Index King's Trading Opportunities

Reply to Imran

Profits next week ?? If I continue being rubbish IK will be bankrupt by 430 on Thursday !

Don't be too hard on yourself for having one losing day...nobody expects to be correct 100% of the time.

Considering that u close both trades each day no matter what, and the fact that you are betting in both directions makes it basically safe enough not to use stop-losses in my opinion.

Keep up the good work. It makes interesting reading for me as it brings back memories of my earlier trading days when i used a similar method, to great success for a while, like i stated in an earlier post.

An awesome contribution to our trading community IK .. Keep up the good work . It takes a man to post his trades and bear the consequences....
Well done Indexking

One loosing day don't mean much when you are trading.

But for a moment I thought you had found the infallible system-if there is such a thing.

As long as you are making more than you are loosing then everything is O.K

If you start loosing more than you are winning then it's time to call it a day.

Since you haven't reached that stage yet you can still press ahead.

All the best for your future trades.
Good News and Bad News

The bad news is I haven't identified any opportunities for Wednesday trading unfortunately. ) (perhaps that actually the good news !!!!)

The good news is that I may have found a solution to my formula in sideways markets. If this prove successful, then Index King will be back with rage and fury on the indices 😈 😈 😈

Enjoy your trades tomorrow and think of your favourite Janitor as he's changing loo rolls and cleaning desks 🙁

I wish you all much success.

Index King
Thankyou for your detailed reply to my question. Much appreciated. I must admit I was starting to get over excited thinking you were in possession of a magic mathematical formula that guaranteed you never lose! Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted. I wonder if it would be possible to post your percentage of winning/losing trades? Thanks in advance.
Index King, solid work

I started trading pair before doing directional...I always traded DAX/CAC.....almost forgot how profitable it can be....I loved the math of it....🙂

Trading Opportunity For Thursday 26 Jun 2003

Index King has identified the following trading opportunity for Thursday 26 June 2003

Notice the lack of 'the' in title..Index King English improving ?? :!:

1.At anytime during the day when the difference is equal to or less than 1167

Place a BUY order on the French 40 (CAC)
Place a SELL order on the Belgium 20

Bets to be equal in amount and go on one after other .

As usual let run all day but try to get Market On Close price
After you close out the difference will be greater than 1167.

This trade good for 20-30 points (no more than 50) on day so if difference greater than 1177 then perhaps to late to enter trade.
If trade does go to around a difference of 1200 before close then consider that your lott and close out.

I am waiting for Dow to close to look into any further opportunities with Asian tonite or DOW+European for tomorrow. I will post in good time if any happen.


Sorry no big daddies this evening. Dow closed wrong side of 9000. Catherine Yang have to wait !

Good luck for tomorrow.

I'm at present trying to get to grips on DAX/CAC differential,and am using points difference,market trend etc to determine trade.I try to position trade,holding for 1-3 days,longer if trade is going my way,and generally use US market direction to determine which market to long/short.
So far it has been relatively successful,but only seems to work in strong trending markets like at present.
Any help/advice/pitfalls on this system appreciated

Steve, 3-5 days, I held it 3-5 minutes!

well, in all fairness Steve, I haven't traded pairs for 6 months. I would really love to help you but I think you are on your own there.

Hello Steve.

Trading pairs is not as easy at it seems. There is much more to consider more than one index moving more than other. Trading CAC/DAX could take weeks to produce profit due to similar daily movements in one direction. Also straight foreward range trading is risky since if markets move strongly in one direction and produce a 2 day close at new cac 3000 goes to 4000 etc then your ranges have finished. Therefore if you get on an old range near top of for example cac level at 2950 there will be a huge trade range difference if it settle above 3000 as has done recently. Therefore you would have to carry at least 200 point loss and just hope that CAC go back and settle in the 2000 region again.
The same applies to FTSE/DOW. These ranges are too transient to be a serious regular trading opportunity. However when I see a opportunity here I can profit from it, since I have numerous data and calculations done for almost any level over a 24 hour period.

Hope this helps and sorry not to have noticed your post earlier.

Have a nice day

Ola IK,

Good to see the English lessons are having such an effect on your grammar and punctuation in such a short time. :cheesy:

Adios Amigos

Index king Update For Thursday 26 June 2003

1. French 40 (CAC) open @ 3108 close @ 3103 Therefore lost 5 points
Belgium 20 open @ 1941 close @ 1930 Therfore gain 11 points
Close difference = 1173

profit only about a point or maybe couple of points loss due to spreads 🙁

Although if you are fair to your Index King you could call it a flat day. On the face of it, method holding up despite consolidation/hesitancy due to Fed rate cut decision.
I am looking forward to posting Asian/Dow and Dow/Euro trades but cannot until calculations tell me to so, so please be patient. These trades are always killers and average 100-150 points when conditions occur.

I am still looking into any opportunites for tomorrow and will post any in good time this evening.


Index King Opportunity

Index King has identified the following trading opportunity for Friday 27 June 2003

😀 😀 The Daddy 😀 😀

I have identified good trade for Dow/Hang Seng. Although difference trade you will be effectively doing two single trades. Full opportunity is:

Place a BUY order on the Hang Seng (Hong Kong 33) (Deal4free users have to wait til 2am

tonite !)
Place a SELL order on the DOW (anytime)

The difference is currently 527 according to official close prices. This difference will increase to maybe 650 possibly more. As I've said before although I can predict difference movement, how pairs arrive there is another matter ! If you want to try this one I suggest minimum buy bet on Hang Seng and close out just before 8am tomorrow. Any negative movement would be at a minimum. This cannot end up anything other than positive !
However watch for futures price which may kick up on open. If price more than 40 points from 9606 then abort this half of trade, otherwise place buy bet.

If this prove success or partial success tonite,then close out and place a Sell bet on the Dow jones as close to 9079 as possible. In effect you can do this tonite not need to wait for tomorrow.
Dow will end tomorrow negative !
Close out Dow at official close time of 9pm

This trade will be good for 100+ points but all bets must close at respective official market close time.

Hope you enjoy this one !


interesting system Index King

one query, yuo say that yuo can enter the trade anytime the criteria is met, even if there's only a minute left of trading on one of the indices

why bother? if say the FTSE is trading at 4050 at 4.29 UK time and yuor system says to BUY the FTSE and SELL the Dax because the difference is x amount of points, why BUY the FTSE? yuo might as well save yuorself the spread on the FTSE and just SELL the Dax

Hello Carkey

My system predict difference movement but I not know how that difference come to be. You may have a point about selling/buying in last minute but official close price movements can make all difference or turn day into sudden loss. That why I strongly suggest Market On Close orders so you get official close price which can be much different to one you get by ringing up at 4.29pm !

Hope you like my trades.


Index King
Good morning

If someone on this board know or use firm that allow you to trade Euro or Asian indices at sociable hours rather than regular times or very late at night, can you let me know please. Index King think it would be good idea to have a 'Market On Open' option to save waiting about and going to bed late.

Any replies are appreciated

Kind Regards

Index King