Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Under 5275/ 80 supports and still trying lower at 69

Would need a bounce over 5296 to get me holding any scalp buys on longer than just for 3 -7 pips
It been a good 70 mins or so - with a lot of action going on - especially after 3 00 pm news

I am dog walking early before 4 pm and will be back later on to check how things have turned out

Not leaving anything on - so if the EU / GU / EJ / UCad all drop another 20 -50 pips I will miss out - but its been good to me so no complaints

Stay focused

See you later

interesting chart.
You don't trade F's method anymore? (No LR's etc)

yes i do trade F method.
to be clear, i love harmonics and andrews, but they are of little use when using an m1 chart and F method, and in fact can muddy the waters. for instance, if a PRZ ( potential reversal zone) , as defined by the widest fibs in a confluent area, is 30 pips wide, that means a large stop and one trade for harmonic traders. the potential, however, for many trades within that area off an m1 chart is immense in comparison. if the zone is very relevant, you might witness all day stop hunting in that area as distribution/ accumulation occurs before the breakout or failed breakout ( OR FAILED FAILED BREAKOUT)
ps my long punt was -26pips, but on only a fifth normal stake.
Thursday 5th March 2015 - Pre European Open

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Yes before i start - scalp sells on EU and EJ from 6 00 am and in my case from 6 30 am have started me off and in both cases after 10 and 12 pips down to 30% stakes

Early morning can be very nice from 6 00 am - but I rarely start before 6 15 am - giving myself 5 - 10 mins maximum to go through quickly my main pairs.

Another busy day news wise - and remember also tomorrow we have NFP day as well

Normal stuff this morning - not out until after 8 40am then in and about most of the day.

Please feel free to join in with your own thoughts and views on any currency pairs - and please only copy me once you fully understand how I interday trade etc

Have a good day and make sure you check the calender

All the best


EU - E J

Now 6 51 am

Sells for me at 6 30 am and then both scalp buys after 6 41am from lows

Normally the EJ will move more than EU but not much in it this morning so far
Main pairs i am covering will be the EU / EJ / GU / AU / Ucad / UJ and will today check out the EA and UChf at various times.

I do like to pair them up - ie EU / GU / AU normally will be moving in the same direction - with the UCad / UChf and even the UJ should normally be moving oppositely maybe 70 - 85% of the time

Yen crosses can be different - generally the EJ and UJ will be moving in the same direction dominated by Yen weakness or strength - rather than just the dollar
We need to keep an eye on the 30 min rule from both 6 39 am and 6 41 am on EU / EJ and from 6 25 and 6 30 am on the AU and GU - with the UCad and UJ highs from 6 16 and 6 30 am on the UJ
We have seen dollar strength during most of the Asian session - but that as waived last hour and although the UJ / UCad and even UChf are in bullish session price structures based on last 6 -7 hrs or so - all have them have pulled back and been scalp sell after 6 00 and 6 21 am
7 10 am


Not been trading this pair since last year - but it can be such a nice mover its another pair to keep an eye on

I have preferred the EU and EJ this morning so far - but notice from end of 6 30 am TW at 6 39 / 6 40 am low the EA as now risen exactly 20 pips

Meanwhile my EU and EJ buys both only up 13 /14 pips

7 13 am

Not traded it as flat from 6 30 am at a low in a 10 -12 pip range

Need under 5220 for more scalp sells - or ovder 5233 for scalp buys

7 20 am

I have been in EU and EJ buys from after 6 40 am - but whats interesting is whilst those pairs have been rising we have also the UCad from 7 09 am - end of hr TW also rise

Not in that scalp buy - but its just made another new morning high at 2449 - and as risen 14 pips from after the EO time window
7 26 am


woke up and joined action after 7 21 am

Now over 5233 - and made 5241/2

Still a buy on pullbacks staying above 5230
I dont plan to chase scalps for say just 3-5 pips - as no need to atm - but i would if I had not already got some nice pips already in the kitty
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