Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 57 am

How I look at it now

Eu was odd one out to AU / GU etc

Now from 9 51 am they are trying to come into sync - so we could see all rise again

GU and AU both been scalp buys - but EU just teasing
The manipulation is so rife this morning on the EU - I would like to complain to regulators and find out who the Liquidity provider ( s ) are ???

They are holding back large orders to suit their agenda
9 57 am

How I look at it now

Eu was odd one out to AU / GU etc

Now from 9 51 am they are trying to come into sync - so we could see all rise again

GU and AU both been scalp buys - but EU just teasing

Comments about 15 mins ago or so

Look at AU and GU scalp buys now

Look at EU - manipulated
I have not forgotten about posting EU chart

Will post it this hr

Keen to see if we do now try over 25/26 - or more tricks to come ??
It was after 9 30 am when the dollar seemed to lose it strength against the AU / GU / NU - but EU had seen the change start from its low and after 7 30 am

As I type just look what happened at 10 21 am - start of 10 30 am TW

Yes - another order drop on EU as a big sell and spike down 6 pips

So EU is still being played with this morning and still in a BTTZ

9 15 am

Its still in bullish structure for session above 119 81

We need to see over 120 00 and 120 05 to stay with scalp buys though


Comment from over an hour ago

We interim topped at 98 and did not make 120 00 +

So it was a scalp sell under 119 95 and a scalp buy opportunity above 81 again

Price now at 92 after a 89 low so far

If 89 /90 hold we might see turn up again

Clue would be making 96 and no pullback under 91 then

Under 87 and 85 would test 81

10 33 am

Peaked on scalp buy at 5698/99

above 75 on pullbacks its scalp buys again

We would need under 70 to hold any scalp sells you take on for a try lower again
the tops ones are not from today


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10 44 am

Having a rest after its 20 + pip scalp buy rise - for now above 69 /70 - still scalp bullish

Need under 66 and 60 to be holding scalp sells on again
Yes spotted it as I was walking away from monitors at 11 09 am

EU rising again but unless we see above 23 and 26 - then its more tease
Also - GU - my possible scalp buy level is being breached atm

So GU falling and EU rising - trick time still happening -

Need back under 5660 and then bounces staying under 85 to say its turned down again

Tend to think more tease

Back later
EU - 6 hrs this AM on a 1 Min LR Chart

EU Chart

From 6 00 am this morning to Midday

My line in the sand is 2304/5

Above favours tries higher - but need over 2326+

Below favours a test on 2295 -2300 supports and if breached lower

BTTZ area was say from 9 00 to 11 30 am - although still in it from 2304 to 2325



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    EU -41214 - 6 HRS AM.png
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10 44 am

Having a rest after its 20 + pip scalp buy rise - for now above 69 /70 - still scalp bullish

Need under 66 and 60 to be holding scalp sells on again

AU comment from nearly 2 hrs ago

We stayed above 66 and I held scalp buys at 30% after the scalp buy from earlier

Now at 8384

Above 74/5 still another scalp buy on pullbacks

Well so far its made 2325

Above 2305 and 2311 - its scalp buys again

So buy on pullbacks staying above levels

Or scalp sell down to buy again

IT would change under 2303 and 2295 thoough

Line in sand 2305


My comments from over 3 and half hrs ago

We have stayed above 2304/05 - so far

Last 3 hrs or so the range from 2326 to 2304 is a BTTZ range - a tease area to trick traders into wrong trades

Even now - we could still drop under 2303 - and then turn and go over say 2330 + - or the opposite - as the market will have the news as an excuse next hour as well

It is important news at 1 30 pm for the EU - so you tend to think we will stay in the trick area - until then . BUT as we all know nothing is certain in this game ;-)
12 39 pm


12 21 pm - start of this half hr TW was another scalp buy at 2308 /9

Now at end of TW - ie 18 mins later and price at 2319 /20

Banked 70% on scalp buy

Will keep 30 % on above 2311 - ie still in 2 pip profit - then what ever happens on that part stake
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