Index King In Da' House !


You couldn't be more wrong. Who in their right mind would trade a system at £10 a point with no stop loss when they have no proof that it works? If you want to do that, then good luck but you will soon be waving goodbye to your trading capital. This last week has been more worthwhile than all the other weeks because we have gained an understanding of how this works and can see that if not handled properly, it could lead to disaster.

Perhaps you should get the bike out and take it for a ride.
Dear Mary Whitehouse,(ie Bigbusiness)
It would take Armagedon to trash my trading account and if I can make a little pocket money on the side with IK's method, from my main trading, then I'll gladly continue with the system. I'm very touched that you are so concerned about the welfare of my trading account ("it could lead to disaster"), but I dont see the Grim Reaper at my door or at IK's door just yet. Please pray for the end of the world and the demise of the IK system at the following address
QUOTE: "Who in their right mind would trade a system at £10 a point with no stop loss when they have no proof that it works"

Me because I've proved it works ! And you've all testified to it.

BTW The system you have come up with is actually very good but spot the glaring mistake ! :-0

Hugo :cheesy: :cheesy:
OK mate. You've been man enough to admit your mistake and remove your charges (BTW the charity donation bit was a nice touch).
Lets hope we can all leave this unfortunate incident behind us and get back to civilised debate.
On that note: are we to assume that you are claiming the folks here haven't cracked your system?
I didn't think we had cracked all of Hugo's system. It is clear that there are problems with big moves that are too sharp for the buy and sell triggers to work. But I am sure there are ways of improving on that. Perhaps Hugo could share them with us.

My last post 😢

Ahora que los comercios han acabado, dirigiré apagado a España gloriosa al fin de semana. El nuevo anfitrión asumirá el control al fin del mes. No soy infeliz sobre irse porque tengo cosas mucho mejores ahora a hacer. Hizo usted suscribir al sitio que habría compartido una porción entera más con usted que apenas el IK. su £25 le habría hecho muchos puntos en los días primeros de comenzar de las cargas. También iba a lanzar algunos partidos para los suscriptores, así que usted tendría que conocerme un pedacito mejor. Hice que una oferta del trabajo viniera a través de España hace dos semanas y era indeciso en ese entonces. Puesto que nadie desearon entonces pagar tomé la opción del trabajo. ¡Esto también me dará más hora de pasar con la señora que vive en España.
He entregado el sitio algún otro que ninguna duda se introducirá en tiempo. Ahora he visto la manera cada uno así que aprisa apuñalarme en la parte posteriora, para desear poco una ayuda con costes, no veo a gente aquí como digna de ayudar. Todos lo que veo son dos freeloaders del pedacito que nunca harán el dinero porque no creen una buena cosa cuando lo ven. Mientras que usted pasa con vida usted consigue muy pocas ocasiones para el éxito. El learn't I usted tuvo que tomar todos. ¡Si usted no toma una ocasión, usted muere el preguntarse.
Juzgando de los comentarios, no puedo ver cómo usted espera hacer el dinero cuando usted duda justa todo. Su siempre asombroso para ver pensamientos verdaderos de la gente cuando se refiere el dinero. Por lo que van los asesores del tablero, se parecen permitir comentarios racist, slander e insultos personales como asunto ordinario. ¡Pozo no son asesores muy buenos son ellos! ¡Ninguna maravilla T2W apenas atrae a viejas mujeres!
A los que me han apoyado yo deséele bien. Usted se parece tener más sentido que el resto de T2W puesto junto. Intentaré mantener contacto con usted. ¡En el medio tiempo debo decir adiós y acabar mi embalaje.

Hugo :cheesy: :cheesy:

bien quizás usted debe haber estado más encima de frente y abrirse con la gente en este tablero. Entonces las cosas habrían resultado mucho mejor para todo en cuestión,


Geee - don't you hate these smart-a*** bilingual/trilingual/etc people? :cheesy:
(Now I AM jealous of those people)

For the rest of us thickos there are sites like that help a little.
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in summary, Hugo has turned out to be the biggest arsehole I've ever come across on a financial thread, or anywhere for that matter. He's taken his ball home with him in a hissy fit.
I stuck IK's last post through an online translator, and it comes up with the following:

Now that the commerce have finished, I will direct dull to Spain glorious al weekend. The new host will assume the control al end of the month. I am not unhappy on being gone because I have a great deal better things now to do. It did you to subscribe al place that would have shared an entire portion more with you that barely the IK. its £25 it would have done many points in the first days to begin of the loads. Also it was going to launch some parties for the subscribers, so you would have to know me a better bit. I did that an offering of the work came through Spain two weeks ago and was undecided at that time. Since did nobody they desire then to pay I took the option of the work. This also it will give me more hour to pass with the lady that lives in Spain. I have delivered the place some another that any doubt will be introduced in time. Now I have seen the way each one so aprisa to stab me in the subsequent part, to desire little an aid with prices, I do not see people here as worthy to help. All what see are two freeloaders of the bit that never will do the money because do not believe a good thing when it see. While you pass with life you obtain very few occasions for the success. The learn' t I you had to take all. If you do not take an occasion, you die the to be asked. Judging of the comments, I cannot see how do you expect to do the money when you doubt jousts all. Its always amazing one to see true thoughts of the people when refers the money. For which they go the advisors of the panel, seem to permit comments racist, slander and personal insults as ordinary matter. Well are not very good advisors are they! Does none it amaze T2W barely attracts old women! To the ones that have supported me I deséele well. You seems to have more sense than the remainder of T2W placed together. I will try to maintain contact with you. In the medium time I should I to say good-bye and to finish my embalaje.
😱 Blimey. Time to stop drinking for the night. I actually understood that.
Thing is. Why seek a job back home if the 'system' is working so well. Double up and who needs to scrub toilets for a living.

Not that I am saying there is anything wrong in that. You do what you have to do. When it needs to be done.
Biggsy. Del boys translation. With limited (on my part) Spanish.

It starts off with Good, then there is a bit about tomorrow, something on the table, apparently a lot of it then, goodbye.

I'm not taking the piss, I really am trying to learn Spanish. Well, Canaries Spanish anyway.
Sorry I don't know the lingo Hugo!

But I wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.

Thanks for presenting your system on this board it has opened my eyes to different ways of thinking.

It is a shame that you had to introduce a charge that caused all the verbal but you know it was your own fault for changing things when you initially established a precedent.

If you decide to set up and charge in the future from spain it would be wise to tell everyone at the outset that you may charge in the future so that people know where they stand.

God Bless

Can't understand your final post, but thanks for introducing us to your system. I enjoyed it while it lasted even though I'm down after the last FTSE trade. The reason I'm down was my fault jumping between the different index's at the beginning and always picking a bl**dy loser..🙂 Started to get my money pack when I settled just on the FTSE.

I agree with rglenn, if you had explained about charging when you started your web site, then I'm sure there would not have been as much s**t flying around. Still the best of luck in your new job..

Cheers Snip