Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 30 am

Now made 133 40

Will get that chart posted on journal after this TW

That's my target done now

But dont worry - staying on for most of day

8 30 am

Now made 133 40

Will get that chart posted on journal after this TW

That's my target done now

But dont worry - staying on for most of day

jees mate ....these days youve always finished before the bacon sarnies .....:LOL:.
ok heading off as got to do some stuff .......I see I can still call the usd pretty well ..........a little more practice needed (always)

back later hopefully ....................keep F in check ..........we don't want the guvnor back in the sin bin again :)

jees mate ....these days youve always finished before the bacon sarnies .....:LOL:.


Guessed it might have been a busy Monday morning - and also lucky - no school run .

Main earners for me

GU and EJ

EU was just cream on the cake ;-))

Over to journal with EJ chart now
8 57am

Will be back after 9 15 am or so prior to UK Pound news at 9 30 am

Posted the EJ chart on journal

Day done - will allow 15 pips of stops maximum to carry on through the day - that could be anything from just 3 to 5 bad trades before I stop - so can relax and just cherry pick from now on
9 20 am


Updated my chart on other journal

Have exited my last 30% stake sell at 5034 after a 5030 low as dont want to be in for news
9 27 am

GU news in 3 mins

Price at 5048 atm - still bearish in structure under 65 and 74 - but will low now last over 30 mins from posting ??

9 35am

That's been a great example of a manipulated set up

ie sell off a few hrs prior news - and then at news - back to buys

Price so far made 5076 and I am out scalp buys totally - but will look for more if pullbacks stay above 52/54 area

9 39 am

Came out both 70% AND 30% stakes on buy too early - its kept going and now topped at 5087

What a con - still - cannot complain - any profit all adds up and more green pips in the kitty

Back for next TW
Good morning Peter, hope the rest has re-charged your batteries, if Ok with you, I will post a few charts with my view after you have posted yours, just a way to highlight to posters, that there is more than one way to identify a trade, eg: by our own admissions, you like complex detail, by my need to be as simple as possible.

First one GU.


  • gu fomo.bmp
    1.4 MB · Views: 75
Good morning Peter, hope the rest has re-charged your batteries, if Ok with you, I will post a few charts with my view after you have posted yours, just a way to highlight to posters, that there is more than one way to identify a trade, eg: by our own admissions, you like complex detail, by my need to be as simple as possible.

First one GU.

Morning Dinos / Rob

You are always welcome - no problem

I know you like simplicity - but i think you have been trading that long that really what you see as simple - maybe quite complex to newer traders - especially with your filtering and PA reading

Still i welcome all FX Intraday traders and hope you have a great day and February is an excellent trading month for you


GU after news - notice TW's and KT's

GU - 1 min LR chart with KT's for scalps



  • GU - 20215 NEWS effect.png
    GU - 20215 NEWS effect.png
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10 28


Nearly 30 mins and no breach of 10 02 am interim low at 5008

Not scalp bought - just came out of sell at 10 00 am and getting ready to pop out

Got to go to Dentist's ;-(((( - ugh

Will be back after Midday I reckon - I hope

See you later

GL and stay focused etc
10 28


Nearly 30 mins and no breach of 10 02 am interim low at 5008

Not scalp bought - just came out of sell at 10 00 am and getting ready to pop out

Got to go to Dentist's ;-(((( - ugh

Will be back after Midday I reckon - I hope

See you later

GL and stay focused etc

My take on this trade


  • fxmo gu 2.bmp
    722.7 KB · Views: 72
here is my last trade: a BOPB. risk 5 made 5.

tough day for me, made a few mistakes. I am at BE and will close soon.


  • 4th trade.png
    4th trade.png
    21 KB · Views: 72
Hi guys - back now with 2 fillings - lucky I suppose ;-(

Hiya Fugazsy - EU was not that easy - but GU was after 7 am UK time and also EJ been good

Dinos - i reckon on GU - we have some supports from 5005 to 10 keeping us from falling further

For me from 11 39 am - 5010 ( I was not here then ) it was a scalp buy again but without going over 5040 - I cannot look at holding buys on again
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