No I don't see that at all. You're talking about 1.3333 which 'amazingly' many of your followers automatically knew you meant. But 1.333, is 1.3330 and that was what was texted and that was what wasn't filled on your chart. And it certainly wasn't filled for me.
If you sent a message out to your students about whether they got filled, then clearly I am not on that student list, because I would have said no.
Shakone I don not intend nor do I expect my students to
1. follow me
2. to religiously adhere to my entry levels
3. wait for my every move
Why ?
1. I explain the TA and FA arguments of the move well in advance .......the move occurs. This then allows my students to learn in real time why the move happened. this also allows my students to take advantage of the move and plan accordingly in order to profit from it
As you know from my multiple text messages and email analysis , I go to extreme depths to explain to students why the market will move prior to the event so that they are set up and ready for the move
2. I identify a zone in which to enter the trade .hence I am long ftse from 5300 - 5310 . I am not asking you to enter @ 5300 or 5310 , i am just identifying a zone for entry......this zone is identified and told in order for people to get entry based on different price feeds and brokerages. One student may enter @ 5302 , another @ 5311 ...but the most important thing is that the stop loss always remains stagnant
The stop loss will never move
Yes this methodology is dependent on a high win ratio........but when you are batting @ + 90% , I can afford to do it.
3 I dont expect my students to wait for my message of exit or trade management. They are fully capable and knowledgeable enough to manage there own trading positions
in fact majority of them manage there positions better than me
SO what i would kindly like you to do is not focus religiously on entry
think of the entry as a zone , a zone identified for entry with 2/3 pips either side as its inevitable due to time delay
Please dont take this the wrong way but all that I have mentioned above is common sense and common knowledge. If I were a subscriber I would not wait for your entry , i would just focus on the entry zone and get an entry in that zone and keep same stop loss
if you are batting @ 90% accuracy does a few points bad entry really matter ??
besides it evens out in the long run as I may get a better entry than you and I may make more points = neutrality on bad entrys !!
think about it my friend ?
it really is that simple ...but people make it hard for themselves !!