Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 08 am

After a 170 pip or so rise yesterday - EU as pulled back overnight to the 2360 -70 area after being up at 2455

For the last few hrs we have been in scalp sells mode falling from 2390 area to now 2366

Bounces back up staying under 2379 - are scalp sells again for now - but 2350 to 2370 is all a support area.

For me we need now back above 2385 and 90+ to be back in a session bull bias

After being up at 5720 area yesterday - we have fallen down now to 5625 and in a down session price structure under 5685

Similar to GU - its been scalp sells most of last 12 hrs and really we need back over 5646 and 50 to even start looking at holding scalp buys on

7 17 am

Noticed we have posted a double bottom on GU over last 70 mins at 5624 - and so thats looks a support area for now

Present scalp range - 25 to say 46

We need to break out for any larger moves and from the hr TW we are now trying to bounce up with scalp buys now on above 29 /30

7 19 AM

similar to GU - from 7 09 am end of hr TW a scalp buy now from 2368 /70 area

Ideally we need above 81 for holding on etc

7 23 am

We nearly touched 149 00 yesterday after a news rise and now are around 148 60 area

Above 148 40 we are session bull bias and from 7 21 am and 148 58 its been a new scalp buy but needs above 67 and 70 to hold the buy on longer

7 29 am

Presently at 120 10 and above 119 80/85 is session bull bias

We can scalp sell under 120 00 - but think then between 119 77 and 85 we would stop at supports and try up again
I am out in approx 20 mins and then back around 8 30 am - but only for maybe 90 mins or so

Hope then to be back around lunchtime or for NFP
7 37 am

Will update other pairs after 8 30 am when I am back

From 7 00 am there as been some dollar weakness with the EU / GU / NU / AU all rising for now

Will leave 30% on EJ scalp - but will exit other scalp buys before I leave in next few mins

See you in a bit

I have been following you lads for a while now. I do like the thread because your in and out the market in both directions which is similar to what I do but on the daily. Not sure if ill ever want to do intra-day though as it is heavy on time. Anyway, just popping in to say good trading to you all.

I have been following you lads for a while now. I do like the thread because your in and out the market in both directions which is similar to what I do but on the daily. Not sure if ill ever want to do intra-day though as it is heavy on time. Anyway, just popping in to say good trading to you all.

Hi Forker

Thank you and good trading to you

I agree some days - its heavy going - ie grinding away 15 -20 trades and only getting 3- 10 pips on a trade - but then you do get the easier days - when I find even after say 5 trades I have had a nice 20+ pip winner and most days a 30% stake scalp left on can make between 25 and even 60 pips or so

We try and keep the losses to always under 5 pips - in fact the other day MM had 3 losses and still kept the total red pips to under 5 pips off the 3 bad trades.

You are welcome to drop in and join us at any time - no problem

All the best


8 42 AM

The rise after 7 00 am only made 2384 - another LH and since 8 00 am we have fallen approx 18 pips now but still stayed above 2360

Bounces up staying under 78 are still more scalp sells for now and really we need back over 2385 and 90 to be holding on to any scalp buys we might take
Hi Forker

Thank you and good trading to you

I agree some days - its heavy going - ie grinding away 15 -20 trades and only getting 3- 10 pips on a trade - but then you do get the easier days - when I find even after say 5 trades I have had a nice 20+ pip winner and most days a 30% stake scalp left on can make between 25 and even 60 pips or so

We try and keep the losses to always under 5 pips - in fact the other day MM had 3 losses and still kept the total red pips to under 5 pips off the 3 bad trades.

You are welcome to drop in and join us at any time - no problem

All the best


That's how its done for sure. My wife popped in here a while back and she has been meaning to come back but has been busy with seasonal preparation. We both trade the same and keep our losers to no greater than 25 pips off daily trading.

8 45 AM

The scalp buy after 7 00 am did make over 30 pips in total - but I came out before 8 00 am as I had to pop out

Similar to EU - its fallen again another 25 pips since but made a HL at 5640 above the double bottom at 5624

I need above 5655 and 60 to be able to hold scalp buys on taken above 42

8 49am

I left 30% on my scalp buy whilst out with stop in a small profit at 62

It made a high so far at 83 and currently at 74 - will move stop up to 685 and if stopped out no problem - still got some nice green pips off it

8 53am

For me - above 120 10 on pullbacks - the UJ is still another scalp buy

Under 120 00 - yes would be looking at holding scalp sells - but then still need under 119 85 to see the price structure for session go into bear mode

We have peaked so far at 120 32 - which as held over 30 mins with no breach

Not scalp sold it under 28 for now - but will take more scalp buys after hour if we test and breach 33 and 37

8 58 AM

Under 8385 - still have a bear session for now

supports at 65 to 70 area - so we need under 62 and 58 to be holding scalp sell on longer

Scalp buys - maybe from 83 and 87
Uchf / Swissy

For now and this morning session - above 9706 have price in a bull structure

We need to see above 9726 and 30 to stay with scalp buys - and under 9709 and 04 would be in scalp sells to see if things turned and we dropped out of 9700 price band
9 04 am

Normally the EU is a negative correlation with the Swissy - so lets see if 9706 hold on swissy for more tries up and EU stays under 2385 for more falls

If either chnages - this could be start of turns again

Back now after 9 30 am

See you in a bit
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