I took the FTSE / DAX opportunity for a spin on Friday (as posted) & the results were encouraging.
Additional feedback previous points as follows:
1. Max drawdown (StockOp).
Suggest this is calculated from the stake + margin factors for both legs of the trade + stop loss according to your trade management criteria.
Experimenting with ftse / dax on friday @50p per point meant a max drawdown of £110 - i.e. £50 + £50 (margins / NTR) + max 20 points loss inc. 8 point spread.
As per other comments on thread, the level would go up considerably where the Dow made up one of the legs (margin factor circa 250 + higher tolerance on stop loss).
Achieving a "reasonable income" from the dax / ftse trade would probably have taken circa £2500 drawdown during Friday @£10/point.
2. Getting the trade on (Lambchops).
ftse / dax was straight forward as online prices were available to monitor and capture the trade when the sub 888 condition was met. With today's trade, I don't have online access to the SMI leg so won't be taking it any further.
On Friday, the ftse / dax difference was hovering around 891 for around 45 mins before dipping to 884 late morning - re-calculations required regularly.
In conclusion, it seems possible to achieve a low max drawdown on the less volatile pairs and maintain a pot of money against the IK predictions over the longer term. Potentially, the stakes can be increased in line with success / experience but this relies on IK continuing to post or learning the method of analysis .......... no expectation on either front, but IK has created some interest meanwhile. I've seen other T2Win folks' comments re: the dangers of blindly following someone else's system but I've always been a bit of a Ballasteros fan & this may be good for my swing 🙂