Index King In Da' House !

this is my final post....

look at the name of this website "the UK's No.1 Trading Community Website"

indicates england, which means we like £'s not $'s

nite nite 🙂
I think I have to agree with Quimt and Citroen on this one. I'm new to this game, and was very excited to hear about IK's system, being free, etc. etc. But let's face it - if it works, why does he need to charge. If it works, his principal would have burgeoned exponentially.

Doesn't add up.
Citroen 2cv

When you've saved up enough money maybe you can start trading for real.

nite nite 😆

Phil .
So despite all the detective work and slating by Citroen and how untrustworthy I am etc etc. He's going to sign up anyway! Erm, hmm !!

Ballet if you read my earlier responses and site you would have read the reason I am introducing subbies.

Quint, my trades are not going to be identical each month as regards results and I've never stated that they would. Past performance is no gurantee etc. They are sometimes good and sometimes they lose. If you've been following them recently you will have seen. I have been posting trades since the summer and you would have seen them. Just because they haven't all been triple digit winners as before, they are still good wins. I can't hide the success rate because you've all seen it and given me a lot of praise on it. Now that I want to charge, suddenly I'm a crook, my trades are bogus and its all as dodgy as hell. You didn't think so when I posted them for nothing. Sorry Quint your comments don't match up.



Let's face it mate. You've been rumbled! Back to that great toilet in the sky for you. Or perhaps you could audition for the new series of Fawlty Towers. Manuel the waiter by day and super trader by night. (Good Will Hunting Syndrome)

Hasta la vista!!

Hugo uses the name Trinity on another website. We do seem to be dealing with 3 different people. A system creator, a person who has done good deeds, spread the word and gathered many disciples and a bloke that no one has ever seen that now seems to be taking over the act. Reminds me of something🙂.

Perhaps a full explanation of what has been going on would help.

It is also clear that this system hasn't worked as well recently as in the past, if the statistics are correct. There are several reasons for this. It it can be tough to get the entry points. You have to be able to trade the next day as at 9pm I have never been able to get close to the entry points. This is OK for full time traders but makes it hard for those who have to go to work. They will also find it hard to implement the recently introduced 150point stop loss.

It is sometimes a long and painful wait for the profit with big negative swings along the way. Fine for the trader who sticks to the rules but not much fun for the people who don't. As we have seen in this thread, there are lots of examples of people not sticking to the rules. They will now be losing in the markets and paying for the information at the same time. But that is their problem.

It only works well with rolling cash bets but not so well with next month futures spread bets, as a friend of mine using finspreads has made a loss when it should have been a profit.

The fact that the Dax/Dow has been withdrawn sounds alarm bells that this is a system that works well when back-tested but looks to be struggling in the real markets.
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Hugo uses the name Trinity on another website. We do seem to be dealing with 3 different people. A system creator, a person who has done good deeds, spread the word and gathered many disciples and a bloke that no one has ever seen that now seems to be taking over the act. Reminds me of something. Yes I do use another name for another board. At the same time I post my name as Hugo and that I run a website. Whats the problem with that ?
Perhaps a full explanation of what has been going on would help. What do you want to know ?

It is also clear that this system hasn't worked as well recently as in the past, if the statistics are correct. There are several reasons for this. It it can be tough to get the entry points. You have to be able to trade the next day as at 9pm I have never been able to get close to the entry points. This is OK for full time traders but makes it hard for those who have to go to work. They will also find it hard to implement the recently introduced 150point stop loss.
Nearly all these trades have been swung out to even better entry points just by waiting for a few days. You would have had many many hours to get even better differences.If you jump in against my advice thats not my fault .You never heard of of a stop order, Limit orders ???

It is sometimes a long and painful wait for the profit with big negative swings along the way. Yes it is and I've stated that trades can carry a loss before completetion. Your point is ?

Fine for the trader who sticks to the rules but not much fun for the people who don't. Whose faults that then ?
As we have seen in this thread, there are lots of examples of people not sticking to the rules. Yes, Is that my fault ? They will now be losing in the markets and paying for the information at the same time. But that is their problem. Yes, your point is ?

It only works well with rolling cash bets but not so well with next month futures spread bets, as a friend of mine using finspreads has made a loss when it should have been a profit.
Yes but I've stated the need for rolling cash as the best way many times.Your point is ?

The fact that the Dax/Dow has been withdrawn sounds alarm bells that this is a system that works well when back-tested but looks to be struggling in the real markets.
Yes thats true and I pulled it for safety reasons, premature maybe but safer. The other two are fine

Anything else just let me know?

You never heard of of a stop order, Limit orders ???

That's interesting. How do you set up stop and limit orders when you are trading two separate indicies? As far as I know, you can't do this with your system. You would have to know exactly what each index was going to do in advance.

Perhaps it could be done with IG who quote a Dow/FTSE difference but the big spread and futures price puts me off trying that. I am sure lots of profit would be lost using them.

But I would be interested to find out how you do it with deal4free when placing a trade on two indicies.
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Interesting debate.Just to add to it my trades closed during October following IK system:

26/9/03-2/10/03 Buy DOW/Sell FTSE +96 Points

6/10/03-23/10/03 Sell DOW/Buy FTSE +5.5 Points

23/10/03-29/10/03 Buy DOW/Sell FTSE +119 Points

Should have been higher returns but Wanderer guilty of poor discipline i.e. entering trades when difference outside 25 point leeway allowed by IK and closing trade too early due to excitement of seeing profit-trade went on to make somewhat more than I took from it.

November not looking so good at this point in time and 1 months figures not always meaningful but £25 per month looks reasonable value to an inexperienced trader like me who is still at the early stages of learning.

P.S GeckoTime-You mentioned yesterday Betting Subscription Services giving double IK return for £600 bank.Never heard of this before-any info.greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Stop / Losses - on a pairs trade ! I wasn't aware this was required . Bigbusiness > are you trying to over complicate this ? can you tell me where in the instructions you read to do this?

I've only come across a stop loss being suggested if there is a long dow leg part to the trade.
Hello BB

Stop orders or limit orders are separate orders. I tend to put in three orders. One to buy and one to sell. The other one is a limit/stop order to cancel the Dow one at a specified value. Some firms have 'conditional orders' whereby you can specify a level at which to close out on any specific trade. These orders are invaluable if you aren't able to close out in an emergency because you are at work.

Index King
Suddenly its not only your command of English that has changed, it is your whole personality. Getting a bit touchy aren't we? You are quite correct, I didn't question you when you were posting here, as you seemed a likable if slightly eccentric character who was trying to help his fellow traders by sharing his UNPROVEN system. But the situation has been totally changed by your own actions. Your stated reason for posting was that no one who had a system that really worked would have to charge for it. Well, that being a case, and taking you as a man of your word, as you are now charging I must see your system as one that doesn't work. Certainly, nothing you have posted here makes any sense in terms of your websites previous results.BEWARE: Give this character money at your peril.
Hello Quint

No I'm not touchy at all. Everyone is entitled to question me if I'm asking for their money and I welcome it. What I find unfair is that people state half the facts then deny any successes I've had with the system. The fact is the system is successful because thats been witnessed by all who have followed it. There are many posts praising the results. Then you say that the system is unproven ? Not so ! I've proved it for months now. yes it it does have flat periods and it does lose. No system is 100%, it never can be but its good enough as everyone has seen.
Yes I made a U turn by deciding to charge but I've explained that. Anyone can see that its fair on me even though they might not want to pay. I can understand people not wanting to pay, of course everyone wants it free, but why should I give up so much of my time for nothing?
I have done nothing illegal, immoral. or anything bad. I have given a lot to this board and through my site, and its unfair to suddenly brand me a fraud just because I decided to charge.
No one has to subscribe. If my trades don't sit with you then don't subscribe.
For some reason I'm a really good bloke when its all free and you're happy to put your money on my advice. Now I've decided to charge suddenly I'm a 'shady' character with an unproven system. Either I'm missing something or you've missed all my trades and peoples testament to them.
The characters of some of these people are strange. Citroen posted how well he's done from my trades, sees I'm charging, then slates me as hard as he can, then says he'll sign up to distribute my trade information !!! I may be missing something here but you don't make such a fuss and go to so much trouble for something thats no good.
Why is the information I provide for free very trustworthy and people are happy to put their money on it, but because I decide to charge for it, its suddenly bogus and not to be trusted ???. No one whose trying to slate me here is making any sense. Thats what I find unfair. I'm all for healthy debate but if you want put me down then find some real objections to post. To say I'm shady without good reason doesn't cut it.


Would like a few more months trading under my belt before giving unqualified support to your system but 220.5 points profit in October was indeed impressive despite me being a p... poor trader and making my best efforts to cock things up.Much of the criticism is unfair although if I might say so understandable bearing in mind the extent to which you made adverse comments against those who charged for their services.Think it would have been helpful if website had been allowed to run for a few months,hopefully with good profits to show,with the concept of a charge then being floated to cover work involved.That way I guess that you would have kept your fan base intact ,probably avoided the negative comments and had a greater number of subscribers.Just my opinion of course but having said that prepared to give it a go.Bit like trading I have my strategy in mind:

1.Decide entry level-£25 per month.

2.Have an exit strategy-review my position after 4 months.

3.Decide maximum loss sustainable-4x£25=£100 +/- any trading profits .

IMHO much of the comments against IK are unfair despite him being the author of much of his own misfortune by his previous criticism of others.Does it matter who he really is-one thing for sure he ain't a bog cleaner and surely nobody fell for that one.He quite possibly ain't Spanish either but it kept us all interested didn't it.For all I know he could be Ronnie Biggs c/o HMP Bellmarsh but if he can deliver the goods who cares.

We seem to be going down the same route here as we did the other week with the criticisms of Mr Charts and Naz-seem to recall that IK was amongst the critics!!-but as with the course which they offered surely the bottom line is this.

1.If you think it will help you pay.

2.If you think it won't or object on some moral ground pass.

IK for better or worse is well known to all who read these boards but we're all big boys and girls and should be able to make our own judgements.Should be no need to warn people off unlike we have to with people such as Stanzione and Winters who may be unknown to some.If I am wrong and cancel after my 4 month "stop loss " period I will happily confess to all on this site.I have after all admitted to wasting £2600 on a Vince Stanzione course.

IK-I think it could have been handled better but history is history.Make it work and good luck.
Index King,
I am very sorry my friend but I cannot let you off the hook quite so easily. So perhaps it would be helpful for all if you honestly answered some questions. After all, we are no longer dealing with a bit of fun on this website,you are now, despite all your protestations in the past,asking people to hand over their CREDIT CARD DETAILS. Perhaps you would care to answer the following:

1)No one believed you were a toilet cleaner, why are you continuing to claim that you are?
2)Why are you keeping up the nonsense about the bad English?
3)Where do you live?
4)You have been using this board to advertise a system you clearly always intended to charge for. Why didn't you come clean about this at the beginning?
5)Although the trades you have posted here in real time have made profits (and, yes, I have followed them since you started your posts/ advertising), they bear no relation to the profits you claim on your website. Neither the scale nor the time-frame. Why is this?
6) Do you really expect people to take a list of points,with no reference to dates or nature of trade as proof that your system works?
( If so, I have a system which has given the following results on the last 5 trades: +456,+234+,198+,+945, -26 (but this one would have made money if I didn't nip out to my other job shovelling up horse-****).)
7) Do you really expect people to hand over their credit card details to someone who has PROVED themselves as spectacularly untrustworthy?
8) Do you have any more of your snake oil for sale?

I look forward to your reply.
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just to put your mind at rest IK..

i will not join your site and distribute the trades on this site, that would be unfair to you and the people that subscribe.. also i will not hack the site. I said i would in an earlier post as a tongue in cheek statement. But someone probably will, or they will start their own site up charging less using your info.

I have said some harsh words while also praising the system with may seem contradictary but i dont like having the wool pulled from under my feet and i feel that there is a too much cloak and dagger going on with regards to the site. If it was me evrything would be within easy access, ie in my own country, You say you had problems hosting the site, unreliable etc, why dont you use the same company as T2W?

If you had given 2 months notice that there would be a charge then i probably would have signed up but based on 3 trades albiet in profit this is not enough to convince me. I have tried guessing the bets since you posted the change, guessing either up or down and using dow/ftse and i made over 250 pts. So do i have a system or was i lucky, the 3 trades with you was i lucky or did the sytem work? I dont have enough proof to confirm it.

You have system/an idea that you have now turned in to a business nothing wrong with that, its just most people feel they have been taken for fools. You should have done a poll to see what people think and took the opions and developed the transition to fit with what people wanted, Its called market research. :cheesy:

It was like you had a holy grail, a true money making system, small risk and free. Its just gone a bit pear shaped.

If you are an upstanding bloke then i will eat my words should everything run smooth and you make people rich.

Hello Citroen

Ah finally we get to the real problem here ! Thanks for coming out of the closet on this one. So its not the Spanish bog cleaner thing that bothers you but that fact that you/people feel let down, right, now I understand.
One of my first posts after all this blew up was to acknowledge that I felt I'd let everyone down. I still feel that but I was hoping that the reasons given by me for charging would go some way to people understanding why.
Your comment about keeping this within my own Country (UK) is not practical in that oddly enough the majority of visiters are non UK visiters. Its surprising I know but its a fact and so I need to keep everyone happy by using a universal currency i.e. Dollars and keeping thing as international as possible so everyone can have a chance to subscribe. As far as giving notice I have. The trades are still free and charges won't be required until the latest trades finish. As both pairs will probably reverse at different times, you still have time left to finish one pair and start the other one which will still be free until it finishes. How long those trades go for I don't know, but the fact is I'm not leaving anyone following them high and dry in the middle of a trade by saying, 'Sorry you'll have to pay to see when it finishes'. That would be very wrong of me ! No one is having the rug pulled from under them on that score.
I knew you weren't serious in your statement of signing up and distributing the information/hacking in etc. What would be the point ? You would be risking getting done for password abuse by the procesor not to mention breaching my terms and conditions/copyright. You'd really have risked all that to save £25 and keep people informed of all the updates all the time, on time, everyday for what could be years ?

I wouldn't describe the system as the 'holy grail' but I believe, as I hope many others do, that its good enough. Now, whether you think its good enough to pay for is entirely your decision.

At the end of the day, I am offering a system that has been seen and followed, whether on paper or in real money. The results have been seen and anyone who has followed it have also seen the mechanics of it. In short you have a big headstart of knowing what you would be getting into should you wish to subscribe. When the charges come into being, no one will be stuck on a trade. The choice is then, 'do I like this system and want to pay to continue with it?', or 'is it a crock of S**t and not worth paying for?'.
Those choices are yours. No one's forcing anyone to do anything.

Well you certainly did extremely well with your 250 points. You seem to be able to use the information well. Whether it was a lucky guess or the system only you can answer that one.

Your comment about keeping this within my own Country (UK) is not practical in that oddly enough the majority of visitors are non UK visitors. Its surprising I know but its a fact and so I need to keep everyone happy by using a universal currency i.e. Dollars and keeping thing as international as possible so everyone can have a chance to subscribe.

It is simple to set up a paypal or nochez account and take payments in £'s. I am not very good at building websites but it was easy to make a link to take payments in £'s. You will loose a lot of customers if you insist on using a $ payment scheme.

There must be at least 100 people from the UK looking at your website, several of them recommended by me because I thought there was no way you would introduce a charge after your previous statements.
My reasons for having a site and going to the expense and hassle of updating it is merely to show people and try to discourage them from paying high prices for so called courses and seminars or systems given by ‘professional’ traders. Anyone who has a technique that is successful will not share it about for a few hundred quid. Neither will they want to teach it.

For everyone looking at paying, read the above quote. The more I think about this the more it reeks. If Hugo hadn't given everyone the BS along the lines above and always said that his trades were on a trial basis, then ok. But given his previous comments and furthermore the insistence on avoiding reputable payment services, it's all very untrustworthy now