Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ouch ..........GBP is still stalling on the 1mins........but USd has gone bull on us ......


Yes - I am breaking my own rules here back in scalp selling GU / EU and AU still holding scalp sell from earlier

My time window ends in 4 mins - so will exit at least one ;-)
EU needs bounce to stay under 3607 - GU under 6382 and then will stay with 30% free trades - but would exit 30% if they are breached
Late 30 min break now for lunch - see you in the next hr

Hope you have had a good AM session ( yes I have ;-) )


Guessed the EU would play up (lol) - took me out the 30% free trade scalp at 3607 - still OK on GU and moved that stop down into more profit at 6357
GU at 6352 and looking as though it will test 55 and maybe 58. If in a scalp buy - take 70% off or lock some profit in - or just exit 100% and await the time window on the hr for next plan

Off out on school run collection along with another driving lesson for my daughter ( more scary than scalping any day ;-) )

See you later guys

I can understand them placing real accounts above demo accounts in the pecking order and any refunds or wrong charges should be sorted either same day or by end of next day.

They have got a problem with your demo account - and as you say don't seem to have resolved the issue at all - other than returning "talk"and acting as though they do care.

Try dukascopy or another broker with the LR feature - but remember on demo - entries / exits etc are not normally the same as on real accounts due to so many issues etc etc - thats why ideally you never scalp for less than 5 pips and your trade targets are ideally always above 7 or 10 pips + with as tight a stop as what you can work with.

Going back over 5 yrs ago - I could not work with 5 pip stops - always needed - 8-12 pips - for me to be safe - then after thousands of live trades you end up reading price more accurately and realise any move over 6 -8+ pips the wrong way - is another trade ;-)

GL with testing other brokers out - but remember your number 1 priority - ie taking 500 and then 1000 intraday short term trades and ending up with a success rate over 65% on batches of 100 all with stops under say 7 pips .

Everything else then can be sorted separately - and once you open a live account with over $5k + any broker will normally "act" etc etc - and want to keep you - rather than just lose you to somebody else - especially if they see you taking over 40 -60 trades per week ;-)


yes agreed. My focus should not be on these details but on getting more than 65% correct. The details can be sorted with a real account. It just bugs me and i cant get past it, so i'm letting it affect my trading and i need no distractions as this is hard enough without!

Very true MM

It's back to the "focus" and "in the zone mindset" again.

Think about it - you would not spend say £5K or £10k+ on a car or say specialist racing cycle if you could not drive - or ride a bike.

Make sure you can trade and make a profit fairly consistently - before worrying about all the dotting the i's and crossing the T's

Meanwhile it will be interesting to see their response to how they are resolving it - and to rub it in - tell them it's a shame that you will not be using them with a $20 / $30k + real account - their loss if they play games with prospective customers



PS - remember in this business - you will have to "moan" a lot with any broker to get what you want - another part of the game ;-)
Morning Traders

European Open and just gone 7.00 am on Thursday 16th January 2014

(I have made it bold to make it easier to find the start of my daily threads)

Quick update review

EU - Supports have held at the 3580-85 area and now EU as been bullish last 6 -7 hrs and trying to test R's at 3620 -30 area.

Above 3628 and 33 more scalp buys - or hold onto any you are in

Under 3614 and 11 scalp sells to test the big number at 3600

UChf - Peaked just over 9100 at 9104 - a LH to yesterdays 07

Bearish last6 -7 hrs and now hovering around 9075 -80 area. Under 70 more scalp sells for next Support area and back over 9087 and 9090 more scalp buys for a test again on the big round number - 9100.

GU - Messy - in a 30-40 pip range and really non directional atm over 6380 scalp buy land - under 6358 and 53 scalp sells

More to follow - but School Run - around next hr then

GL - and I will just be scalping next 30 mins and will let you know any ones that look they might make larger moves

EA / AU / EJ - will update later

Have a great day


Morning again

EU - I would like to scalp buy again ideally over 3590 but even down to 3587.

Under 3580 - yes would be looking at more scalp sell - and over 3616 - 20 - we know it will try up again

AU as been good last 9 hrs - shame its been in the Asian Session ;-)
With the AU having a 100 + pip fall last night - the EA as risen over 200 pips - ( yes over 300 pips up for bagging on just 2 pairs over Asian session - makes a change ;-)

So imagine these 2 are going to be slow now for a bit so need to check out the EJ and others more

No red news until lunchtime and then in US session

Looks like I need to get back to scalping for a few hrs - to at least get some pips in the kitty:)

Want to sell GU under 6350 again this hr if I can - let see how it moves next
EU at end of hr time window

It fell to just under 3600 and then bounced up from 98.

Now at a key price point - as over 3616 its turning up again - but under 14 - still under dynamic down trend line R

Keep scalp buying over 3606 and only scalp sell under 04 and 02
EU - not scalp sold here - but hope to be able to scalp buy again over 3610 /12 area

Over 26 might look at more scalp buys up to half hr
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