Index King In Da' House !

Hi Jane,

Thanks for the information and I am pleased you are making money. I hope this system doesn't suffer from the huge draw-downs that happened with the original index king system. The lesson I learnt from that was that trading without a stop isn't much fun and that making a profit shouldn't have to involve risking large amounts of capital. I am intrigued by this but I am not willing to fork out £195 for a formula. I do think that if it was as good as we are led to believe, he would be crazy to reveal it. While the short term profits might be good, I am wary that there are probably times when this system fails completely.

I will have another look at the Nikkei/Dow, Hang Seng/ Dow and the Euro/Oil.
I've just been having another look at the main IK trades that he posts everyday. If you look at the stats (especially Dow-Ftse) these trades do not that often last a day. It is when they go over a day that the drawdowns start. It looks to me as though you should do the opposite of the posted trade then move your stops appropriately at the end of each day they run. That way you can profit from the drawdowns and you get stopped out for a profit or flat if the trade goes as posted. As they are based over entire trading sessions you don't need to make decisions intraday on this. Just move your stops at the end of the day. It's kinda like scalping but I think we've all seen enough of these trades to know they are not quick fixes. Anyone else have an opinion on this ??

Regarding the cost of the formula, I don't know if anyone saw the programme on tv the other week about that guy in Australia who sells his trading formula for £5000. You can get a 'trial' for a week or so for £3000 and if you don't make money he lets you off the other £2000 !! In comparison Richard's formula is not that expensive and he has proved its worth.
Did anyone else see this programme ?

Yes, Jane, I saw it. There's been some discussion on it here:

Nice to hear you're doing well on the trades. Your success is making me think about looking back at the previous posts to try & do some back testing.

Can I ask what broker you're using?


From my own perspective, I appreciate what's been said about the strategy not being good without a stop-loss, but it's one of the few threads/sites which actually give a relatively straightforward strategy for free. I don't blame anyone for not trading this if they feel they have a better strategy, for those that don't this is a temptation.

Absolutely BB, and very grateful I am to Jonny for sharing it. Though, as you say it requires monitoring through the day, and for people like me who work in the day, would need automating, which I think needs quite large stakes through IB at least?

Maybe I should look at more EOD strategies for now, but automated trading does appeal to me - If only I didn't have to go to work............... :idea:

Thanks for the link to The Fool, looks interesting. It was from The Fool that I found T2W, from a JonnyT post I think!
help please!

I have just come across Index King and don't understand yesterday's special which said sell ftse and buy dow if difference is 5736 or less. I made it 9990-4395=5595 but richard said the trade was not triggered.
What have I got wrong?
Why not ask Richard? I presume you have paid for the special, so I would ask him for an explanation.

I'm not following this much at the moment, but looking at it now, I don't think you mean the special, as you have to pay for that, the figures you gave are currently for the free FTSE trade I believe?

IK is saying that he expects the difference between DOW/FTSE to increase, so if you can buy Dow / sell FTSE at a difference of less than 5736, go for it. His opinion not mine!

Please make sure you understand what you are getting into with it, there is much concern among some ot the experienced guys on here about the large drawdowns and lack of a stoploss on this system. I suggest you read IK's instructions & follow the trades for a while if you're not sure.

Also, check the 'Previous Results'.


thanks guys,
I have tried asking Richard but no response so far
You are right in that I was confusing the free FTSE trade with the specials - I have paid for three specials - none triggered yet.
The free FTSE is apparently still a go with a difference of about 5560, 176 points better than the number posted.
Be careful Fred. It seems like Richard is making money with no risk. Paying for an entry point that doesn't get triggered can't be much fun. Those of us who have spent time looking at this have found that the drawdowns can be too large to stomach. It may or may not make money in the future but the risk you have to take to make a profit is too large for me. I wonder if the original website owner, Hugo and Richard actually trade this or if they are just trying to make money selling it? At one time there was a lot of links on the home page to other dubious trading websites and that does not fill me with any confidence.
I appreciate your concern but it is only £3 a go and no trigger no charge.
The equity line of all previous trades is worrying - it's been going down since trade number 82 - also a steady decline in size of wins since inception (trade number 1).
Winspreads Book

Hi Jane

I was interested in buying this book and did a little research on the web.

Is this book which can be accessed here

the same as this one

The web sites are linked together but the second one advertises it as an ebook for half the price.

If they are different, has anyone bought both?



jslee said:
Mr Chill

Yes I bought the book when it first came out. I don't actually trade index pairs as I've found a better pair. I'm not sure why but Richard has advertised the formula on Dow/Ftse Dow/Cac etc when in fact these aren't anywhere near the best to use !
If you want to trade just one index then you should look at either Nikkei/Dow or Hang Seng/ Dow because when the asians are over you can predict the Dow targets without having to worry about losing money in after hours on the asian markets. Also you trade when the conditions have been consistant over 2 days to get the better profits. This has produced 97% winners just by trading the DOW in this way.
The Ftse stealth trade is actually good but the opportunities are around 3 or 4 a month for the really easy ones.
Overall I have profited very well from this book and have no complaints. You get the formula and conditions then apply it to the pairs given as examples or find your own whether they are indices or whatever.
I usually do £3-£5 stakes and have made over £4000 since I bought the book, thats with Ftse stealth and my own choice of trade (Dow/HS)

Hope this helps

Ah after moving around this site I can see that the Winspread site is 'slightly' dubious. Sorry for the previous entry. Should have searched around a bit more. Still new to this one.
Hello Pchees welcome to the board ! Winspread is just a link exchange and nothing to do with winning spreadbets site. Winspread isn't a precise trading method since its subject to guesswork. Richards book isn't guesswork, but I suppose it depends on how you prefer to trade.

Yawn Yawn..Now where have I seen ads like that before ???

I am not advertising...

I often do not fully understand these (to me) cryptic comments SO IF I am mistaken and you mean other than what I have assumed then please do accept my apologies and please educate me as to what you meant... Thanks 🙂

I am here on t2w to learn and I am categorically not here to advertise anything - I have nothing to advertise!!!

Well OK I'll spill 'da beans - guess I could advertise that my wife once met and talked and shook hands with the Queen of England.
(s'pose now I'll get stick because I mentioned the Queen....) 🙄

Other than that - my motives are as stated in first message - asking for information about a site which was linked to on the windspread site.

Additionally, the links page was 'happened upon' purely and simply because in my quest to learn, I generally always make a point of viewing a sites link page. I do not claim to have mystical powers which allow me to just 'know' where all the information on the web is... hence my habit of visiting link pages - better people than me have published links pages and I'm thankful that they do 'cause otherwise I'd most likely miss out on jumping to some site or other that just may be that illusive part of my stock market learning jigsaw puzzle which I really do need!

BTW - please dooo excuse me for saying that the links page had some interesting jumps - guess that can be considered blatant advertising too!!!

IF I do not ask... just what is the point of this BB???

I have read numerous other posters asking for info on t2w and generous support/comments have been given which I enjoyed reading.
WHY all of a sudden should anyone get funny about my post?
(again, if I am mistaken about your motives... the apology still stands 🙂

I want to learn - Pure 'n simple and uncomplicated as that - no conspiracy theories - no ulterror motives.

Eaglerock, I think you misunderstood my post ! I'm not having a go at you as like you say you only found the site. It's just that in my neverending search for good systems I have seen loads of sites with get rich quick headlines. Trading the markets is never easy and the ones I have bought into that have these headlines were nothing more than basic TA which most of us know anyway. I've found its always the same old dross but written in different way.

Thanking you for reply - I felt rather silly 😱 bout my post - guess sometimes I over react and this is something I need to work on.
Yes, I agree too that so much is just TA shrouded in marketing hype and glossy pics etc. and as you rightly say "...same old dross but written in different way."

What is it with us people? Many of us (gotta include myself here) seem to need the hand holding/book/piece of paper/[next new] system/... which, when we look back - is kinda laughable simply because we finally see that all the 'supports' really were no big deal after all. That in the cold light of the day, we actually knew what had to be done...
Yet, we make our payment and gleefully download an e-book or daily, pounce on the postman in eager anticipation... Yep we've committed ourselves and even if the material is good, bad or indifferent (from a historical perspective) - we are on the razz/getting our next fix!

In many body/mind healing areas it is believed that - part of the 'patients/seekers commitment' is the giving of some sort of payment to the therapist/healer. That this giving/payment effectively commits/binds the patient to the therapy and hence/hey-presto... this involvement is instrumental/part of, the total healing package...

Maybe the commitment part of any endeavour is more important than we realise and that maybe withit / success people are the ones that commit and then well... basically go-for-it come hell or high water!

I see people on this board whom are (to me at least) very clued in and even in their messages, one can feel the energy and knowledge (and... not just regards trading either!) - just very withit people!

IF I had the sense I would put my money down and get some 1on1 tutoring - a few names on this board spring to mind.... But suprise, suprise - I just do not feel worthy/withit enough to actually believe that I would/could take in the pearls dropped and waiting to be catched 🙁

Additonally, tutoring is one thing -one has to implement what one has learned and in the doing... learn further by a series of consolidations and advancements and of course the inevitable steps backwards!... stepwise refinement springs to mind.

Ah well, as mentioned all over this board, the mind IS the item which must be dealt with in order to really be good money earning trader.

Perhaps I'd better just stick to my skill level of mowing lawns in summer and sweeping leaves in winter 😆

Best Regards Jane
(still from sunny B'mth - sittin here in shorts and sipping the S'thern Comfort (i wish!)