Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Not trading tonight - but notice GU will have to depend on supports at 5672 -75 area to keep it in the up bias and then 5650

Under there favours falls lower
the following two shots show how very different my setups have been looking. the lower one is paint by numbers


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hopefully F you can now see what i mean when im saying" but price was below the white lrs so i did not buy ( blue line)
and price was above so i did not sell ( yellow line)

the differences are massive. also note in lower pic the buy happens above green
EJ - Tonight from 8 39 pm - 1 min LR chart with Price structure


Just before I pop off for my beauty sleep - looked at EJ

Missed the scalp buy after 8 39 pm - dont normally trade in evening after about 5or 6 pm

Notice how structure as changed

Also EJ dropped approx 120 pips from its high today - and yet still just about in up bias session channel

Good Luck for tomorrow





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    EJ - 20112014 - after 8 39pm.jpg
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interesting, i got the short at 23_08. gu, using bias from longer lr structure on faster tick charts. the best signal white lr wise was on t8 at 22:56


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Friday 21st November 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday traders

Last day of the week and I have a great chart to start it off.

Its shows a lovely break of a new price structure - and maybe a change in many yen cross set ups. I will post it in the next 2O mins alongside the set up from last night.

I am around most of the morning as no school run this morning ( atm ) - so will check out the daily calender and see what's planned for today

Thank you yesterday to all the guys who joined in with comments and findings on their charts

All comments are welcome and hopefully we can all assist each other on our never ending Forex journey of continual improvement

Have a good day



6 45 am

Although we are still in the up bull channel - we did only post a LH yesterday of approx 2579 compared to 2599/2600 on the day before

Ideally will want to buy again above 2460 - 2480 -2500 -2520 on pullbacks still its only if we have a really good bear run down to under 2450 that we drop out of this present bull channel from the low near the start of the month

Presently from 6 00 am and 6 30 am - the EU is in a scalp buy above 2540.

We would need over 2559 and 63 to hold it on - with price presently at 2549

Lets see if we can then get a scalp sell in under these first R's

6 51 am

Similar to the EU - still in its smaller bull channel from mid week - although needing to stay above 5630 and 50 to really maintain it

We peaked mid afternoon yesterday at 5741 and currently a scalp buy from 6 30 am TW and 5681

We need above 91 and 94 to hold that scalp buy on longer

2551 interim high for now and from start of 7 00 am tw AT 6 51 am - scalp sell again

It should stop before 2540/41 - but dont bank on anything atm
Good morning F and all the traders.

Started to work a bit earlier today.

Took a long on GU @ half the hour as an HL, then she went into range, took 1.3 pip and got out.
7 00 am


Been a busy night on this pair

Will post a chart continuing on from the one I posted last night - as it breached and went under its price structure supports - both dynamic and static / horizontal

Will be trading this pair more today - but maybe not like I though I would be as off early evening

Chart set up next
Good morning all.

F, maybe at some point today you could spend a few words describing the set up of your entry, once you decide if a pair is in buy/sell scalp. I know you have mentioned it several times but possibly one or two examples on a chart would also help your students.

Good morning F and all the traders.

Started to work a bit earlier today.

Took a long on GU @ half the hour as an HL, then she went into range, took 1.3 and got out.

Morning Fz

Well pleased you managed to get a small profit

Sometimes early morning we get a lot of 2 way moves - and when it happens - you are better to scalp and just take a few pips - rather than see a pair go 10 or 15 pips in the wrong direction against you

Have a good day - I think we might be seeing some more good intraday set ups

Morning Fz

Well pleased you managed to get a small profit

Sometimes early morning we get a lot of 2 way moves - and when it happens - you are better to scalp and just take a few pips - rather than see a pair go 10 or 15 pips in the wrong direction against you

Have a good day - I think we might be seeing some more good intraday set ups


Yes, into range about 12 pips

Have a good day.

Just before I pop off for my beauty sleep - looked at EJ

Missed the scalp buy after 8 39 pm - dont normally trade in evening after about 5or 6 pm

Notice how structure as changed

Also EJ dropped approx 120 pips from its high today - and yet still just about in up bias session channel

Good Luck for tomorrow





Comment from last night - when in a bull structure prior to today

Look what happened

An excellent example of a set up and then a breach under both dynamic and staic supports and a lovely fall - I think nearly 100 pips all together.

I got taken out my 30% buy early on yesterday and had been scalp selling in the day - but even exited that stake when I saw the start of another new bull structure

This is what catches out so many swing traders

Only take these type of trades - if you can get your stop already in a few pips profit.

Then you never have to worry about what ever happens(y)



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