Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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gu below 17 is tempting but its still guessing here ........usd got to a 24% retrace now on highs and trying to rebound north now
usd falls to 35% now .........missed the trades .......i'm still watching for bounces here
OK - going to be tied up for a bit - end of my trading for now

With EU and GU and all - check the 30 mins rule on when lows were posted for further clues etc

As pullbacks on EU might stay above 19 - they need really nearly an Hr to breach down lower - if they hold over 30 mins - but only one clue of many and remember nothing is 100% in this game ;-)
i'm gonna tighten on both ...this is hell..............too fast and furious ffor me !!!
Hi As F is off can you clarify 30 mins rule for me NVP


i'm not a verbatim F trader dude........I think he watches for highs/lows to see where traes hold their levels reinforces his trading in next 30 mins

sorry ..................disappearing as well ..EU and NU sells doing ok but vilaitility is to high for me still........

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