Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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11 51 am

Just checking out UJ

For me the 106 45 -50 area is like the line in the sand for now

Above both prices - favours scalp buys and a try up at the high of 106 80+

Under both prices - then look for scalp sells or hold then knowing under 106 40 could start a larger fall to 106 15 -20 support area

made 6144/5 before it peaked and fell after 11 50 am

Under 40 on bounces is still a scalp sell again - but we need under 6119 and 12 to be holding them on longer for a larger fall
Comment from 40 + mins agao on AU

So far we have made 9152 - not quite at interim R area.

Above 43 still a scalp buy - but for me under 9165 favours then scalp sells

Still only made 53 and now a scalp sell under 50 but needing under 41 and 37 to hold sells on longer

Otherwise take what you can - but only look at scalp buys again above say 57 and 63

May be worth looking to see if we could scalp sell after 11 00 am TW - or in that next hr in the 9155-65 area

Price at 9141 atm - and scalp bullish above 30 - but really bearish under 9165

Still only made 53 and now a scalp sell under 50 but needing under 41 and 37 to hold sells on longer

Otherwise take what you can - but only look at scalp buys again above say 57 and 63

AU quotes over last 2-3 hrs

Dropped from 53 to low so far at 32

Down at 30% on scalp sell stakes and will still hold under 39
1 34 pm


As you would expect - this pair is being played with

We do have some red GU news before 3 pm and then some non red dollar news - so no major EU news this afternoon

As I type this we have just dropped under 2920 and now testing 15

Under 2922 - still a scalp sell on bounces
EJ comment approx an hr ago

EJ now made 139 92 and I am down to 30% stake whilst staying under 138 02 with stop in profit


Typical - came out 30% scalp sell under 138 02 as 96 was a scalp buy

It then made 138 04/5 and then a LH in last TW - so like EU back in scalp sells under 95

Now at 78 and still a scalp sell on bounces staying under 88
AU quotes over last 2-3 hrs

Dropped from 53 to low so far at 32

Down at 30% on scalp sell stakes and will still hold under 39

AU became a lovely scalp buy from 36/7 - so exited sell - but shame - did not take scalp buy

Price now up at 46 and still a scalp buy above say 39 /40

still not under 2900 - and now over 2908 and 11 are scalp buys signs - ie take on pullbacks staying above 2901 etc

Also see if low last 30 mins from posting - thats another clue
EJ chart 1M


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