Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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cruising along now ......smooth eu market


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Bank Holiday Monday - May 4th 2015 - Approx 7 40 am

Good Morning fellow Intraday FX Traders

Not planning to do a normal day today - all depends on our weather for going out and if we get much movement either this morning or for the US Session after lunchtime.

Just starting and missed out already on the 6 30 am EU buy and the 7 21 / prefer 22/23am sell

Will do some updates and reviews after the LO and after say 8 15 am or so - by rights London should be closed today with the Bank Holiday - but Iets see what happens

Have a good day what ever you do.


cruising along now ......smooth eu market

Morning N

Excellent stuff - yes I have only taken one trade this morning as was not even going to bother until after either 8 or 9 00 am - but then thought may as well see whats happening

This EU sell from after 7 21 am for me is falling nice now - can it make under 11 75 and 60 ??

The EJ for me gives the price structure away better - but not jumped in that one for now

Going to just check ever 20 -30 mins today and might even forget about 10 00 am to 1 00 pm if very slow - and only do a 2 30 - 4 30 pm session if we dont go out

Have a good day


Morning N

Excellent stuff - yes I have only taken one trade this morning as was not even going to bother until after either 8 or 9 00 am - but then thought may as well see whats happening

This EU sell from after 7 21 am for me is falling nice now - can it make under 11 75 and 60 ??

The EJ for me gives the price structure away better - but not jumped in that one for now

Going to just check ever 20 -30 mins today and might even forget about 10 00 am to 1 00 pm if very slow - and only do a 2 30 - 4 30 pm session if we dont go out

Have a good day



and you .............g0ing better and better for me (y)
8 18 am


Now down at 1158/59

My cut off on sells is 78 now

Will do an update on a few pairs after 8 30 am

Very nice morning so far - wished I had bothered earlier on - as markets being kind and easy so far :))
8 40 am ish

EU - need now under 1155 and 50 for further falls down to a possible 1120 and 1100 -05 area

Cut off on sells is still around 1177 /78 for me atm

Its been a nice 60 pip sell in just over last hour or so - not got all of them as late joining the party


Similar again after 7 21 / 7 30 am approx 50 pip fall

Supports at 5120 / 25 for now - down price session under 5150/ 60 area


Again similar to EU - dropped 60+ pips after 7 21 am - joined that part again late - but now near 134 00 big number support area


Bullish for me atm above 9300


Bullish above 119 90 - 120 area


Bearish under 7920 and 7900 this morning

Will pop back in next hour or so - to see if any big changes
9 23 pm

Slow - but very nice

EU made so far 1136/37 and my cut off on a 30% sell with stop in profit is now 59

I am not going to be taking many scalps today - In fact the EU and EJ have already got me over my 50 pip daily target - although not normal money targets as most of pips just on lower stake sizes

EJ in total as dropped 90 pips from 7 21 am - joined the party late but still a sell on bounces staying under 134 00 / 05 with supports 75/80

GL back some time after 10 15 am
10 50 am Update

After 10 21 and 10 30 am - again more falls on EU and EJ

I have more supports at 1120 / 25 and under there 1106 / 1100


So far cannot get under 133 70 with supports from 133 60 to 70.

Also still not tried back over 134 00 - so still in down mode until a supports holds it
8 40 am ish

EU - need now under 1155 and 50 for further falls down to a possible 1120 and 1100 -05 area

Cut off on sells is still around 1177 /78 for me atm


Similar again after 7 21 / 7 30 am approx 50 pip fall

Supports at 5120 / 25 for now - down price session under 5150/ 60 area


10 52 am

Still cannot make under 5120 for now - but trying and still a sell under 5145 ish

We need bounces of at least 15 pips on both to see any try of a turn

10 59 / 11 00 am was a scalp buy on both - but you would be lucky to make 5 pip or 10 pips in total off both of them so far

10 52 am

Still cannot make under 5120 for now - but trying and still a sell under 5145 ish


11 30 am

Now down at 5103/5 area

If we do breach under 5100 and 5095 - then next supports as 5075 and 40/45 area

For a turn up - scalp wise just need above 5116 but then would need to see back over 27 and 35 to stay with any scalp buys

Back after midday
12 10 pm


Looks as though the 1120 / 25 support area is holding for now

The bounce finally got over 15 + pips - but the real test would be can it make over 1150 / 60 next ?

Also on EJ - 133 70 / 75 supports holding for now

Can the EJ get next over 134 10 though ??

1 11 PM

PrIce was higher after 12 39 and 12 51pm than 12 30 pm - and along with LR's and PA you could have scalp bought anytime after 12 51 pm and 1 00 pm

1150 / 60 is the barrier next

1 11 PM

PrIce was higher after 12 39 and 12 51pm than 12 30 pm - and along with LR's and PA you could have scalp bought anytime after 12 51 pm and 1 00 pm

1150 / 60 is the barrier next

1 29 pm

EU -

Price now at 1161 / 62 and with no news at 1 30 pm we still might get pullbacks before 1170

EJ is same as EU and was also a scalp buy after 1 00 pm again

1 47pm

Work this one out

Under 1170/73 - its a scalp sell

Above 1153/55 - its a scalp buy

Then the 30 min rule - we might end up in a BTTZ next unless we gather more bulls for over 1180+ or the bears take control and we drop under 1150 again


Back next hour
hey all .......made my target a while back for the day .............

now being told I must go and see some friends for a drink under threat of death from wife

cheers all
2 42pm

Back in a range on many pairs again now

Finished now - but will have a look again after 4 00 pm and back to normal tomorrow and rest of week

GL and see you later


hey all .......made my target a while back for the day .............

now being told I must go and see some friends for a drink under threat of death from wife

cheers all

Hi N

Similar situation lol

Not a bad morning / early afternoon

Off out myself and will check again later on today

Enjoy and don't get too tipsy lol

Tuesday 5th May 2015 - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

6 30 am was a scalp sell for me on the EU - but 1128 - 32 is a interim support area for now

As all the followers of this thread know I normally start trading after 6 15 am with 6 21 am / 6 30 / 6 51 and 7 00/1 am all possibilities if all my clues line up with a Key Time.

The thing is - its not just one pair I look at - and so ,any times I can line up 2 or 3 pairs to scalp at the same time and this morning the EJ was a better scalp sell from 6 20 / 21 am which was not quite ideal with the EU

Normal stuff - updates and quick reviews along with levels to look for intraday trades on the 4 -7 key pairs - all depending on the news of the session and of course the relative PA's

All FX intraday contributions welcome

Have a good day


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