Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok so i think you are saying if market is moving fast i have to zoom in to an even more granular level.. to see the " interal modelling that cannot be seen in less m1 bars..... is that correct?

Yes that is essentially correct, obviously the more you zoom in, the disminishing return, you can target 4-5 pips instead of 7-12 pips etc.. as relative commision% increase but often the market follow a certain speed and if you are not in synch it will hurt so either you stay out of it or you change your outlook by zooming in or out.

See EU images for the last 30 minutes, the difference in between 1m and 13 tick chart as an example.


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tyty. i thuink this is identifying the variablility i have been going through. i need to be more dynamic and use the right tool in the box.
that was basically 35 pips off a short 2 pips from top, finally having got settings in tune with what im looking for. hope thats it anyway. cant be a coincidence that my best trade was off different settings. so im guessing for some reason, my old setting on m1 have somehow become dated. not sure how this can happen, perhaps a result of differnt overall volatility over a period or something?

Back now for 20 mins

In the old days - going back over 5 yrs ago when I moved to GFT uk - I am sure they - the brokers used to change my settings over the weekend

I could never prove it - as the setting number say 200 was stay the same - BUT the bloody LR would then moved differently - more like say a 140 setting of previous

Remember the platforms we use have every trick in the book available to the broker - so they can actually change your reading

Talk about clocking a car speedo - this is clocking a trading platform -

I had used to ask GFT why I saw different settings - and they had every excuse possible - from broadband feed to some browser corruption

So remember - always adjust or check at least one a month all your settings etc - and make sure they are acting to how they used to act

Glad you are sorting it MM

usd has now managed to force itself south ............good hunting all

Yes that is essentially correct, obviously the more you zoom in, the disminishing return, you can target 4-5 pips instead of 7-12 pips etc.. as relative commision% increase but often the market follow a certain speed and if you are not in synch it will hurt so either you stay out of it or you change your outlook by zooming in or out.

See EU images for the last 30 minutes, the difference in between 1m and 13 tick chart as an example.

ive seen some posts elsewhere that tell me I can refix my FXCM to go down to tick level.......may do that as an experiment .....1min is fastest I get ......

if anyone cn get this to work that would be appreciated

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ive seen some posts elsewhere that tell me I can refix my FXCM to go down to tick level.......may do that as an experiment .....1min is fastest I get ......

I don't know what F. thinks about that but since I switched to the FxPro cTrader and been able to use different tick level data it opened my eyes even more.
Before I was limited to 1m chart too. I have heard other people say that when they started having access to tick level data it took their trading to another level. Obviously the faster it goes the more reactive we need to be because you could also get constantly whipsawed too.
I don't know what F. thinks about that but since I switched to the FxPro cTrader and been able to use different tick level data it opened my eyes even more.
Before I was limited to 1m chart too. I have heard other people say that when they started having access to tick level data it took their trading to another level. Obviously the faster it goes the more reactive we need to be because you could also get constantly whipsawed too.

im seeing structure on various tick charts as advance warning of each other re structure change. does this make sense to anyone
GU - 1 MIN Chart - re Supports


Remember static horizontal S or R - are stronger than dynamic S or R

Great example on GU after 4 30 pm onwards



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im seeing structure on various tick charts as advance warning of each other re structure change. does this make sense to anyone

Yes that make perfect sense. I mean you see that also when you switch from 1m to 5m to 15m etc... the larger the timeframe the more stable the price movement but the slower you get to react to price movement. Looking at a tick chart is a bit like being able to view the price move in slow motion ;) but at real speed. Ok perhaps I don't make sense lol
I don't know what F. thinks about that but since I switched to the FxPro cTrader and been able to use different tick level data it opened my eyes even more.
Before I was limited to 1m chart too. I have heard other people say that when they started having access to tick level data it took their trading to another level. Obviously the faster it goes the more reactive we need to be because you could also get constantly whipsawed too.


Would agree

Tick charts make you react quicker and allows you to work off really tight stops

I have found though - you must be aware of the bigger picture - ie last few hours and I have found that my tick chart might only go back say 40 mins or so

All this is deliberate - to stop you being able to use one chart all day

I would love a tick chart that would show me say 3 days PA ;-)

Ok - off for tea - will pop back in later

i get that. very good way of putting it about price. the development of the medium and long sets on very quick tick charts is kind of helping me with bias about the veracity of shorter lr signals on slower tick frames
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