Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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but other lr sets above and in bearish order. also, at 11.00 , cannot sb until price gets to 2660. at that point, price is too far from the bottom to buy, which seems unsolvable paradox
but other lr sets above and in bearish order. also, at 11.00 , cannot sb until price gets to 2660. at that point, price is too far from the bottom to buy, which seems unsolvable paradox

I appreciate you have said many time - its too far from top or bottom - to scalp sell or buy

Yes agree if you want 3 pip stops - but 5 -7 pips stops OK

Instead - why not keep to 3 pip stops with a candle not at top or bottom - so being a LH or HL

There is no rule you have to only have 3 pip stops or 5 or 7 pip stops - but the smaller the better

Also when ever you dont get a rebounce / or pullback etc - you then have to use your own mental stop - always for me its flexible - I never have anything in stone

The market is fluid and flexible - you also have to trade that wasy - nothing can be100% fixed in stone


EU for me now in a BTTZ - from 54 to 64- 10 [pips

We need ideally to come out of range to even think of taking more trades

OK - having a 10 min breal

Last hr or so from nice EU rise and then fall from top as been good

Cannot always get blood out of a stone ;-)

See you in a bit
Instead - why not keep to 3 pip stops with a candle not at top or bottom - so being a LH or HL

Also when ever you dont get a rebounce / or pullback etc - you then have to use your own mental stop - always for me its flexible - I never have anything in stone

sorry, i just am not getting what you mean, there must be something wrong with me today,.

11 49 am

From 10 30 am to 11 00 am - bias changed and price rose from 136 67/8 up

So far after a pullback made 137 03

Under 137 10 /12

Should be another scalp sell in a TW

Only hold scalp buys on over 13 and 17
Instead - why not keep to 3 pip stops with a candle not at top or bottom - so being a LH or HL

Also when ever you dont get a rebounce / or pullback etc - you then have to use your own mental stop - always for me its flexible - I never have anything in stone

sorry, i just am not getting what you mean, there must be something wrong with me today,.

OK - all scalps can be unique via one way or another

There will be scalps when you have price stop twice or three times within 5 -10 mins and then the clues of a change in direction - when a 3-5 pip stop in on

Other times the only way you can get such a small stop is on the second move - ie its drops 7 pip from the top - then rised 5 pips - and then turns down again - so then a stop of under 3-5 pips is on

If you have a drop from say interim top immediately say over 7 pips - then you either go with it - allowing for a LH hopefully not going back up over 7 pips - or you just wait to price lines up better again

The scalp buy on the EU above 56 was easier - we had 60 then a pullback - so we then knew over say 62 we should stay over 57 then

I could have said only enter after 56 is tested again and then use 53 as a stop

You have to be fluid - that is the key
If you think the answer is always have say 10 pips or 15 pips stops - it changes the whole dynamics of your method

Then you will have trades failing at 7 or 9 pips - too big error for scalpers

So tight as possible - but having to use a bit of common sense - normally a stop 2 to 3 pips is too tight even with just a 0 3 pip spread - but in 30% of cases it can work

With 5 - 7 pip stops with timing correct and experience - you can get 70% + scalps correct

Made another high at 137 17/18 - not been possible to sell at 10 or 12 so far

Its a buy still over 9 /10

so if it drops under wait for bounce and then see if you can sell with say stop at 19

We did make above 2670 - the price needed to hold scalp buys on longer

only 67/68 - so then it was a case of taking any profit above 56 /60 scalp buy and look for scalp sells in last TW at 12 00 pm - midday

Price is testing under 56 - and so it should drop lower whilst staying under 63

Still not easy on EU - and still really in a BTTZ

this pair as been a nicer scalp sell from start of midday TW at say 11 51am - or at least pre 12 09 pm - end of TW

Dropped from 84 to low so far 67 ish

Under 77 on bounces should be Ok to sell again

played ball - went under 137 09 /10 and now down at 04

the high at 137 17/18 needed a stop at 19 and ideally you enter above 14/15

If you were worried thinking well if I enter at 14 - it clould stop at 10 - well you would take just 2or 3 pips

No scalp is 100% definite

I only try ones that are 70 -90% probable

If they fail - then they maybe were only 50 /50 - and I was wrong - thats no problem

If I am not wrong - then I would not be trying - but please dont make it impossible by having far too close a stop or not finding enough clues to give you an edge for it to work

Not come across one dead easy 90% + probability scalp this morning - some days you have a few

this pair as been a nicer scalp sell from start of midday TW at say 11 51am - or at least pre 12 09 pm - end of TW

Dropped from 84 to low so far 67 ish

Under 77 on bounces should be Ok to sell again

10 mins later now down at 59

Exited as off for some lunch

Will leave EU on with stop in 2 pips of profit on 30% stake

See you after 2 00 pm



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