Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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lot of pressure and dynamics at the moment ...........i'm stepping out for a while ....the usd needs to think what its doing next ...........


8 52

Wanted so say from prior - my cut off on sells was 2308/9 area - so above 2310 scalp buys

So far it been up to 2323/4 - total manipulation stuff as normal and now pullbacks above 2305 are scalp buys again

you tell me F ...euro index overlaid on usd index

Euro probably due more rises soon but I have no idea what usd doing next :whistling


back later .......


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Looks as though the London boys have been having fun with the EU and euro crosses this morning

Been some great scalps - but for any swinger - bulls or bears - the market is trying to fry you good and proper before any direction takes place
you tell me F ...euro index overlaid on usd index

Euro probably due more rises soon but I have no idea what usd doing next :whistling


back later .......

Hi N

Yes - the EU structure is trying to be changed from the low just under 2300

Big orders - or whatever have turned it if price stays above 2304 /5 area

Euro is being targeted for now - not like GU / AU / NU etc
The Cad was strong first thing taking UCad and ECad down well

But euro strength as taken the Eur / Cad - one i picked out for Jackson 7 - back up 50 pips from its low this morning

Could be connected with Euro bond sales or something mentioned on calender
Euro Cad - Scalp buy from 7 51 and 8 00 am LO

Euro Cad 1 min LR chart

Scalp buy shown from start of LO



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so we let it confirm levels or just take full profit on tiny scalps..


Well so far its made 2325

Above 2305 and 2311 - its scalp buys again

So buy on pullbacks staying above levels

Or scalp sell down to buy again

IT would change under 2303 and 2295 thoough

Line in sand 2305
in truth its been about an hour since last decent signal for me ............
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