Insight Trading System - Steer clear!

yeah, but these are the real numbers.. not the theoretical ones (which I have no idea how they are computed). The theoretical numbers are posted under Historical Prices on the Left pane in Yahoo Finance.

I don't think the theoretical high comes out until after the close - the number is the value of the Dow calculated as if all 30 components had reached their high for the day at the exact same time.

Does anyone believe this? Posted on the Dowtrader blog:

The Dow Trader said...
DT Bulletin - Saturday April 28th 2007: We have now reached our desired quota/membership level for the dowTrader. Having excessive members following the same strategy may compromise the quality of the signals.

Additionally, in order to preserve a first-rate level of support for our valued members, and invest our time/resources on our clickcharts project [free charting, trend analysis, signals], we will no longer accept new orders for the dowTrader at this time.

Existing members can rest assured they will receive full access to the DT service: xWave, xTrend, xStop and xBasic, throughout their subscription period.

For more information on the clickcharts project launching May 2007, please refer to our home page:


I can't possibly believe that subscriptions are so high as to affect the futures or CFD or any other markets. It looks to me like a previous incarnation of the service they offered. Did anyone trade this?? It was before the IMS indicator days (which began mid last year, I think). So that means early 2006. Anyone??
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So what's going to happen to the existing members when they want to renew their subscription? Are they going to be refused? Does this mean that Dowtrader will close the site down when the last of the current memberships expire?
What the hell is going on???
DS what now

Funny. Are we also supposed to trade this system using "theoretical" funds only? 😉

Thanks Kreks!

So DS got stopped out again, this time on the actual high on 04/30, but again intraday and not EOD...Again it took me forever to realize it, because on the 'Current Signal' page it still shows as 'Short" with No New Signal.
Go figure
Not me, please don't follow me, I am blind myself after doing this stuff since 15 years and getting blinder by the day, it seems.
DS stopped out?

So DS got stopped out again, this time on the actual high on 04/30

That "high" was an artifact of stale prices. Neither
the DIA nor the DJIA calculated from bid/ask midpoints
reached the 13160 number. The 13198 DIA high reported
by the AMEX is 100% incorrect, high offer for the day was
13152. I had a stop in all day at 13159 and it was never

The DS people are not trading this themselves.

When I finally figured out that they thought that they
had been stopped out I exited the short in the pre-
market. I get the very stong feeling that these people
are amatures, just playing this for the Google adsense
That "high" was an artifact of stale prices. Neither
the DIA nor the DJIA calculated from bid/ask midpoints
reached the 13160 number. The 13198 DIA high reported
by the AMEX is 100% incorrect, high offer for the day was
13152. I had a stop in all day at 13159 and it was never

The DS people are not trading this themselves.

When I finally figured out that they thought that they
had been stopped out I exited the short in the pre-
market. I get the very stong feeling that these people
are amatures, just playing this for the Google adsense

Well I had a stop with CMC at 13163 and I got triggered!

If they are amateurs or not - as long as they play always with the same data source - right or wrong, but consistent, that`s fine with me.


hi am a newbie to all this can you help me get started please, with a good system to use , can you help please.

I didn't have a stop in place with DS but on IGMarkets the high for the day was 13162 so it would have stopped out. Glad I didn't! Even today, you can tell the market "should" go down, but should rarely seems to turn into "does". You've got to love this game...

Re systems: before you try any with real money, PAPER TRADE. Many systems are very difficult to match in real life.
..... Many systems are very difficult to match in real life.

If I only knew more of such systems.....



P.S. Here`s one for you from the swiss gnomes: aergodotch
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On my Sierra charts fed by IB data I had a high of 13162, so it would have been stopped out intraday. Apart from those two losses in a row, what really bugs me about Dow Stomper is this constant inconsistency about where the signal is visible and how it is being presented. Right now, 05/02 in mid-session, the chart, if you can call it that, does not mention any position. The list of closed trades shows the trade as stopped out, and under the Current tab the 'most recent signal' shows 'short on 2007-04-23' which is correct or incorrect as a matter of interpretation. Yes, the last signal was short, but it is not valid anymore, because the trade was stopped. As a matter of fact I believe that the reason for this inconsistency is to keep the reader glued to the site for as long as possible for whatever reason, the least of which being someone's goodness of heart to provide a good trading system for free.
On my Sierra charts fed by IB data I had a high of 13162, so it would have been stopped out intraday. Apart from those two losses in a row, what really bugs me about Dow Stomper is this constant inconsistency about where the signal is visible and how it is being presented. Right now, 05/02 in mid-session, the chart, if you can call it that, does not mention any position. The list of closed trades shows the trade as stopped out, and under the Current tab the 'most recent signal' shows 'short on 2007-04-23' which is correct or incorrect as a matter of interpretation. Yes, the last signal was short, but it is not valid anymore, because the trade was stopped. As a matter of fact I believe that the reason for this inconsistency is to keep the reader glued to the site for as long as possible for whatever reason, the least of which being someone's goodness of heart to provide a good trading system for free.

Peter, as far as I understand it 3 utterly different pieces of information presented there: The validated signal is ONE, the signal in "womb" (sorry, english is noit my first, but third language) is the SECOND, the position is the THIRD. So whilst the "last signal" is still short, the former short position might be stopped out - the signal is still short, although there might alreday be the intraday tendency signal to go long.

I only hope, my understanding is correct.


Still, if the purpose would be to provide a good trading system for free, it could be presented clearly without this constant clocking around. One page, one signal. Punkt-aus!
i am trying to understand it too, but i think that dowstomper is currently in CASH, having been stopped out for real on Apr 30. Since a new signal (short or long) hasn't appeared (either as provisional or confirmed), it hasn't generated a new signal since the last signal. The "latest signal: short" part is misleading, because it only means "the last signal dowstomper generated". It has been stopped out, into cash. imho.

My next thought is: why hasn't dowstomper generated a long signal given the dow index has been so strong. i am currently in cash because i don't want to out-guess it.
correction: by "latest signal: short" I meant: "most recent signal: short on 2007-04-23 at 12919.40".

imho, it's ok for the system to make money off advertisement, hence the tricky design to keep users clicking around to find the information they need to make money. Isn't that a win-win situation? Why would you expect the system to act like a charitable organization and act out of the goodness of heart? I'd rather they make enough money from our clicks to keep the site up and running for free forever. If it is a good, solid system, I can live with the few clicks every day and the time I spent to learn to understand how the signals are presented.

As a matter of fact I believe that the reason for this inconsistency is to keep the reader glued to the site for as long as possible for whatever reason, the least of which being someone's goodness of heart to provide a good trading system for free.

Interesting - the dowtrader/insight IMS moved below 35 yesterday and is now poised to move up. Isn't it crazy that even with such weak internals the market kept going up over the past week? Yes - you've got to love the sublime chaos of the market.

Meanwhile, clarification of the latest offering by the site owners:

The Dow Trader said...
DT Update - Sunday April 29th 2007:
Current DT members, please rest assured the DT signals will be continually available to you thru your subscription.

In addition, from January 2008, the IMS will continue to be published through a secure area within clickcharts, and accessible free-of-charge, TO CURRENT DT MEMBERS ONLY - no additional subscription fees will apply, period!

All other services [clickcharts] will be 100% free, open to all, encompassing trend analysis, charting, stock-scans, a powerful strategy 'backtesting' engine inc money-management variables we are developing in beta right now, and [later this year] intra-day scans/alerts on the top 500 US stocks and top 250 UK stocks, as well as the major indexes.

CC will cover all UK, US, Canadian stocks & indexes and major forex pairs. This is a significant offering unlike any other financial/charting website. All free. Naturally, CC requires extensive resources and a serious time commitment.

Happy Trading - DT

April 29, 2007 2:17 PM
I had been wondering about that myself...IMS going down, Dow going up, I even mentioned it in the DT Blog 2 days ago, because this is quite a divergence and there has to be some significance to it. Logically, with IMS now turning up, the Dow should be going to the moon...maybe it's trying to copy the Shanghai Composite LOL
dowstomper has firm short singal at 1am PST of May 7

Last night (1am PST May 7 or 4am ET), I watched and confirmed that dowstomper showed a firm "short" signal (not possible short), but today, the signal goes back to "possible short" (even now, 9pm PST May 7), and the trade history does not add this latest signal of short. If one has followed it last night, the short position is currently losing money by about 0.4% with Monday's closing price. Do you think dowstomper now engages in dishonest "back-dating" of signals? i.e. fails to post as trade data a signal that is losing money, and pretends that it didn't happen? I thought I understood how it works, but now I'm a bit lost. Would like to hear feedback about how to interpret the latest signal, and what the latest signal is.
Last night (1am PST May 7 or 4am ET), I watched and confirmed that dowstomper showed a firm "short" signal (not possible short), but today, the signal goes back to "possible short" (even now, 9pm PST May 7), and the trade history does not add this latest signal of short. If one has followed it last night, the short position is currently losing money by about 0.4% with Monday's closing price. Do you think dowstomper now engages in dishonest "back-dating" of signals? i.e. fails to post as trade data a signal that is losing money, and pretends that it didn't happen? I thought I understood how it works, but now I'm a bit lost. Would like to hear feedback about how to interpret the latest signal, and what the latest signal is.

I don't mean to be rude, but the signals are explained on the website. It seems to me that you are being too hasty to condemn the site. I have followed the dowstomper signals for about 5 months now, even before the introduction of the next day's suggested signal and it is possible both to trade it and make money from it.

I entered short last night on the signal, and that was correct, as today's update has proven.

If you don't like it then don't bother visiting the website. There is no scam here. The site is there for free.

