Touch, pause, engage!

Thanks Jay - some good advice there! You're right in saying that my preference for EOD trading was based on work committments etc, but it was also pointed out to me by someone else that it is quite possible to trade hourly charts and work full time. You're right also about my desire to see things happening. So just now I'm currently demo-trading using an hourly chart and just 3 currency pairs, using a developing system based on moving average cross-overs. I've been fortunate in obtaining some invaluable one-on-one assistance in setting-up the system from an experienced trader (for which I'm very grateful! 👍). It's really brought home to me the importance of good money management and the very tricky issue of where to place stops - I've been reading about Elder's Safezone stop system and that seems quite promising, but I would have to do it manually as it's not included in the package I'm using.

It seems obvious to say it, but another big advantage of carrying out trades based on an hourly chart is that the learning process is quicker. I've started reading everything I can lay my hands on about the main currency pairs and how they behave, and of course I'm watching the charts regularly!

I'm currently setting up my recording system and I plan to demo trade for at least a couple of months and keep rigorous records as previously described. At the end of a couple of months I'll review my progress and decide what to do then based on that.
Great to hear you have found someone to help you out and that you have a direction to follow now. You're right about trading with hourly charts increasing your learning curve which is definitely a great advantage to a shorter time frame. Just keep learning and see how your plan goes with simulation. Don't be afraid to tweak things where necessary. Well done and I look forward to reading your development.