe more clues on whether the move continues or changes around these times give or take a minute
Hi Fugazy,

You keep getting upset about the same topic then relax a couple of weeks and then it all comes back. This thread wont change for you and to keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome is ... well not happening.
Like all threads on the interwebz if you get one or two good things out of it then great, if not then there are many more out there.

From my limited fx experience it seems to me that F has a great way of identifying entry points and from then on it is straightforward for any reasonable trader.

For me I do agree on one part with you. Posting statements and pips without all information is pointless, not that it troubles me though, it just is not a complete picture. Also £ size matters more in my opinion as I am very disciplined on lower stakes and can trade perfectly. In the last few weeks I have had some Dax at very big levels and in those moments waiting for the right move it becomes more difficult to be super relaxed. F has touched on that many times here and at his highest stake he ran bad and it knocked his confidence and his ability to trade at that level comfortably. If he had run good with those 7 trades maybe that would now be his comfort zone and usual stake.

Anyway my point is if you get something out of it, which you must do, then accept it as it is and if you like the pi55ing competitions that go on you can find many threads for that and still enjoy here.


Hi Nick

I am not upset at all, it is all in your mind, only there....

I made a point and I left for the day, we were having an exchange of opinion started with BP, F brought me in two posts while I was away and I replied to them in my morning. I like to be honest about things especially when they ask my opinion and I am sorry if that bothered you....... That is all, nothing more. I am happy you find your way with this thread and I wish you the best.

Have a great session as with F and the rest.

Yes Fugazy, you keep having the same exchange of opinion, that was my point.
I believe you were done here before too.
Anyway I wish you a great session and was also just having an opinion.
I also like to say something about those statement, they are completely BS, because they do not show the all picture......

If I show a statement showing 500 pips, does it mean that I am up 500 pips? NO, it does not.Why? Because if I have covered 90% @ +7 I have made +6.3 pips with the remaining 10% I have made 50 pips = 56.3 pips and not 500 pips.

Holding 10% amount for 500 pips is a completely different story as holding 90% for 500 pips and if you are a real trader you should know this.... I can hold 1 unit only showing 500 pips gain..... (hallo? anybody there?).

Or if I am showing 100 pips gain and my risk is 400 pips (not showed) seem I made a great deal but really....... I only made 0.25% risking 1% on 400 pips.

So if I want to be honest with the forum I should show the all picture including my initial risk and where I took partial profit and on what amount, otherwise I think is best not to show any, looks much better...........Only my view. I could be wrong, but no one is proving me wrong.....

Break time.

Do i really have to trawl thru this thread and point out where i said short etc? Do i really have to point out that consecutive green results ( check my add ons yesterday morning) mean a method with a high win rate?
Jesus wept
this is the impression im getting


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Do i really have to trawl thru this thread and point out where i said short etc? Do i really have to point out that consecutive green results ( check my add ons yesterday morning) mean a method with a high win rate?
Jesus wept

You do not have to cowboy, you just need to make a live call, otherwise you know where to stick your statements, you are a scam, the biggest one of all.
Yes Fugazy, you keep having the same exchange of opinion, that was my point.
I believe you were done here before too.
Anyway I wish you a great session and was also just having an opinion.

listen nick are you stupid or something? I never made a point on statements, if you look back at F post he gas brought me in saying " Where is Fug?"

You always get involved in something is not concern to you.....I already told you before if you cannot handle a conversation go to change your nappy..
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