Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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With regards to Euro

It looks as though the yen is weaker than the dollar atm as EJ still testing up - but EU not done a new high for over 1 hr ago

Although EU is played with 5 times or more than EJ ;-)
3 35 pm

EU now up at 2410 now - still a LH but above 94 still scalp bullish

EJ topped so far at 148 95/6

90 was a scalp sell - but not jumped in

Got to pop out for about 40 mins

Will be back later for a bit - but finished for day now anyway - I think ;-)
Agree with you on today - a difficult one on so many pairs

I still had EJ session bullish above 148 10 and with UJ - still thinking higher

At least you have profit tied in - so thats the good thing


its critical when things are volatile like to today to protect your account. you cant trade without an account!

my number 1 rule is to always to reduce the risk on every trade asap. even more so if you're trying to catch a bottom/top against the trend.

I'm short UJ again taken 1/2 off (again) @ +21 with my stop at b/e on second half.

this is my last trade today. have a good evening everyone

nice to see MM back .




  • 04-12-2014 15-34-46 usdjpy short again.png
    04-12-2014 15-34-46 usdjpy short again.png
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Good Afternoon @Forexmospherian,

I would like to apologise for the comments I made the other day towards you, and it's only fitting for a man of my character to realise the error of my ways, and apologise.

They were rude, and of a personal nature, and more importantly uncalled for. We all, rightly, or wrongly are entitled to our views, and opinions.

Maybe you caught me at a cantankerous moment.

I would have sent this in a PM, however you do not accept these, and I have no issues in apologising publically when I know I am in the wrong.

I hope you've had a good day trading F. :cheers:

Good Afternoon @Forexmospherian,

I would like to apologise for the comments I made the other day towards you, and it's only fitting for a man of my character to realise the error of my ways, and apologise.

They were rude, and of a personal nature, and more importantly uncalled for. We all, rightly, or wrongly are entitled to our views, and opinions.

Maybe you caught me at a cantankerous moment.

I would have sent this in a PM, however you do not accept these, and I have no issues in apologising publically when I know I am in the wrong.

I hope you've had a good day trading F. :cheers:


Hi John

No problem - water off a duck's back and also - I was less than polite with my own comments in return - so please don't worry about it one bit.

We all know trading is a pressure game and at times - even after a good day - you can still be wound up with the trades you missed and the ones that did not go your way.

Apology fully accepted and life go on etc and I am sure I will continue to frustrate many other traders on this site at times - but then I can be an old cantankerous pain in the bum type at times - so my wife says when I moan about her road rage ( lol)


As I get ready to leave EU now at 2415

Will leave 30% on above 2402


From nearly 2 hrs ago

Unfortunately not around to take profit at 2455 area - - but back in time to accept 2426

Will have to post my EU chart - what a lovely turn and under 2419 - 07 and 2400 it was more scalp sells

Now still in session bull structure above 2355 and 60 - but really with out seeing back over 2422 and 30 - then its end of thinking we will try over 2460 + again
its critical when things are volatile like to today to protect your account. you cant trade without an account!

my number 1 rule is to always to reduce the risk on every trade asap. even more so if you're trying to catch a bottom/top against the trend.

I'm short UJ again taken 1/2 off (again) @ +21 with my stop at b/e on second half.

this is my last trade today. have a good evening everyone

nice to see MM back .



Totally agree with you GJ

Today as really been a test - with so much going on - and so many 2 way moves

Great for a scalper at times - but then this morning it was a lot of teasing going on between 10 am and Midday and that might have trapped some traders - or frightened them away

You have made some great pips and so very well done

Keep it up and finish you year off with a good last month


5 46pm

I have finished really - but in a EU sell under 2417 and 2390

Now supports all at 2350 to 2370

So I reckon close them around the hour change and then off to have my tea ;-))

Will out of interest pop in later on
We're delighted to confirm that your new car will be with you soon. Your dealer will shortly be
in touch to arrange a convenient time to hand the keys over.

oh yeah!
Hello Peter, thanks I had a good day. I found it a bit tough going this morning. I ditched the cad pairs before i even got a chance to trade them as they all got faded lol. I ended up on UJ and GU. UJ did nothing much at all and GU was a bit tricky. The afternoon picked up nicely though.

Check the bounces out on the US markets. you can fill your boots on days like today being an intraday trader.

Have a good day tomorrow.




  • 04-12-2014 19-54-38 es and djia bounce.png
    04-12-2014 19-54-38 es and djia bounce.png
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Hi John

No problem - water off a duck's back and also - I was less than polite with my own comments in return - so please don't worry about it one bit.

We all know trading is a pressure game and at times - even after a good day - you can still be wound up with the trades you missed and the ones that did not go your way.

Apology fully accepted and life go on etc and I am sure I will continue to frustrate many other traders on this site at times - but then I can be an old cantankerous pain in the bum type at times - so my wife says when I moan about her road rage ( lol)


good post
Hi Guys

Its going to be a short day for me tomorrow

Will be around first thing early am - and then maybe after 10 00 am out for 2 -3 hrs or so .

Hope to be back for NFP and / or at least from 2 00 pm for an hour or so

Not a normal day for me - but it Christmas soon - and got to do a bit of shopping when wife and kids are not around ;-)

I see you and the family have got your Xmas present early MM - and by the sounds of it you got a really nice discount off it

Will post a couple of updated charts either in a bit or / and in the morning

Black Friday last week - and trading wise - "Too Easy Tuesday" - then "Twisting Thieving Thursday" today and now "Freaky Friday" tomorrow lol

Good Trading to all Intradayers


Updated EU chart after Midday to follow on

EU Chart

From 6 00 am this morning to Midday

My line in the sand is 2304/5

Above favours tries higher - but need over 2326+

Below favours a test on 2295 -2300 supports and if breached lower

BTTZ area was say from 9 00 to 11 30 am - although still in it from 2304 to 2325


Had to use a 2 min chart to cover last 10 hrs or so

Still in a short term bullish price structure for now above 2350 area



  • EU - 41214 US session.png
    EU - 41214 US session.png
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Just noticed on 2 charts above

See the little hump on the second chart before 1 00 pm black line

Thats all the main movement on the first chart ( 6 am to Midday)- prior to after news and US session

Shows the difference in movements etc
MM , you should be in green even with very high commissions.Without seeing position sizing , I believe you arbitrarily changes position sizes so a 5 pips loss can on a bigger position wipe out a 25 pips win on a smaller one.
By my estimation based on equal positions , you should have some 35-40 green pips.
Freaky Friday - December 5th 2014 - 7 00 am UK

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Sorry - had problems getting on site again this morning - I think I have a bit of a browser problem - as my chart platforms working OK

Its NFP news today and so it could be another busy US session

Unfortunately - not around for most of the day today - only a few hrs this morning and similar early afternoon

OK - onto updates etc

Have a great day


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