Index King In Da' House !

I am very surprised by all the negative comments made about IK charging a small fee for his time. At least he posted some trades for others to use for a few months and show a track record. How many others are willing to post some trades for others to profit from?
If you are not willing to pay the fee because you feel you have a better system for end of day trading then why not be brave enough to do what IK did and post your trades for a few months and see for yourself how difficult it is to know your calculations could cost other people money and to put your reputation on the line for everyone to see.
Hello all

Now my English is in question ! I probably write better English than I speak, This is because I have time to think about what I want to say, and the best way of saying it. When I speak I can't think of the English word or pronounciations that quickly so I' sound a bit pidgeon.
That was a fair comment by Sally T and it doesn't bother me. Should I require FSA approval in the future I'll obtain it. But for now I don't need it.
I don't need to advertise how good the system is because you've been seeing it for months now. You are the judges. As regards profits and my betting, well if the system makes say 50 points and you had a pound a point then you made £50. If you had £10 per point then you made £500. Its plain to see that once you build up your capital you can make more and more each time. It does take a while before you can do big stakes but its well worth the patience ! Yes I usually do £10 a point but it was a long time before I could ! This system has allowed me to do that. I hoped the system has been demonstrated for all to see and that £25 per month is nothing compared to what you'll get out of it. If you look in the back of incestors chronicle you will see spread betting adverts all saying how great they are but you haven't actually seen it. And you won't til you part with 300 notes or so. Compare that to what I've demonstrated and the price I charge and you can see how reasonable my site is.

Ik your English has improved but I am a bit worried about you reading incestors chronicle !
Dear oh dear,
The problem here is that IK can no longer be trusted. He made a big deal of not charging for the info-now he starts charging; he claims that his English is very poor-but it miraculously becomes the Queens English in a few weeks; he claims to clean toilets-if you had a system that produced the results he claimed would you be cleaning toilets? As for the results themselves,well, when it was a free site I was happy to take on trust a list of points gained which did not contain any dates or any other info. The gains claimed on the site certainly do not correlate with the actual results achieved since IK started posting here. How do we have any proof that these results are genuine? Once again, when its a little guy suggesting trades you don't question it, but when it's a guy charging for info you have the duty to be suspicious. IK claims that to post the full trades would reveal the system, well, surely after a few more (paid)months everyone will have sufficient info to work out the system anyway? As for IK's claim that he has to charge for the time the site takes- there is a simple solution, close down the site and go back to posting the figures on here, it won't cost him anything.
But at the end of the day we get back to the central problem. IK rightly told us no one who's system worked would have to charge for it, this is a hell of a claim to make a u-turn on.So what do we have, someone who has been a stranger to the truth on numerous occasions. He said he wouldn't charge- not true, he claims to have poor English-not true, he claims to clean toilets-make up your own mind. And you are going to give your credit card details to this guy??? Its such a shame,if IKs figures were real, he could easily be a millionaire in a very short space of time, his fans here would all be rich, and for once the money grabbing SB companies would have been shafted. And IK would have been a hero. I guess if something is too good to be true etc...
paying for a system in its self is perfectly ok(leaving all the psychological implications aside), but it would make sense if people are concerned to obtain a written agreement (electronic even) outlining what they will receive in exchange for their money, thats a transaction and as such brings legal obligations and protections for both parties...... appologies if there is one already being offered by IK

failing that what about IK managing a fund that people would invest in.. I would say thats the best way forward if he knows what hes doing or going to do and others dont. unless he can provide a written trading methodology so individuals can implement by themselves. as they say give a man a fish feed him for a day, but teach him to catch feed him for life...
but best of luck to IK with all his ideas...

One thing that doesn't quite make sense to me (maybe IK can clear it up) are the £'s he must make from his system. e.g. taking the FTSE/Dow trades from his website - 8837 points over 15 months. He has been advocating of late to stick with one pair so use the FTSE/Dow for arguements sake. He has said that he now does £10 per point = £88,370 over 15 months, pro rata = £70K pa. OK, assume he built up to that figure and has only averaged £5 per point that still makes £35K pa - why clean toilets (at £3-4 per hour?)???? Assuming he averaged £2.50 per point its still £17,500 pa vs. less than £10k for slapping on the marigolds.

Is the "mild mannered janitor" all an elaborate act to make us think the man in the street can get one over the SB's? To me it doesn't make sense that you can make good money from a system AND still enjoy the smell of Domestos.

I hope IK is genuine and I don't want to be seen having a pop at the guy if he is but I admit to me it doesn't sit right.
For everyone who has, I think we should avoid having a go at Hugo, but we are right to voice our concerns. At the end of the day, if enough people sign up with him we wont give a stuff about any of us anyway. Just goes to show how quickly someone can go from hero to zero in no time! Personally I have no beef with IK, but don't think I'm willing to pay for this. The reasons why have already been given by others
GeckoTime said:
Just goes to show how quickly someone can go from hero to zero in no time!

Similar thing happend to Tom H. (SUNSEEKER) when he stopped posting his "map" and said that if you wanted you had to pay for it, same kind of innuendo crept in then.

Like you say though no harm in voicing concerns.

Slightly off topic but there is another guy Peter who has recently been posting his cycle times for the Dow, I hope for his sake he doesn't go down the paid subscrition route - Peter if you are reading this look what you could be letting yourself in for....
Like I said from the outset not many people are able to provide something for free continuously.

No disrespect to Hugo but I knew it would only be a matter of time before a charge was made.

If his system works well - as I have never used it- then there is nothing wrong with him making a small charge for his efforts.

But how far will it go!

Many people start out with good motives but when they start seeing the pound signs flashing before them they soon start increasing their subscriptions and get very greedy.

I have worked out my own system and I am happy with it.

Through my past experience I would never subscribe to any kind of service again no matter how good it looks.

I don't want to put my future into anyone's hands.

Was this a subtle way of free advertising - I don't know but I wish him all the best and everyone who participates.
i have been doing some detective work and things dont add up

i applied for Ik's website domain knowing full well it is already taken. Now what normally happens is that is does an instant search like a search engine but the result tells you who the owner is, date aquired and date of expiry, etc..

Ik's website is logged with these people
this is their contact info...

" Please feel free to contact us at anytime using the methods below"

Snail Mail:
Richard Lanoszka
#302-620 Toronto Street
Victoria, BC, Canada, V8V 1P7

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-250-386-9291

also this is there homepage message.....

Welcome to Silent Register

"Welcome to Silent Register. Our anonymous domain name registration services allow you to get your privacy and security back.

With an anonymous registration we mask your private information and replace it with ours in the public whois database. We maintain a separate and private database that contains the real owners of every domain registered through our service.

Not only do we give you a private domain name for the same price as the public registrars, but we give you all of the same services along with complete privacy".

so a few questions no need to be answered.. why have you chose a company in Canada to host your site, why is the owner info so secret.

check out for yourself... go to and type in any domain name, ie trade2win, you will see the available names you will also see the ones not available, these have a "more info" link, click this and you will see who owns trad2win, his address etc.

I feel anyone who allows others to see such personal details is a trustworthy person, and if you feel u need to hide behind a silent domain then there is more to it.

so now what do we think???


this has just been brought to my attention...

If you want to do some more rooting around, take a look at all the IP addresses that IndexKing uses to post. At the end of each post is IP:logged. Just click on each one and you will see that IK certainly gets around a bit. NTL in Northampton, Luton, Colchester, BT openworld, BulldogDSL, etc - I've only looked at a few, but there is definitely something 'odd' there!

the sender of the above info wants to remain anon, but well done to another Web-head who knows more than how to trade..

Great thing the Tinternet!! leaves trails like piss in snow!!

Index king please come and defend your actions as i so much wanted you to be a good guy..

Hello all

Yes I have hid my personal details from the world. I don't want to fall prey to the spamming etc that comes with registering a domain these days. My site is hosted in Canada because they are more reliable than the Brit servers. I had to change hosts shortly after I started the site if you recall, because it was always down and the tech support was crap.
For those doing the Dow/Cac trades you just made a lot of money today. Those doing the Dow/Ftse will make a lot next week.
I will be adding the name and address of a contact on the site when it goes live so don't fret about it. The guy is British and lives in UK South East He is a good friend of mine and has also done well with the system. He knows the system backwards like me. I will be taking a break soon so you can beat his door down. Everything will be updated and done in the usual way while I'm gone. If you're nice to him you may get some buckshee trades posted here.
I'm not arguing the case anymore because I haven't anything else to say on the matter. If the Dow/Cac traders aren't happy with the 100+ points they made for three days of no effort, then obviously don't signup. I understand 100 points is probably cr*p compared to a lot of peoples trading ideas. The Dow/Ftse has a 100 point potential next week but if Dow/Ftse traders think thats cr*p then obviously don't signup.

I am with Ntl. I login from my work place (laptop)as well as my home computer. The fact my internet connection can gets rerouted sometimes to other areas within ntl sphere is not my fault.
I have left my reply from above on the guestbook where you also posted your 'detective work'. I hope my reply is satisfactory.
Any more explanations required don't hesitate to ask !


Seriously what is your problem ,have you got nothing better to do with your time then this .

I K, Like i said before keep up the good work . 😎

Phil .
IK, I don't think you can blame people for being suspicious. You said you were doing this for free. Then all of a sudden, with VERY little notice, you turn it into a subscription service. The service involves payment in USD, giving credit card details to some site in Canada, and money to someone who's real name you don't know. Your website is somewhat covertly registered, and again is hosted in Canada. All very much "off shore". I think if you introduced payment through a well recognised service like "Paypal" or "Moneybookers" you would not be getting quite so much grief
Sorry IK,
It doesn't add up mate. Your trades posted on here do not chime with the alleged backtested info on your website,you sign up with a secret Canadian site to keep your details secret, you have no fixed abode, your contact will be a friend of yours in England? And you seriously expect people to give you their CREDIT CARD DETAILS!!! I am sorry sir, your stated intention when you started posting the trades was a lie and all you do to defend yourself is make sarcastic comments about how many points other people make with their trades. Sad.

at the end of the day IK want us to part with our money he needs to convince us. Not only by having a system but also he his now turning his system in to businesss where he will profit from subsciptions. So people will ask questions..
Do you not check out anything before you part with your money?
Did you not papertrade this system or did u jump straight in at £2 a point?
have you been following the 496 threads over the last few weeks?? oh, of course not you only joined today or whenever it was. So tell us how you knew about the site for the trades? Did you find it on a search engine? or do you know IK personally?

in answer to your question "do i not have anything better to do with my time" yes i do but looks like you havent cos your the one thats replying to my posts :cheesy:

the whole thing is spiralling out of control now and i think people are getting bored of the posts so this is my final post on this thread ..

i am looking for 10 people to share the cost of the monthly subsciption, i will stump up my credit card details with a £25 limit so it does not get hammered and i will email you the trade details daily, now who's up for that 😉

nite nite