Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Friday 17th January 2014

Morning Traders

A quick review around the European Open at 7.00am

EU - 11 hrs or so of a tight 15-20 pips range with price now at 3613. Need over 25 and 30 to be holding or taking more scalp buys - and if we drop under 3606 and 3602 then scalp sells again

GU - Price fell from yesterday high's to 6322 area with 6320 -25 offering supports Under 6345 still bearish - but need under 6315 to test the big number at 6300,

Above 40 and 46 - more scalp buys

UChf - Price at 9044 - under 9060 bearish - but needs another low under 9030 to be scalp selling more for big support number at 9000.

More to follow

Good Trading - have a good day - yes I will :)


AU - thought it might try 8840-50 - so far cannot get over 8830 - with high at 28. In a range from 8800 to 8830 - 30 pips and really for me its now a BT - as price can play in that area just tricking traders.

For me over 8790 and 8800 then should try R's again at 8830 and next ones by 50.

LT bias is still down - but needs under 8790 and low - to be scalp selling off again for 8750 and lower
In the half hr time window now for 7.30am - Cannot really recommend anything too strong atm - PA is messy on most pairs - so scalps short and quick and not advisable unless you are a pure scalper

GU is trying to turn up but unless over 40 and 45 - its still in its range

EU wants lower - but whilst above 3607 and 09 - still can bounce up again to try a LH at 15 -17 area
GU - not in as not made over 40 - but as EU falls - suddenly GU makes a 15+ pip fall with a couple of minutes - that one was nasty - shame I missed it but taken 70% off EU scalp sell at 98 - giving me 11 pips
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GU - it is a scalp sell again under 28 -30 - with low now 6317. No under 17 then it might be holding for a small turn up again. Carry on scalp selling as well under 6314 and 10
EU - the price action is so cunning here - we know under 3612 its still a sell - but - from 3600 and 04 its a scalp buy to try and take bears holding sells out or give them no profit on their sell.

Of course if it makes over 3612 and than stays over 3606 - it will turn up again - very cunning - and unless scalping - difficult to trade other than using 25 -50 pip stops - and by then the odds are already not so much in your favour ;-)
taken my 30% scalp sell stake off at 3604 as tend to think my 07 would go. Sod's law here now as out EU on sells and will only enter again under 3600 and 3594
Here today for London Open - but picked wrong day - as PA so far not that encouraging

Still if I cannot find a few good scalp trades - I would be very surprised ;-))
Gone with GU this time - made 29 - and I had said another sell under 28-30 - so scalp sold it and now taken 70% off at 19 - but keep 30% stop tight at 25

EU - yes under 3600 still a scalp sell
morning peter ------ jesus you are like a flicking robot , tell me something if its not to personal ----in your younger days were you a gang bang chap with many maidens ready and waiting at same time
Sitting twiddling my thumbs now - with 6 mins to next time window

Out all scalps - as PA still just playing up.

GU probably the most - as now done a full reversal back up again after a couple of LL's - although only over 20 -30 pips - this type of PA is just not easy - and so all you can do is scalp for 2-5 pips and be happy

Lets hope it changes at least by next hr
morning peter ------ jesus you are like a flicking robot , tell me something if its not to personal ----in your younger days were you a gang bang chap with many maidens ready and waiting at same time

You hit it on the head - did not marry until i was 32 yrs old - and between 18 and 30 was studying for a masters degree in the Kama Sutra :LOL:
End of 8.30 am time window

Conclusion - forgetting the crap PA - the EU and GU still seems bearish and Swissy bullish.

Trouble is you either hold with larger stop sizes - or keep scalping in and out

Not my favourite type of trading - so will just wait to next hr and carry on trying to collect a few 2-5 pips moves
Just looking at the calender - UK and Pound News at 9.30am and then 3 red US / dollar announcements later on in the afternoon

Enough there to get some proper movements ;-)
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