Insight Trading System - Steer clear!

I don't mean to be rude, but the signals are explained on the website. It seems to me that you are being too hasty to condemn the site. I have followed the dowstomper signals for about 5 months now, even before the introduction of the next day's suggested signal and it is possible both to trade it and make money from it.

I entered short last night on the signal, and that was correct, as today's update has proven.

If you don't like it then don't bother visiting the website. There is no scam here. The site is there for free.


Thank you for your feedback. I think the latest signal is true and as you said it shows on the trade history. I didn't mean to accuse the site, but only mentioned my concerns based on what I observed lately, and asked for other followers opinion. Maybe I was tired and saw doubles :-( It's all good now. I entered the trade yesterday too. Will watch the signals more closely and if there anything wrong or suspicious I'll post evidence (such as a screenshot). I hope there is none because I had been a follower for a few months too and like the DS track record.
Last night (1am PST May 7 or 4am ET), I watched and confirmed that dowstomper showed a firm "short" signal (not possible short), but today, the signal goes back to "possible short" (even now, 9pm PST May 7), and the trade history does not add this latest signal of short. If one has followed it last night, the short position is currently losing money by about 0.4% with Monday's closing price. Do you think dowstomper now engages in dishonest "back-dating" of signals? i.e. fails to post as trade data a signal that is losing money, and pretends that it didn't happen? I thought I understood how it works, but now I'm a bit lost. Would like to hear feedback about how to interpret the latest signal, and what the latest signal is.

Ben, I think you're being a bit harsh. You can see how what happened over the weekend can be confusing to people.

erikl - I've noticed this before - once, and it was also over a weekend (I've only been following DowStomper for a few months). I think the best thing to do if there is a signal on a Friday night is to wait until Monday, and if it's still there before the market opens and the trade list etc haven't updated (like happened this time), then hold and wait until Monday EOD. I only trade after I see that DowStomper's trade list and where it refers to the "current" position have been updated.
Thanks for the observation and advise. I agree that waiting until the new signal makes it into the trade list before entering the position is a good rule.
dowstomper site still down. i wish it had sent email to users saying why, after all it asked to register. what do you guys do with the current short position, not knowing whether it should have switched yet?
Three losses in a row, site down for the count, no
communication from the principals..... hmmmmm.

This doesn't bode well! is also down - I think it's run by the same people and that DowStomper used to be part of the traders101 site before it was spun off last year. I wonder what's going on...

... anyway, I hope you all held on to your short trade.
i sold the short position. lately short trades are all losing big; it's a strange market condition.

Assuming dowstomper is gone forever, and dowtrader (insight) is closed to new subscribers, anyone has recommendations for other timing signals (free or paid) doing long/short end-of-day DOW?

Assuming dowstomper is gone forever, and dowtrader (insight) is closed to new subscribers, anyone has recommendations for other timing signals (free or paid) doing long/short end-of-day DOW?

It would appear that's new website will have EOD signals posted for free ( the site is supposed to be up and running early May '07(??). Also elmtrader does a weekly trade (TS1 2007) which I'm trading at the moment with considerable success - a bit more expensive than unfortunately !

It would appear that's new website will have EOD signals posted for free ( the site is supposed to be up and running early May '07(??). Also elmtrader does a weekly trade (TS1 2007) which I'm trading at the moment with considerable success - a bit more expensive than unfortunately !


Another freebee: Swiss traders at aerg dot ch. Just read the manual first!

And to do it on your own: tomorrowsprices dot com


Thanks Nick and Hittfeld for suggestions.

Dowstomper site is now up again. But will you look at it the same as before?
Another freebee: Swiss traders at aerg dot ch. Just read the manual first!

And to do it on your own: tomorrowsprices dot com

Have you used any of the sites that you mention (above) ? And if so, to what degree of success ?

Does anyone believe this? Posted on the Dowtrader blog:

The Dow Trader said...
DT Bulletin - Saturday April 28th 2007: We have now reached our desired quota/membership level for the dowTrader. Having excessive members following the same strategy may compromise the quality of the signals.

Additionally, in order to preserve a first-rate level of support for our valued members, and invest our time/resources on our clickcharts project [free charting, trend analysis, signals], we will no longer accept new orders for the dowTrader at this time.

Existing members can rest assured they will receive full access to the DT service: xWave, xTrend, xStop and xBasic, throughout their subscription period.

For more information on the clickcharts project launching May 2007, please refer to our home page:


I can't possibly believe that subscriptions are so high as to affect the futures or CFD or any other markets. It looks to me like a previous incarnation of the service they offered. Did anyone trade this?? It was before the IMS indicator days (which began mid last year, I think). So that means early 2006. Anyone??

Looks like live now, works and free, but with ads. Does anybody know - will mobile/PDA version be available online or via download?
Not sure... I haven't been paying too much attention to it really. How've you found it?

I've been using another system which is working like Magic the last few weeks - It's an EOD system for trading the Nasdaq100 index (via futures, QQQ etc etc.) It's got the last 11 days in row correct, which is impressive given the volatility. Backtest history is also extremely impressive. The system had a rough patch a couple of months ago but I think that's behind it. There's a forum where all the subsribers and system developers chat and all the guys are pretty genuine - some modifications were made to the system recently which has put it back on a very profitable track.

Looks like live now, works and free, but with ads. Does anybody know - will mobile/PDA version be available online or via download?
I am using MERLIN as well, although it`s USD 120 p.m - no trial. But the results are absolutely stunning, though system has been adjusted lately - datamined and over optimized?? Also there is a very competitive system at the Holygrail and Poor2Rich groups at yahoo. And that one is free (Druster) and for Russel2K based underlyings. Goes well with merlin, which is for nasdaq100 based underlyings.


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I don't know if it's "over-optimised" or just "optimised" - from the discussions in the forums it's clear that the developers are expert statisticians and have created a complex algorithm - I reckon they would know if they were curve-fitting or not (and hence whether their long-term aspirations of making $$millions were going to come true or not!). I'm happy to go along for the ride 🙂

I've just had a look at Druster - is there a performance history somewhere?? I can't see it.

I am using MERLIN as well, although it`s USD 120 p.m - no trial. But the results are absolutely stunning, though system has been adjusted latIely - datamined and over optimized?? Also there is a very competitive system at the Holygrail and Poor2Rich groups at yahoo. And that one is free (Druster) and for Russel2K based underlyings. Goes well with merlin, which is for nasdaq100 based underlyings.


Three losses in a row, site down for the count, no
communication from the principals..... hmmmmm.

This doesn't bode well!

Hi all, just some updates:

Dowstomper is well and alive, the closed trades in 2007 (Dec 28th 06 - Aug 28th 07)gave 1873 ym points ( $ 9365 trading one future contract) with a hefty max drawdown of 950 points , roughly half the returns. Quite good.

Druster made lots of money as well, Merlin ( the only paid system) made money.

And last, not least, free decicionmoose is doing a very fine job.

From the developer of Druster another set of free signals, MORGENSTERN, is available, which I don`t trade, as they refer to equity only, but are said to be making lots of cash.

Anybody knowing reliable profitable free EOD or EOW signals for FTSE or Forex?

