Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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don't know if it will last


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EJ - Comment from 90 mins ago

We stayed above 55 and now gone back up to a new high of 138 86

Above 73 still in a scalp bullish mode - would need under 68 and 55 to look at holding or taking new scalp sells


we have made 139 01 now - and I am still in on 30% stakes

Need to think of taking profits as after LC etc

Scalp sells start under 91 and then we need under 86 and 78 to hold them on

i would be out by 91 I reckon - but will hold mean while it case we try over 139 06 and 10
hi. just back from work. looks like a slow day in parts


Yes a slow one - but with some mad patches - another good one for me

The EU as been doing crazy stuff - but as you can guess - difficult to catch us out with LR's and time windows etc

Best trades for me today on EU / EJ / GU and then the AU and EA been very nice early on - so all in all - a cracking result ;-)

we have made 139 01 now - and I am still in on 30% stakes

Need to think of taking profits as after LC etc

Scalp sells start under 91 and then we need under 86 and 78 to hold them on

i would be out by 91 I reckon - but will hold mean while it case we try over 139 06 and 10

Glad I left on

EJ just made 139 15 - and I am out at 139 12

Nice (y)
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