Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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hey all

heres the usd today ..........a few big turning interestingly on the 30 min or hour time window or within 5 mins .....



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I don't think I will be around in the morning - meeting my daughter at her uni in Nottingham for a breakfast appointment and dropping off some her clothes she had forgotten to take.

Will be an expensive meeting for me ( ;-) ) - in more ways than just missed trading opportunities - but not seen her for a few weeks so looking forward to a bit of family time out etc etc

Cannot see me back before lunch - but notice only missing one red news announcement with more important ones at 3 00 pm and 4 30 pm etc - so might be on the later shift

Have a good AM session and see you later on


Wednesday 25th February 2015 - 6 35 am UK Time

Good Morning

Sorry not around this morning - had to pop over to Nottingham

Hope to be back around Lunchtime onwards - so the afternoon / evening shift for me today

Just had a quick look before I leave and notice EU had just made 1354 so far

Above 1335 and 40 the price structure looks bullish and so really it now might try higher if the dollar weakness stay around withe the Ucad under 2520 and 2500 and the UJ staying under 119 10 area.

All changes if these areas are breached

Good Luck - and stay focused at opens

See you later


Hi there

12 45 pm and I was back for 12 20 pm - earlier than I thought .

First scalp - a sell on the GU from 12 38 /39 pm at 5489

Need under 75 and 65 to stay with it - as we are entering a support area

Down to 30% stake at 83 after a 81/2 low - I need it to stay under my entry and try now under 5480

Back up over 92 - another ballgame
EG - thats what my chart looks like... all that work for 13 pips hah


Well the good point - its a win - but its been slow from what I can see on many pairs this morning - - but off your chart I can see at least 3 or 4 trades in last 2 hrs - but as you say - you still would not have made say 30 or 40 pips off it

Going to check out main pairs next - get the feeling we are awaiting 3pm and 4 30 pm news

Glad I have been out from what I can see - hardly a big pip morning session - although GU looks OK

Have a good US session



12 59 pm

Ideally want to look at scalp buys in the 5360 area now

It got under 75 and 70 - and I missed that last part.

Getting under 60 / 63 area might be more difficult

1 01pm

Made 1388 this morning and since been falling

1330 -35 might be test now with supports that might give us some scalp buy opportunities

Might have jumped it too early on a scalp buy

5366 the low so far - but supports more 60 / 63

We need to see a bounce over 78 and 83 to hold a scalp buy on longer than for just say 2-5 pips
Yeah you are right, there were many chances to scalp a few pips up and down but I left it for a little longer because slow day today andddd that terrible spread today and commission on EG doesn't make it easy :(

Hope you make up for the morning soon ;)

1 12pm

Did not jump in EU scalp buy from 1 00 pm

Instead was in the GU - so added the EJ from 83 and doing the same as GU taking of 70% at 10 pips and leaving 30% on above 84 now
Yeah you are right, there were many chances to scalp a few pips up and down but I left it for a little longer because slow day today andddd that terrible spread today and commission on EG doesn't make it easy :(

Hope you make up for the morning soon ;)

Cheers DL

I hope I can get my target in before the 4 30 pm news - but if I have to carry on past 6 00 pm or so - I will - as its only half a day for me

Yes its a shame its been slow - will say though GU as looked very tradeable this morning - will post a chart with some TW opportunities in a bit
A bit annoyed with myself that I missed the UCad scalp buy after 12 21 - 12 30 and 12 39 pm

Now if i had bagged that pair instead of sells on GU - it moved up nearly 40 pips in 30 mins

Shame - but then all part of the game - sometimes you need 2 brains and 4 eyes ;-)
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