Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hi John

I think you have shown there on GU a great example of how you continually have to review and assess your predictions - rather than trying to make one to last over 3 or 6 hrs etc

I am very much into trading in the "now" rather than trying to guess or fortune tell the next 8 hrs or day or month etc - simply because of all the variables involved etc etc

If you had followed my advice and sold under 6308 and 02 - ok - you could have made 20 - 25 + pips

If you had bought above 6321 and 26 and 35 - Ok you might have got 15 or 20 pips max - and then the best move would have been to sell again under 26 and 21 simply because the Gu stayed in a larger range of approx 60 pip.

With regards results - yes not bad - but nothing like yesterday ;-)

Best trades for me where 30% scalp buys on AU from early on and then EJ and EU sell later on this afternoon

Easily over 50 pip target - but not on scalp pips - so did nor reach my money targets today as half my pips on 30% stakes so instead of say 28 pips - they should only count as really 9 pips at 100% scalp stakes

Pretty much an anti climax today - but after yesterday - most days would be

Hope you did OK - and have a great weekend



I was down -12 around the start of the day and brought it back to +18 to finish, so okay. I had some silly bttz trades early in the day. I need to learn to just take a bit of time and use a bit of patience.

Positive = when you post your charts I do find I might have one or two of the scalps you have shown. Showing myself I can see the correct places to trade.

Negative = I find that I do get seduced sometimes into the bttz which in turn leads to some small losses. I need to zoom out and look at the over all picture and wait for the next key level to be breached. If i've accumulated a few small losses I get in late on the correct moves as I wait to long for confirmation due to the hesitation created by the small losses. I cut positive trades to early sometimes.

Fix = Take my time, be patient, look for the correct breaches leading to bigger moves, objectively assess the areas looking for bttz zones, don't give up and practice practice practice. Hope I'm making sense.

Have a good wknd F (and all the other traders)

Look forward to next week

btw i've posted some replays to this msg already so if they eventually come through sorry for the influx.
I was down -12 around the start of the day and brought it back to +18 to finish, so okay. I had some silly bttz trades early in the day. I need to learn to just take a bit of time and use a bit of patience.

Positive = when you post your charts I do find I might have one or two of the scalps you have shown. Showing myself I can see the correct places to trade.

Negative = I find that I do get seduced sometimes into the bttz which in turn leads to some small losses. I need to zoom out and look at the over all picture and wait for the next key level to be breached. If i've accumulated a few small losses I get in late on the correct moves as I wait to long for confirmation due to the hesitation created by the small losses. I cut positive trades to early sometimes.

Fix = Take my time, be patient, look for the correct breaches leading to bigger moves, objectively assess the areas looking for bttz zones, don't give up and practice practice practice. Hope I'm making sense.

Have a good wknd F (and all the other traders)

Look forward to next week

btw i've posted some replays to this msg already so if they eventually come through sorry for the influx.

Hi John

I have just posted in the other thread under trading systems -

Something that might be of interest to you.

I have mentioned there are some hrs when I dont even take one scalp - especially in tight BTTZ areas - simply because you might get trapped etc etc

If you do have the time - I normally find 7 - 9 30 am and then 12 30 to around 4 00 pm as being my most productive FX trading periods. In between ie 10 am to Midday and even on non news days 1 pm to 2 30 pm can be slow.

Yes - try and pace yourself - dont end up doing 8 trades in one hr and getting half of them wrong and then 3 hrs doing none at all etc.

It really does come together over time with practice - focus and experience etc - you will not need 5k or 10k hrs after following me - but you still may need 1 to 3 K hours watching live charts to really pick up all whats happening - day in day out

All the best - have a good weekend and I hope this will really be a good month for you John


Sunday evening - not trading - just checking out the charts

Hope nobody as left any buys in GU and GJ ?

150 to 160 pip "gap drops" on both on my 10 00 pm market open

Some traders would be aware of this already if they are with certain other platforms where the market open starts after 9 00pm UK time. I don't think it would have made much difference though as your orders to open or close would not be accepted immediately for sure ;-)

See you prior to 7 00 am in the morning


Monday 8th September 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders

So far September as shown us all is well in the Forex Market - the games have started again - the players are playing again - the larger movements are back - new excuses have been found ;-)

See my message from last night's Open on Pound pairs prior to this one and you will know what I am on about

OK - normal stuff - quick reviews and updates on the main pairs I plan to intraday trade.

It is a Monday and with such a busy Asian session - it might be slow for this morning - but there again you just dont know

Have a good week and all FX questions etc welcome

PS dont forget to refresh the page every 30 seconds in the busy periods to see all the comments etc

All the best - and stay focused


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Price just prior to the start of the 7 00 am time window is 2935.

We need under 2919 and 15 for holding scalp sells for tests on 2900 and lower.

No fall under 2920 could see a HL again and tests higher on the 2960 R area - and if that gets broken - then the last high is in the 2990 area just under another R at 3000.

For now - its a scalp sell under 2941
morning a little time to call as well today

good hunting
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Price currently at 6185 - just above the 6175/80 support area and a drop from Friday's 6300 - 6340 range.

Its been a scalp sell from the bounce up in the Asian session - for me under 6210 - but we really need under 6173 and 67 to hold these scalp sell on - otherwise I will look for scalp buys again back over 6215 and 23
morning a little time to call as well today

good hunting

Good Morning N

Just having a quick look through my main 4 -6 pairs - and already been in 2 scalps last 25 mins - with GU the best so far.

This month is going to be a good one - with all whats going on with Scotland and around the world - along with the volumes coming back in

Have a good one N


Lost connection with T2W last 5 mins - look as though more attacks going on

Notice 2 comments lost on Cad and Swissy - both been seeing pullbacks on rises over the Asian session
9 19 am

Managed to post again ( I think )

Well GU as been great for me - a sells early this morning from 6193 area - then again under 6180 - exits at 7 50 am at 6147/8 after a 45 low and then scalp buys above 53 - and so far topped at 6180

Basically 67 pips - mostly on 30% stakes on an early Monday am session - NICE ;-)
GU for now

We need back under 6160 and 55 to hold scalp sells on under 77 and 75 - and if we breach above 82 and 85 then we need really 6200+ to hold scalp buys on

Range atm from 6145 to 6210 - approx 65 pips for now to play in

2920 low - 2931/2 - HL

We need now to see over 2951 and 60 to hold scalp buys on - otherwise we are in a range of say 58 down to 31 - only 27 pips to play in
Got to pop out twice this morning - so will only be about maybe after 11 00 am

See you later guys - stay focused and if anyone want to comment with queries or what they are seeing etc etc - please feel free to do so

All the best and GL
11 41 am

GU - This pair as just gone nicely to plan this morning

Its stayed above 6100 - 6103 for last hour - and now needs above 6125 and 35 to carry on holding scalp buys for a larger retrace

I can only really scalp sell under 6110 and 07 and then it will test the 6100 support area again - and if it breaches then maybe 6085 ish.

Above 6125 will be holding scalp buys to see if we can make over 35
11 47 am

With the problems still on the site - I have not gone through other FX pairs with updates etc - but saying that I have only traded 3 pairs this morning the GU / EU and AU and 80% of all my pips have come from the GU
1 00 PM

Gu so far made 6146 on last try up and I will only hold 30% stake on above 6137/8 now

Would be nice if it tested 50 and then we could sell from that area

Cad news in 30 mins
With regards to Monday Mornings in the FX markets

Why can't they always be like this morning - ie PA is nice on many pairs and there as been no real manipulation play etc etc
UCad prior to news at 1 30 pm

So far its been in a very nice rise this morning - making above 0900 and now testing the 0910 area

Above 0890 and 0900 you still favour price rising and more scalp buys

Need under 0885 and 75 to be holding scalp sells on longer for larger pullbacks
1 32 pm

UCad - went up approx 7 pips to 0915 - but now back in range - above 0905 maybe another scalp buy - but if we fall under 03 and 0895 back into scalp sells - or hold any you have on
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