Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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hey all

got to step out for a while ......just dropped a clanger on UJ but apart from that trolling along ok with net positives ...(last 10 mins shown)......although commissions are biting in ......usd is still solid buy so I should be shot for not sitting on some of those trades for longer :sneaky:


Good Morning everyone. NVP, that is some pretty great fast action in your account :), what lot size did you trade?
N, how are you finding the cost of trading with LMAX. i notice fxcm have reduced their spreads ( but im thinking the costs will now be hidden/ allocated to commissions/ conversion costs that fx pro model uses?

the details shown are in the commission payment ....I think when I go live I can get about a 10-15% discount by registering thru certain brokers ........other than that on the demo the platform seems fine

(yes its demo so people don't flame me on the realities of live accounts - i'm not a rookie)

heres an entry and exit order from last few mins ..........the entry will just hit your P&L line ............then the exit shows you the P/L margin made....but then it also deducts the commission on top of that the Greenies I show on the reports are always before any commission charges ;)

if I can get a better price then fine with me when I go live on CFD's



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no its pretty sh*te really .............i'm paying 64 cents round trip per lot (as you know on LMAX)and the usd has been a solid buy all session so far

ive got to learn to let it run ..............GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :p


the charges for me are the spread plus
" the commission is $25 per $1 million notional value, on the opening and closing trade. Therefore $50 per round turn. Or 0.0025% of notional value"
Good Morning everyone. NVP, that is some pretty great fast action in your account :), what lot size did you trade?

I have been demoing LMAX for a couple of weeks playing with my scalping systems ......always just 1 lot on LMAX which is just 10,000 units per lot

the charges for me are the spread plus
" the commission is $25 per $1 million notional value, on the opening and closing trade. Therefore $50 per round turn. Or 0.0025% of notional value"

not bad...........not bad at all .............LMAX are delivering about 0.3 spread on EU (demo) as well mostly so that's pretty good

ok gotta scoot for a while and losing market concentration ( I don't want to drop another UJ clanger)....back later ..usd must turn south soon ?



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usd still piling north but I really gotta go ..hate to leave all those pips screaming at me !!!!

I wont leave any moves on the table ..I missed that last entry burst on EU and UJ
8 41 am

Back now for a few hrs

Notice red news at 9 30 am on UK Pound - so we need to look at GU and maybe GJ and even GA next hr

Will update etc ready for next TW

Did you see the EU scalp sell from 7 31 am at 33/34


7 46am

Last comment as out for 40 mins

Under 2530 - EU still a scalp sell

Cut off is bounce back over 2530 on sells

EU comments before I went out

Now 8 42 am and EU low so far 2509 - really pushing a sell sentiment

2500 is very important - as under there by say 5 pips or more changes the price structure from yesterday

So I would expect to stay above there - although I thought we might stay above 2517 and 22 - and we did not

2500 -2502 -2508/10 all interim supports now
8 53 am

We are now in 9 00 am TW and EU so far down at 2505

I expect a change now over next 16 mins - but with no over 22 and 30 after turn - then we are still in down mode
Good Morning F.
I wish I was in a sell on EU so I could pretty much right now go back to sleep ;).
The movement has slowed down with this steady decline. On average a pip every 4 minutes since 5.30 am :LOL:
hahah 8.55am as I say that boom it accelerate passing down 1.25...
Good Morning F.
I wish I was in a sell on EU so I could pretty much right now go back to sleep ;).
The movement has slowed down with this steady decline. On average a pip every 4 minutes since 5.30 am :LOL:
hahah 8.55am as I say that boom it accelerate passing down 1.25...


Well now breached under 2500 and not stopping yet

Will be abounce after 9 00 am now
interesting dy supp at 85?
edit i need my glasses on. lower than 85


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8 58am

Either players or banks wanted under 2500 this morning - that is now clear - might be due to an time options or something - but it shows someone had made a few millions I should imagine - ;-)
I think I have this fear of picking a bottom when it goes down for that long... the thing is most time I am wrong and it continues in the direction for a while...

Picking bottoms is difficult

Interim levels easier

You need over both 30 min and 1 hr interval for a proper possible top or bottom
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