Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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No longer in my 30% buy stake - lost that at 147 11

To slow to get a good sell price at 11 or 10 - but got 08 and now needing 04 to let go - otherwise I will exit sell either break even or a 1-2 pip loss

1 38 pm


ABOVE 86 - 88 -its still in scalp buy mode - needing 07 and 2214 to stay with it

Only look at sells under 85 really - just keep looking for scalp buys on pullbacks above 87 for now


No J

This comment - ie 2214 to stay with it - ie needed above the 14 and with t being only just hit - then that made me think - it was no longer so strong

On EJ - needed over 147 16 - and we got that to 22


You were correct under 2209 I scalp sold - wanted to scalp buy at 91 -95 area - but could not - ( lrs still over saying down still ) amd it dropped under 90 to 87

I have exited all of scalp sell now at 90 - so 18/19 pips on EU sell

Ok, makes sense now. Did you sell at the 2pm gmt window or the 2:30 gmt window?
Pity about GU - missed out on that drop from 60 area - and now down at 5525 - sorry guys - missed that one completely as was wanting to scalp buy it in 5530 /35 area if supports had held - but they did not and GU and EU and EJ all dropped

No longer in my 30% buy stake - lost that at 147 11

To slow to get a good sell price at 11 or 10 - but got 08 and now needing 04 to let go - otherwise I will exit sell either break even or a 1-2 pip loss


3 20 pm

so far made 147 02 and now at 04

Down to 30% stake at 04 and banked 70% off on 4 pip profit

Dont worry J - for a start stay with just one pair and get focused on it - like EU

You can only jump about and trade multi pairs when you have a few thousand scalps behind you along with multi screen set up etc etc

I rarely scalp more than 3 pairs - 2 is fine - but happy to have 30% stakes with stop in profits on 3 or even 6 pairs

3 35 pm

One option is another sell if this retrace stays under 8157 - and its at 47 atm

Needs over 60 and 65 to hold scalp buys on - or take new ones and ideally we should drop under 8153

Sells then can be held on longer under 35 and 28
Pity about GU - missed out on that drop from 60 area - and now down at 5525 - sorry guys - missed that one completely as was wanting to scalp buy it in 5530 /35 area if supports had held - but they did not and GU and EU and EJ all dropped

I was thinking the same on GU. Did you think the 10:30 est window was a valid short on gu?

going to work now. was great chatting today. will be back tomorrow.

I was thinking the same on GU. Did you think the 10:30 est window was a valid short on gu?

going to work now. was great chatting today. will be back tomorrow.


I will post my GU chart a bit later and show you the various set ups for sells

Yes will be around tomorrow and will be around after 1 00 pm UK time and 8 am NY time

Glad you found it interesting etc and no problem with any queries etc etc


GU - 1 min chart with change in PS to sells

GU - 1 Min LR Chart for Today



  • GU - 291214.png
    GU - 291214.png
    104.3 KB · Views: 507
Pity about GU - missed out on that drop from 60 area - and now down at 5525 - sorry guys - missed that one completely as was wanting to scalp buy it in 5530 /35 area if supports had held - but they did not and GU and EU and EJ all dropped


3 35 pm

One option is another sell if this retrace stays under 8157 - and its at 47 atm

Needs over 60 and 65 to hold scalp buys on - or take new ones and ideally we should drop under 8153

Sells then can be held on longer under 35 and 28


Comment from nearly 2 hrs ago

We did fall from 8151 first for just 9 pips and then tested 52 and then fell again with low so far just 41/2

Very slow nearly 50 mins to get 9 / 10 pips

Still need under 35 to stay with scalp sells for a larger fall - but finished for day and so will not be leaving 30% on for now

Will pop back in later on to check out markets - but thats it for me today

See you in morning otherwise


GU - 1 Min LR Chart for Today



At first, I didnt get your first or second short. Then I realized that all the trades were lined up with the tw. I think I'm beginning to see a clearer picture. Pa direction, bias, in the time window, at a s/r or pb area, go ahead and trigger trade!

At work now but will check periodically.

hey all -

well - i'm off to a hotel for the rest of the week now so good trading and see you all next year :party::drunk:

Forexperian - its been a pleasure watching this thread explode in 2014 .............have a great new year and please do whatever I wouldn't .......:p


At first, I didnt get your first or second short. Then I realized that all the trades were lined up with the tw. I think I'm beginning to see a clearer picture. Pa direction, bias, in the time window, at a s/r or pb area, go ahead and trigger trade!

At work now but will check periodically.


90% of all my trades take place in TW's and 1 min or so either side of the 6 key times every hour.

Its finding which one of the 2 main TW's every hour will see a change and then does it happen at the start - half way through - or at the end - ie the 6 key times ?

EU the odd one out as made a New low for year (s) at 2144 - GU and AU still above their previous lows.

2165 to 2180 all R area now - so can only hold on new buys above this R area and all others would be for 5 -20 pip stuff
hey all -

well - i'm off to a hotel for the rest of the week now so good trading and see you all next year :party::drunk:

Forexperian - its been a pleasure watching this thread explode in 2014 .............have a great new year and please do whatever I wouldn't .......:p


Not away for NY this year - but hopefully grabbing a break away in January

A very Happy .Healthy and prosperous New Year to you N - very much enjoyed your contributions and support etc etc - what would the world do without accountants ( lol)

All the best - hope to see you dabbling again soon


eu a bit better swing at the end of the day, still very decent to trade all around ......

What do you reckon next?

If 2140 and 30 lets go either tonight or tomorrow then 2100 and 2085 area

I reckon its time for a 250 -400 pip rise to take out bears again above 2050 area - but thats fortune telling or guessing - and as you know Fugazsy - I dont do that :D

GL and will pop in a bit later etc


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