Okay, some lack of activity here for a couple of days, but you could say that having ‘touched’ I’m in a ‘pause’ phase – a period of reflection based on all the great advice I’ve had since I started this journal. ‘Engage’ will come soon enough…
I’ve taken a couple of things really to heart – I’ve become sceptical of indicators and have started looking at just the ‘bare’ charts – at the mysterious (for now!) way that prices ebb and flow, sometimes hitting areas of support and resistance and bouncing back and at other times powering through them. It’s really quite an eye opener when you look at, say, MACD and think – aha – it’s signalling an uptrend, but then look at the prices and think, well, I can see that for myself, let’s turn the old MACD off! I’m sure that many will disagree with this, and I’m probably being pretty naïve but hey, that’s the advantage of ignorance – the only way is up…
I’ve also read the book recommended by Nut – ‘Channel Surfing’ by Michael J Parsons and I can recommend it for anyone interested in price action and price channels. I’ve been reading TraderDante’s excellent thread ‘How to make money trading’ as well – I’m only on page 14 though!
I feel that once again I’ve learned a great deal, and so I think it’s necessary to revise my strategy almost before I’ve started. But that’s okay, because unlike some others here apparently 😉 I’m not in a great rush to ‘engage’ (other than due to the ‘Reaper’ and I guess that if he calls, then all my aspirations and problems are solved ☺).
One of the things I’ve found is that trying to do all that analysis on the 100 charts of the FTSE100 is completely overwhelming (even with this much time on my hands, never mind when I go back to work) so I’ve decided to switch, for now, to Forex and look at only the major pairs – this way I have a maximum of seven charts to analyse which in itself will be a joy. I’d welcome your thoughts and opinions on whether I’m doing the right thing.
Also, I’ve decided to ditch indicators and walk naked amongst the prices (not a pretty sight!) just learning to do my own analysis based on the price action. It’s quite liberating but also quite scary! I accept that this will take some time to get a handle on and so I’m just going to paper trade for quite a while (but as if it was real money, so with ‘real money’ attitudes to management of stops and so on. In fact I’ll probably use a Capital Spreads’ dummy account.
The only thing I’ve always been sure of and continue to be so is that end-of-day trading is for me. That way I can set up my trades for the following day giving due regard to entry and exit levels and money management in an unhurried and cool way. I would usually plan to be out of a trade in a few days at most and exit by using trailing stops.
EOD trading also gives me more time to fill in my forms and print out my charts to keep ordered records. The only trouble is that with no indicators, keeping records becomes a little more challenging – no ‘red line crossing the green line’, no ‘price moving above the 50 SMA’ etc, but I guess I’ll figure something out.
Oddly I feel a kind of invisible pressure to ‘get on with it’ since I started this journal. In my mind’s ear (?!) I hear people reading it saying – “this is all very well, but when is this guy actually going to DO something?” But like I said at the start, this journal (remembering the relationship of that word to ‘journey’) is a record of my (probably long) learning process, and as such, in my terms, is a continuing success, because I’m still learning new stuff every day!
Thanks to everyone who’s contributed both here and by p.m. I really appreciate it. Please keep it coming.