Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I for one don't expect miracles, let alone spoon feeding, just proof you're for real, proven with live calls, THEN we'd be motivated to learn your techniques. Does that sound fair? It's simple proof we want from your live calls, not to use them as our business plan, we don't want to just eat people's fish and never learn how to catch fish ourself, that would be an unsustainable trading strategy.

How about a suggestion, that you give the type of live calls people give on the main live calls thread, live & CLEAR (Short dax 9785, -20 SL), not kind of live but not, like on some of your posts, then if your win rates are good you'd make people trust you, and get fewer doubting posts. The fact that quite a few people are raising these doubts show that at least you're not being clear enough, so if you're legit, let this be our feedback on your posts.

I'm still new to this forum so I'm happy to be proven wrong, I don't know you, this is just how it looks from a fresh perspective.

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Yes, you do expect miracles man... who are you kidding?

Your first sentence is already idiotic - you WILL be motivated to learn a techniques only after it meets your "requirements (proofs, live calls, etc.)". You have already lost man - you should be motivated to do something before starting and not after "looking at it for a while for proofs and then thinking ahh ok I will be motivated now". You have lost before the game has even started man.

There are 3470 pages in this thread... how about you read each of them or at least a few of them (like MANY, including myself, have done) and after that we can talk about proofs and all your requirements. F has already told about his technical details of trades a million times (SL, limits, stakes, TW, etc., etc.). What effort have you done to understand any of it? There is no CLEAR in FX - there are clues, and those who follow something for a while begin to understand.

Those other posts where noobs want clear information and details before or within a minute of placing a trade is just retarded. There are insane number of factors, things change on tick charts and the only priority for ANYONE during first 1-2-3 minutes of placing a trade is analysing if the trade is good. Anyone who prioritises posting CLEAR information for all kinds of people (experience, skill level, education, etc.) to understand will be living with Red Cross in a few days.

If you want learn something, get a few months of education and experience elsewhere and start following this thread. After that you can think of seeing green pips.
Yes, you do expect miracles man... who are you kidding?

Your first sentence is already idiotic - you WILL be motivated to learn a techniques only after it meets your "requirements (proofs, live calls, etc.)". You have already lost man - you should be motivated to do something before starting and not after "looking at it for a while for proofs and then thinking ahh ok I will be motivated now".

Well derr, how do you think people get scammed? By taking action without proof that what they're learning/buying is legit, and trust strangers at face-value on the internet who aren't proving their claims very think people should read hundreds of pages of his threads when his trading success already looks unclear? That's a risky investment. I understand he's not selling anything but he still could still be a forum fraud blowing his own horn for all we know.

And I don't know what's so hard about proving himself, the main live calls thread is full of people proving they're legit with successful CLEAR live calls, all I'm asking is he does the same like they do. There would be much less of a problem.
Live , Calls and Expert , should be taken down from the title ... endex .
That's the problem with all mainstream people... "its a risky investment" Of course it is man, everything in this world in a risky investment. Its your job to spend some time to understand what's real and what's fake... even if it means reading 3470 pages. If you aren't prepared to do that and expect some short-cut method of understanding things then you will end up learning the hard way. Who are the people who get scammed? The people who have spent hours/days/months investigating something or the naabs who believe everything and everyone without researching anything?

trade2windows man before you call someone a simpleton why don't you read your post once again (or most of your 134 posts) and estimate the maximum number of neurons you yourself have... :D
That's the problem with all mainstream people... "its a risky investment" Of course it is man, everything in this world in a risky investment. Its your job to spend some time to understand what's real and what's fake... even if it means reading 3470 pages. If you aren't prepared to do that and expect some short-cut method of understanding things then you will end up learning the hard way. Who are the people who get scammed? The people who have spent hours/days/months investigating something or the naabs who believe everything and everyone without researching anything?

Okay, let me change "it's a risky investment" with "it's a reckless investment" to read 3470 pages when he has yet to prove his success rate like the other forumers here have. If he proves his legitimacy, THEN it's worth investing time reading 3,000+ pages. That's all we're asking, and it's not very much.
I have just come back to read more cr*p from my T2W old thick "club"

Absolute rubbish they post about this thread - but i will not let them get away with it - i will just go through all the FACTS again - and again - and again - to make them look idiots

No disrespect to you myattitude - I will give you the benefit of the doubt - and not say you are another multi nic - who just keep coming back for more dissing - I will keep you separate to the other idiots - who just keep losing this battle every day and every month.

In a nutshell - I joined and was not made welcome on another thread approximately 13/14 months ago

1 - the standard was low - and most FX traders used 25 -40 pip stops with static dead analysis with maybe a 50 /50 win ratio.

2. I started my own thread and was accused of being a crooked vendor - a Mr D Robinson - A guy I had never heard of - well they got that wrong

3. I was told I would not last a month and that I could not keep making calls every day and blogging etc etc. They got that wrong as well - piece of cake with my experience

4. I then attracted interest - and some of the other old school left - and many blamed me etc etc. Trouble was the FX Intraday trading was that bad - I could not make it any worse.

5. They then over 9 months ago try their best to get me banned and also to try and rubbish everything I say. That was a laugh - as they were fairly pathetic.

6. More "pincer movements" attacks by a group of about 5 -8 "losers" - with the exception of Tar - one of the ring leaders - for some reason he just does not want any traders giving too much away - and its so obvious.

7. Trouble is - I love dealing with dissers and haters - and so with my brains and skills - I can drive them around the wall - like I will with this live call lark. They use the weapons of keep saying rubbish about a method or a member - and other people will believe it - the drip / drip effect etc etc

At least 20+ other members here know this and thank you dearlife1989 for coming to my assistance tonight. -

8. I taught another member here over a period of 8 months my method ( Major Magnum). Since learning it he has put a 3000% increase on a demo account in just over 10 days - with a 80% win ratio and stops all under 7 pips - with very low drawdowns.

9. Live account - he has twice done 27%_+ gains in a day with over 20 trades and a 75%+ win ratio using again small stops under 7 pips and stake size under 2% etcetc

To check these out -see page 2719 - thread no - 27185 - page 2678 - thread 26777 and maybe 10 other posts with LIve results by Major Magnum. Some of the idiots here thought he must be the expert and I was just the front man - of course yet again - they are wrong again - We even got accused of being the same person - YES WRONG AGAIN

I admit my method is complex and need loads of study commitment and really is only suitable for at least intermediate traders for a start. I do not recommend it for newbie etc

So basically - I am a victim of a old boy hate campaign - and does it bother me - no - I will carry running rings around them - and make them look - what they are - pretty pathetic.

If i was you Myattitude - make your own mind up over the next month or so

By the way - you cannot make calls with 5 pip stops well in advance - normally you need to leave it to within 3 mins of the price being in the correct price zone for a change. That why you get so many guessers and fortune tellers hoping 50 - 100 pip stops will keep them in a trade and if it goes wrong - then its a day or two later and nobody notices.

By having large stops - you get small RR results

So one of my scalps making 16 pips in 15 mins is worth a RR of 3 - exactly the same result - even money wise as a trader with a 50 pip stop making a winning 151 pips trade - although that might take 2 or 3 days and is not efficient .

Nobody tells you this stuff - only real retail experts who dont need to see anything to stay in the game.

There is not many of us about and if you find another FX intraday expert trader - let me know . By the way I am not a "Master trader" - as my expertise does not stretch to position trading or long term swing trading etc - just short term retail FX Intraday is my forte


Live , Calls and Expert , should be taken down from the title ... endex .


Do me a favour please

You are welcome to make any live Fx calls on this thread - with any size stops - when you want - no problem

However any more comments about changing the title again - and you are banned from this thread and any new one I start on T2W

If you think you cannot be banned from my thread - then that's fine - i will just follow your comments on other threads and complete "diss " you and I will find it very easy to wind you up.

Its your choice - but dont play with an EXPERT - :D

Leave it to the other chumps

Good Trading to you


Okay, I guess we'll have to see.

I'm an intermediate trader so can hold my own some, I just want proof like on the main live calls thread, is that too much to ask? I'm not saying call it well in advance, call it just after you placed the bet (Short dax 9785, -20 SL), but before the result has closed. That's all I'm asking right now. Can you do that? I'd love you to be legit, I have no wish to find out you're not.
Everything except the red should be taken away
Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader


You are funny - so you can keep your entertainment going - anybody would think you were a Tar multi nic - but your are not - I know you - you are from the "rent a disser" mob - 10 a penny - but useless against me

Good Trading - stick to that and you might end up good ( with help off Tar )

Okay, let me change "it's a risky investment" with "it's a reckless investment" to read 3470 pages when he has yet to prove his success rate like the other forumers here have. If he proves his legitimacy, THEN it's worth investing time reading 3,000+ pages. That's all we're asking, and it's not very much.

Here we go again.... YOU have to make the effort and decide if its worth it or not. You cannot DEMAND someone to prove his legitimacy without reading any of the 3000+ pages and only THEN get motivated or decide its worth investing time to read so many pages. Once you start your FX education you will be able to tell whats real and whats not. And in fact, it would be more 'reckless' to get a "few proofs" and accept to follow a method instead of trying to learn what's out there.

I also suggest you take up F's offer of making up your mind within a month or so (meanwhile you can also spend time on your other 'highly-legitimate' ideas regarding FX - so it will be a win-win situation for you)

The reason I am defending this thread a bit is because EVEN IF F is a MEGA SCAMMER/CON ARTIST/FRAUDSTER etc. and this entire thread is fake, as a result of the time and energy I spent on learning FX AND following this thread for a few months I went from meganoob to noob++/med level. On some days I can safely get net 30-40 green pips, so if you are beginner I suggest you zip it and start to focus what you are really here to do.
Okay, I guess we'll have to see.

I'm an intermediate trader so can hold my own some, I just want proof like on the main live calls thread, is that too much to ask? I'm not saying call it well in advance, call it just after you placed the bet (Short dax 9785, -20 SL), but before the result has closed. That's all I'm asking right now. Can you do that? I'd love you to be legit, I have no wish to find out you're not.

Personally, I think that is fair. Instrument,direction and SL.
Okay, I guess we'll have to see.

I'm an intermediate trader so can hold my own some, I just want proof like on the main live calls thread, is that too much to ask? I'm not saying call it well in advance, call it just after you placed the bet (Short dax 9785, -20 SL), but before the result has closed. That's all I'm asking right now. Can you do that? I'd love you to be legit, I have no wish to find out you're not.

I am me

Expert retail FX Intraday trader - with 13 yrs of experience - now 7 years full time - I dont sell any courses or dvds or books or any other "cr*p" - I just make 10 - 20 intraday short term trades every day in any conditions all with 3- 7 pip stops and 7 to 25+ pip targets with a target of 50 pips - but I dont stop when I get there

Some days I might make 9 trades - get 8 correct and be over target

Other days I might take 17 trades - get 5 wrong and struggle to hit target

Odd days like July 4th 2013 - ( Independence day US bank holiday) I made 24 calls over the day and made 407 or 409 ( forget ) pips - in the day

I am not the best in the World on the retail side - but easy in top 5% in terms of % results and performance

Am I bothered what you or others may think ?...... Not really

Why do I blog ? Intraday trading is boring after many years full time - I need pressure to perform - and blogging keeps me in my trading zone.

I would probably stop every day after 2-4 hrs if I did not blog - so it actually helps me focus and perform in my zone

I am not an alert service - I dont like new traders who think its easy and you can get rich in a year or two - I tell it like it is - its bloody difficult - until you have gained all the skill set you need - including a tough skin and mindset

Hope that helps


Here we go again.... YOU have to make the effort and decide if its worth it or not. You cannot DEMAND someone to prove his legitimacy without reading any of the 3000+ pages and only THEN get motivated or decide its worth investing time to read so many pages. Once you start your FX education you will be able to tell whats real and whats not. And in fact, it would be more 'reckless' to get a "few proofs" and accept to follow a method instead of trying to learn what's out there.

I also suggest you take up F's offer of making up your mind within a month or so (meanwhile you can also spend time on your other 'highly-legitimate' ideas regarding FX - so it will be a win-win situation for you)

The reason I am defending this thread a bit is because EVEN IF F is a MEGA SCAMMER/CON ARTIST/FRAUDSTER etc. and this entire thread is fake, as a result of the time and energy I spent on learning FX AND following this thread for a few months I went from meganoob to noob++/med level. On some days I can safely get net 30-40 green pips, so if you are beginner I suggest you zip it and start to focus what you are really here to do.

Reading 3000+ pages to find out if someone is legit or not isn't an acceptable investment of our efforts. I've read about a dozen so far, and so far it's been very ambiguous and proof thin on the ground, and clearly I'm not the only one who thinks so.

So if he is legit, he should take this as constructive feedback, that he's not being clear like the people on the main thread are.
I am me

Expert retail FX Intraday trader - with 13 yrs of experience - now 7 years full time - I dont sell any courses or dvds or books or any other "cr*p" - I just make 10 - 20 intraday short term trades every day in any conditions all with 3- 7 pip stops and 7 to 25+ pip targets with a target of 50 pips - but I dont stop when I get there

Some days I might make 9 trades - get 8 correct and be over target

Other days I might take 17 trades - get 5 wrong and struggle to hit target

Odd days like July 4th 2013 - ( Independence day US bank holiday) I made 24 calls over the day and made 407 or 409 ( forget ) pips - in the day

I am not the best in the World on the retail side - but easy in top 5% in terms of % results and performance

Am I bothered what you or others may think ?...... Not really

Why do I blog ? Intraday trading is boring after many years full time - I need pressure to perform - and blogging keeps me in my trading zone.

I would probably stop every day after 2-4 hrs if I did not blog - so it actually helps me focus and perform in my zone

I am not an alert service - I dont like new traders who think its easy and you can get rich in a year or two - I tell it like it is - its bloody difficult - until you have gained all the skill set you need - including a tough skin and mindset

Hope that helps



Honestly, I'm sorry to say that it doesn't I'm afraid, you just wrote a biography.

Again: after you place a bet, say "Short dax 9785, -20 SL". That's all. Do that a few times a day and you will:

a) Get people wanting to learn from you, how you do it, and read your 3000+ pages.
b) Get a LOT LESS grief than what you're getting from people on here.

I think those are 2 good reasons to do real live calls, if only for a month or so, if you don't want to remain a trade alert service.
Personally F makes a lot of sense in money management and I know it because my MM is a bit similar, I will not risk more than 5 pips and it is quickly trailed above/below the trigger bar. He also has good insight about it.

Regarding the way he trades, it does not make any sense to me, but still it is his way and good luck to him.

No sure if F. is for real, yes he is not selling anything but he can have hidden motivations.

To me is not clear why is not making a live call and the fact that he is hiding behind many of his interpretations of it does not make it clearer and make it more dubious.

I am starting to feel that he will not make any because he is not able to and I hope I am wrong.
Reading 3000+ pages to find out if someone is legit or not isn't an acceptable investment of our efforts. I've read about a dozen so far, and so far it's been very ambiguous and proof thin on the ground, and clearly I'm not the only one who thinks so.

So if he is legit, he should take this as constructive feedback, that he's not being clear like the people on the main thread are.

Man if reading 3000+ (you wont need that many anyways) is not an acceptable investment then you can 'invest' your time in something totally different e.g. working at McDonalds etc.

A very simple example today by F:

2 54 pm

Whilst scalp buying the EJ and UJ - it looks as though the EU should pullback under 1845-58 area

So many pairs out of sync - but if they move more than 3 pips + - they can be scalped


3 23pm

25 mins or so after comment above

Price topped at 1845 and at 3 00 pm onwards was a scalp sell under 1843

Price now 1826 after a 24 low so far

Either exit completely or leave part stake on with stop in profit at say 38 area

Many were watching EU at that time, including myself... and I had similar feelings about this event too because of many clues resulting in some nice green pips....
Personally, I think that is fair. Instrument,direction and SL.

Hi Fugazsy

Unfortunately - to trade with a tight stop - 3-7 pips - so to get best risk to reward and make more money and more trades per day - You just cannot make calls 10 - 30 mins in advance and be spot on with entry

Many might say - well why dont you trade with a 15 -20 pips stop

Answer - its a completely different method then and my win ratios might actual decrease and my results would go down

I need for my method stops as tight as possible

I need to be out of any trade even if at minus 4 or 6 - never mind allowing 20 pips

I can afford to enter even twice or 3 times if my timing is wrong

You cant with 20 pips stops

Nobody will explain this correctly - but the key on my method is all the ENTRY - exits are secondary

Believe me - i know what I am doing - I have an Hons degree in Economics - and specialised on stats and trained originally as an accountant - - how may fake guru's even know how to balance win ratios against RR's etc etc

I know you like Al Brooks and Lance Beggs etc etc- guys I followed years ago - but I am another level - and thats why I have the front to say I am a retail Intraday FX expert



(Even if I get the direction wrong and I cannot make 9 or 14 pips - I still might get out with 3 pips of profit - and on 3 or 5 lots - still OK for 5 mins works)
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