Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Morning gentlemen.Nice to see the major back in the saddle.Major m where is that name from.Is it the 2000ad comic character.

very good. as you know, a sub character in the storyline. it was nearly Venus Bluegenes.
give that man a feccin massive cigar
very good. as you know, a sub character in the storyline. it was nearly Venus Bluegenes.
give that man a feccin massive cigar

sexy x father had first issue of 2000ad u know
My father was in a punk band and they sang a song called rogue trooper, about the character.its on tape somewhere.ill see if i can get you the lyrics major-i love anime/cartoon women-guilty pleasure of mine
Gu was also a scalp sell at 11 21 am

Too many - need a break now guys

Been a great morning and hope you made a bucket load MM and hope all other followers have at leats got some green pips

See you later over lunch and for 1 30 pm news

Stay Focused


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