Index King's Trading Opportunities

Goodmorning INDEXKING,
Well done with your first half of Hang Seng/Dow (open-----close +30) Hope that the Dow will end negative NOW! GOOD LUCK

Hang Seng 27/06/03

Open High Low Last Chg
9627 9711 9614 9657 51
I don't get this. Surely if you're doing a differential trade ie. spread/arbitrage or whatever you want to call it, you must put both legs on, and lift both at the same time. Otherwise, one day, you're gonna get blown away. Unless I've missed something, this is positively dangerous.

Good luck
Reply to Oatman


Yes you are quite right it is a difference trade and to stick to the script you would need to take a Hang Seng price and a Dow futures price very late at night and put the trade on then. However if you look closely at the detail the trade can be manipuilated. The Hang Seng closed up by 51 points, therefore your buy bet would have been success. Now if you miss the Hang Seng because you in bed then you can still profit from trade. This is done when Dow jones rise by 50 or more points this afternoon you then enter sell order on it, This is beacuse after breakfasts you can see that the new difference after Hang Seng rise is now 578. I say difference will be greater than 527 when they both officially finish. Therefore during day a rise in the Dow by 50 points will bring difference back to 527 which cannot be sustained by close. There is your sell opportunity at 9130 on Dow this afternoon.

Hope this make situation clearer.

Have a nice day

hi indexking

v.interesting methodology there.
just wondered which software you use, and whether you are able to overlay the indices on top of each other when you use them?

What I'm saying is that you must +Hang Seng/- Dow at the same time and vice versa when you take the trade off, otherwise you are exposed straight long or short by lifting a leg.

Good luck
Hi IK,

rudolf will enter indexking system short around 3 pm after a 90+ michigan sentiment propels Dow through 9130 😉

rudolf will be with indexking all the way to close and has lined up janitor job cleaning chartman's office in case it goes wrong 😱

Seriously though, I've really enjoyed following your system over the last 2 weeks & hope today brings success!

Cheers, Rudi

PS rudolf like lifting leg over trees in forest Oatman :cheesy:
Hi Dsmodi.
Glad to have you back.
That was a vacation and a half. Hope all went well.
hi options

lol - thanks mate - good to be back...

only went for about a month, but had to stay on - became 3.5 months.... not all good , still "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do".....

anyway, been back 6 weeks, only now logging on to t2w regularly .... got out of habit....

but thanks for the welcome ops, hope all is well with thou m80....
Hello Rudolf

Thanking you for comments. Stick with Index King and you'll will prosper !
By way I like your English. It much easier to understand than the rest of the board members..keep it up 🙂
Us janitors need to stick together and provide much needed house keeping for natures recepticles !

Oatman you are taking my opportunites too much at face value. The safest way is pair trade, but with Asian and US/European you can wait for one and then do other since they have separate trading times so no real need to enter both. As I said in my earlier post today you can see that the Dow is a good sell @ 9130 IF you miss Asian opportunity. Judging by weakness of Dow today the single sell opportunity might not happen. The importance is the diference movement which occur after close of both trading session. You not seem to grasp this notion ?
I not know what Arbitrage mean so can you enlighten your Index King please on what it is.

Please to enjoy rest of trading day.

Arbitrage is contra positions on 2 contracts ie buy NY Sugar/Sell London, equal amounts. Sort of what you're doing. It comes under various names. In oil you do crack spreads, say buy gas sell crude, in Chicago Soybeans you can do crush spreads. Beans v. meal. just another spread really.

Good luck
IK, Congrats and well done - good to see that you got a
load of points from Mr Market today.

Index King Update

Hang Seng open @ 9606 close @ 9657 profit is 51 points 🙂
Dow Jones open @ 9079 close @ 8989 profit is 89 points 🙂

Therefore total point profit today is around 130 (with 10 points removed for spreads)

Hopefully Index King redeem himself from loss the other day. Overal still well in the points. I hope you managed some profit for today if you followed my trade.

Remember Index King's 'BIG DADDY' trades should not be missed !

The good news is that Index King has made good on his naff showing the other day. The bad news is that Index King off to Spain for 2 weeks with dolly bird so won't be posting trades until return.

Index King also off to buy big plasma television 🙂🙂

I hope you all have nice weekend and wish you all much success for next week trades


Index King
IK, If I might make a suggestion, can you pls post time of your
trades when you post - entry + exit? It would be very useful.


IK, You off to Spain again? I thought you only went recently.

But anyway have a good one.

Index King, the Car Key Boi salutes YUO!
I believe IK will be back at the weekend.
Looking forward to next weeks predictions!
Hi people, i've been following IK's predictions 4 a while and they r excellent! Does anybody know when he's gonna be back???