Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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0845 TO 0915 we began to morph suggest the morning may be dominated by a challenge to the bearish overall longer term structure,
12.40 high of early morning challenged unsuccessfully and by 14.40 ish it had tried with medium overbought character to break 1.0853
NOW the interesting bit: 15 25 price was unable to go lower despite medium overbought nature, combined with a morph of longer structure to bullish at precisely that moment( on my settings)
is this correct F?
today was bitty but did well


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0845 TO 0915 we began to morph suggest the morning may be dominated by a challenge to the bearish overall longer term structure,
12.40 high of early morning challenged unsuccessfully and by 14.40 ish it had tried with medium overbought character to break 1.0853
NOW the interesting bit: 15 25 price was unable to go lower despite medium overbought nature, combined with a morph of longer structure to bullish at precisely that moment( on my settings)
is this correct F?


Yes - would basically agree with you on times and levels - although had a bit of a surprise it made nearly 0950 - thought it would peak before news tonight at under 0930 and drop to 0880 / 90 again

Price structure - afternoon US session is still bullish on EU above 0850 / 65 area

Not been bothering to much this afternoon - as had a great early session - and not planning to trade after 8 pm - but might have a look

Enjoy your break if you are away next week - and yet again more consistent results - even during the slow times - Well Done


Monday 30th March 2015 - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Start of a new Month this week and just a couple of days left of March to remember it by.

Not much on the calender for a start today - but interesting on Friday when the UK and a lot of other countries have a Bank Holiday and our markets will be closed - whilst in the US - its NFP day - normally a busy one

Normal stuff - quick reviews on 5 -8 pairs or so - key interim levels for possible changes and many trades calls and ideas what might be happening next

All FX Intraday traders are welcome to join in and all questions and queries etc also welcome.

Have a good day



Since Friday afternoon / evening and under 0900 and 0880 the EU is bearish - with price falling and a low so far of 0850

Price atm 0861 and a scalp buy after 6 30 and 6 39 am

6 44 am

First R's t 68 to 75 areas and then we might want to look for a scalp sell - as really we need back over 0880 and 0900 for a turn being tried and for price structure to be turning bullish afain

Under 0860 and 0850 favours more scalp sells
6 47 am

For now the scalp structures are similar to the EU on the GU / AU / EJ atm - but being a Monday only gone with the EU for a start
I am thinking - on all the 4 pairs I have mentioned - they all have R areas in the next 5 -10 pips and so if they do turn and become scalp sells - ideally after the hour change - i will look at scalp selling at least 2 pairs
Looks like the AU as been the nicest mover since 6 30 am - that moved up 16 pips - most have done 9 -11 pips and my EU I am in 11 pips and I am going to exit now 100% stake between 72 and 74

6 54am

That became the first as a clear scalp sell - falling after 6 51 am - already down 13 pips and have caught 6 pips of that fall

GU similar fall - but EJ and EU slightly different - and so not jumped in scalp sells on those 2 for now
6 58 am

its also worth noting the 30 min rule as held on the interim lows on the 4 pairs - and so that favours the lows holding at least next 20+ mins and even trying higher
The AU is the weaker pair for now - but saying that its low as held since 6 09 am - so another 10 mins and that might try lower again - if it goes out of sync with EU etc
UChf / Swissy

7 01 am

Whilst the others have been trying to get price rising - we have seen a 18 pip fall on the UChf from 6 30 am TW

We do have supports around the big round number at 9600 and first bounce from 9608
GU and AU falls have been fine - but wisely ignored EU and EJ - as already mentioned - they look slightly stronger and their prices are not pulling back as much as AU and GU

7 07 am

First pair to make a new low and the drop from 7 00 am is now 30 pips - and yes - in that

Similar AU just been down 12 pips now
I have exited the GU - left none on but will review it again - The fall was quick - ie 34 pips in 6 mins and i got 23 pips out of it

7 10 am

Also out 100% - it dropped 12 pips and i exited with 7 pips net - - had put priority on GU scalp sell - as that pair is normally a big mover - and it actually surprised me that it went 20 + pip under the previous low on its break out
7 14 am

Whilst i was selling the GU and AU over last 10 mins or so - the EU and EJ have carried on up - and not in either

EU now made briefly 0881 - but back at 73 ( were I had exited scalp buy) - above 69 it still favours more scalp buys atm

EJ - so far made 129 68 - from 6 30 am low at 44. - not got one pip on that buy - but done OK on EU / GU and AU so far this morning
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