Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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105 pips = 18R so far , and its 9:47 time for my Kenyan coffee ...
this lesson in trading has shut up all of Tar's dissers! makes it look so easy. Already banked a hell of a lot of pips from scalps.
Not surprising that he's this good, though, when you realise he's been doing this for quite some time!
As you'd imagine, he certainly knows his way around a scalp or 2
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Reactions: tar
staggering!!! :cool:

It funny he's copying my method Scholfield - but hardly as efficient

Check out the current GU one he's called

He's leaving what 70 pips on the table in the range he decides to ignore ??

And then at 3 pip stop on breakout - more than likely he will suffer

Furthermore - he's not pumping and peeling and using different stake sizes - a part you obviously have no clue on

A lot to find fault with Scholfield - but so pleased he' s seeing the light and not trading static in a dynamic market

Where's wonderboy Trade 2 windows ? - maybe his shift at Burger king not finished yet - as he was on here before 9 00 am - but maybe the pressure will put him off

By the way

Are you scholfield the cheer leader - maybe you mght be good at that (y)
I can be a bit of a cheerleader, I must abdmit! But I just love to see someone killing the market!
Watching Tar work is awe inspiring. pip after pip after pip

105 pips already! can't grumble at that...
OK Tar

Why oh why have you left 70 pips on the GU table

Why have you not called a GU scalp buy after 10 00 am time window - i??

It was a HL and from 6015 already made 17 pip rise in last 10 mins - although technically you needed to see breach after 10 21 am

Otherwise good stuff so far - keep it up
It funny he's copying my method Scholfield - but hardly as efficient

Furthermore - he's not pumping and peeling and using different stake sizes - a part you obviously have no clue on

A lot to find fault with Scholfield - but so pleased he' s seeing the light and not trading static in a dynamic market


Also, he's not copying your method!! :) lol.
He's got his own ways. I think he saidhe doesn't use linear regression. He uses something more accurate/advanced.
And i don't think he play around with stakes sizes etc. He has a much mor efficient way of handling trades from what I gather
Give credit where credit is due - Tar is come to the table - to help the wolf boys out

Trouble is - if he is just copying my type of trading - then why does he slate it ??

I know - maybe he hates me giving secrets away

80% + of all experienced trader will not help others at all

Be nice if he helped his own crew - as scholfield certainly needs help and wonder boy Trade2 windows- well we need to see how good he is - lol
He's already helped me! lol. I've on nearly +100 pips so far.
Not a bad day ;)
(he uses a very different method to yours though)
10 30 am

Now need to see what trades we have open with TAR

I know his GU one is still awaiting - will find it out

Dont know about GOLD as dont trade it

Is there anymore open for now ??

With regards linear regressions Scholfield - they are maybe one fifth of my method - so cannot be used in pure isolation

Will make some more calls now for this next 30 mins
He's already helped me! lol. I've on nearly +100 pips so far.
Not a bad day ;)
(he uses a very different method to yours though)

Well that's nice then scholfield

So how does he help you normally ??

Does he just PM's you with trades alerts?

Or does he have a thread on the forum were he makes these calls??

I think it i very good that he's prepared to share with you - that to me is good (y)
Cable again :
Looking to buy above 1.6070 , and short below 1.6040 Sl 5 pips ...

This is Tars call from 9 36 am

Ok he says he had 20 pips out already after what 10 00 am

So now we have peaked so far at 37 /8

Is he expecting us not to go above 40 now or 44 ??

Wheres the wonderboy Trade2 windows - he might tell us ??

For me its clear now - but dying to see the wolf team view ???
Personally i think tar and f are good traders and very entertaining characters lol.

that's the whole idea of the forums ..............

F fired up a lot of people on his arrival and the more good traders that turn up and trade the better ..I certainly got off my **** again and became more active

that's what inspires all the newbees ......

not crap scamfilled adverts and fake promises from

more the merrier !! (y)

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