Review of

website down as his ex wife has come onto twitter to shame him!!! couldnt make it up. He will def be back but trading other markets with a diff name
If you ever want an example of how much of a moron this bloke is, take his "trade" today. I think his business is dead but this topic has helped that no doubt so it's worth keeping it going as he hangs onto this Twitter account.

He did his usual "keep adding when the market is going against me"and got smashed. Not that he'll even be trading real money. If anyone were stupid enough to follow him it'd be bye bye account.

Long from 6439 on the FTSE today and added in 3 more times. It went nearly 100 points against him.



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I've watched this guy. He appears to be suffering from some form of manic depression or similar bipolar disorder.

What he's actually doing is self medicating through his trading.

He consistently trades against trend. Now, in bear markets you get bull rips that are fast and furious, and in bull markets you get shakeouts of weak hands. Both moves tend to be fast and furious if you catch them and give a sense of exhilaration.

He's looking for a feel good solution. So if he catches a 50 point move in an hour it medicates his feelings of depression for a short time.

The problem for Mike, is he isn't a very good trader, so he misses an awful lot of moves or tries to take the wrong ones. That's when he disappears and goes off and medicates with something else, alcohol, women (?) etc.
I agree. He should get help but instead tries to entice people to follow him which isn't right.



  • 1.png
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Very interesting thread.

I watch this guy day in day out, I pack my own parachute and never, ever follow any of his trades, more the I watch him I would be inclined to do the opposite.

You never hear about his losses or very seldom. He constantly trades against the trend. You look at his calls and he jumps in at £10 a point ( I think that's his standard bet) and then jumps in some more then some more then finally a fourth, averaging up or down. The FTSE on the whole is very forgiving, he gets it wrong but gets it right, which is so annoying. That's if he is actually taking the trades that he says he is taking.

You then look at the chart for that day and see where he's took his shorts or longs against trend and the calls he is making are absolutely insane.

I joined his service about a year ago for a month, it was £20 but he was calling himself Nick- ( is he from Leeds?) I thought the trading room was good for other tips and banter but on the whole too distracting and I didn't like the vaunted verbosity of the tipster and the fact that the winners were glorified and the losers were just about non existent. ( As I said, he got it wrong so many times but had deep enough pockets to ride it and still end up on the winning side) or so he claims.

A reminder of what may be happening that day is also worth of note - NFP etc. Funny, I did watch him that last NFP and he rode it 🙂 he also claimed that it was on an NFP day that he suffered his biggest loss.

You do find that he's chomping at the bit to trade, even posting on his twitter account at weekends that he wished the market was open- he also trades at night, often waking up and placing an up or down bet on the FTSE or Dax.

I am not sure how anyone would learn anything from trading his way and possibly any newbies would lose their money as their pockets would not be deep enough to ride the trades until the market came back. Averaging up or down has to be the worst way of educating a newbie how to trade the market.

He also makes statements without clarifying or quantifying them. eg:" You have to have an understanding of how the market moves, pretty simple trade that one."

All in all, he keeps me entertained during the day and if anything you should take the opposite position to 95% of his calls and you will be ££££'s in.
I also follow FTSEday and I have to say I find it quite entertaining to say the least. He loves to trade against the trend. Often he will take a short, when in fact the market is 'pulling back into demand' in order to go higher. As the previous poster states though, he gets saved when the market retraces which is slightly annoying!
The guy is an utter moron, I can't believe anyone will pay for his views or even worse pays any attention to what he says.

For those who are even tempted, save yourselves, his trading "strategy" is simply: I feel like going long or short today and I will keep buying (or selling) and averaging down till I break even or market turns in my favour. if you have deep enough pockets it will work until the day the market moves heavily against you and you wont hear from our dear friend.

He is a gambler not a trader. whether he makes money or not does not change the fact. I followed him for a few weeks till I realized the moron was not even aware that the Ftse was going ex dividend (it was an unusually large dividend) and kept adding to short positions.

On one instance he stated his break even and kept shorting, then disappeared as the market kept rising. Only for him to reappear late in the day after the market had closed claiming to have closed his positions and broken even at the earlier stated average position level. No you moron....if you closed your positions at that level you did not break even because you would have paid the hefty dividend due on your short positions!!!
Fair play to this guy's scam endurance. He managed to post a screenshot of his account but managed to show the 'demo' in the URL right at the bottom.


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