ig markets - a criminal broker

Do what? All I can do is complain but that's not going to stop the problem. These greedy people are going to kill you off because the game is rigged against you. You are a slave - you have no freedom whatsoever and even if you play the game fairly, they'll ensure that they make triple if not quadruple profit to ensure that you stay where you are. Money and god is going to lead to the destruction of our species but not that establishment care - they'll just use one of us who has been subjected to fascism testing to restart the game all over again. This whole model is based on a belief system and not on facts and keep feeding this fantasy to the masses because people will eat it up which is why the internet was invented. It was invented to keep us occupied while they the rich go off travelling the world doing what they do for FREE.
Even 'They' started out like you once. Just become one of 'Them' and everything will be ok.
Then you can come back and make fun of us slaves.
Even 'They' started out like you once. Just become one of 'Them' and everything will be ok.
Then you can come back and make fun of us slaves.
It's a belief system which is no different than all religions and to me money is a religion that needs to be destroyed.
Even 'They' started out like you once. Just become one of 'Them' and everything will be ok.
Then you can come back and make fun of us slaves.
Thanks for proving that the love of money is the root of all evil because god told them to do so... You will never get a free ride unless you are white or inherent it from your parents and even then you'll eventually become part of the white race.
Do what? All I can do is complain but that's not going to stop the problem. These greedy people are going to kill you off because the game is rigged against you. You are a slave - you have no freedom whatsoever and even if you play the game fairly, they'll ensure that they make triple if not quadruple profit to ensure that you stay where you are. Money and god is going to lead to the destruction of our species but not that establishment care - they'll just use one of us who has been subjected to fascism testing to restart the game all over again. This whole model is based on a belief system and not on facts and keep feeding this fantasy to the masses because people will eat it up which is why the internet was invented. It was invented to keep us occupied while they the rich go off travelling the world doing what they do for FREE.
You would be doing something useful by warning people about how ruthless companies might be a danger to their wealth.

What are the warning signs inexperienced traders should look for?
It's a belief system which is no different than all religions and to me money is a religion that needs to be destroyed.
It is great to see that you are leading by example in that your own money has been destroyed leading the way to countless others that will one day follow your example. Although it is somewhat confusing as to why you are so bitter about losing it when you say it is nothing more than a belief system that needs destroying?
You would be doing something useful by warning people about how ruthless companies might be a danger to their wealth.

What are the warning signs inexperienced traders should look for?
Nothing other than don't trade with these CFDs with a lot of capital. They have access to more capital than you and they have analytics scripts running in the background which know your playing style and once they are able to gather your pattern recognition they'll slowly or with a clean sweep take your money with you if you keep playing. It's exactly like the casino because there is no emotions involved. To me emotions is the rate and the formula and once the algorithms know your formulas is, they'll take everything with you.
It is great to see that you are leading by example in that your own money has been destroyed leading the way to countless others that will one day follow your example. Although it is somewhat confusing as to why you are so bitter about losing it when you say it is nothing more than a belief system that needs destroying?
It's confusing because the machine world has enslaved everyone's mind - meanwhile the rich people that run hollywood/pollywood and bollywood that feed the fantasy get to continue to live in the fantasy and make it a reality forever - meanwhile you suffer down here and we pay thing of fiction which money hoping that things will turn around. You are slaves to the machine world and the medical industry and religion and whatever social group you associate yourself with that wants to know everything about you so they can run a story on you...and then kill you or use you as a force to start the game all over again.

Me personally I wish that guns were legal where I am because I rather commit suicide than be part of this collective cult that people associate themselves with. You have no freedom whatsoever...You are slaves to the business world buyer or seller.

You should have the option to opt out at anytime...

You are forced to live by society's rules not by your rules and laws. The lawyers/accountants and business world - i.e. the narcissistic who got political ties are controlling everyone lives because they can.

My life has gone exactly like Jesus christ down to being middle eastern and my life being full of suffering and I am pretty sure he wasn't religious but an atheist. He was just a popular product to give people hope.
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Thanks for proving that the love of money is the root of all evil because god told them to do so... You will never get a free ride unless you are white or inherent it from your parents and even then you'll eventually become part of the white race.
Me personally I wish that guns were legal where I am because I rather commit suicide than be part of this collective cult that people associate themselves with.
you have no imagination
A gun is not the only way to commit suicide. You'd likely miss and blame somebody else
you have no imagination
A gun is not the only way to commit suicide. You'd likely miss and blame somebody else
Whatever is the quickest way to end your life. When you have been subjected to experimentation like I have, you'll realize it that this bullcrap capitalistic society doesn't suite me as a socialist because I have been born way too early for this world.
Capitalism suites you if you are religious - but I don't like religion at all. It's a sickness that refuses to die.
Religion owns the world so stop thinking that science will win. Eventually when you stop questioning things, things because a religion a kinda of a belief system because it follow a particular pattern the brain recognizes.
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Nothing other than don't trade with these CFDs with a lot of capital. They have access to more capital than you and they have analytics scripts running in the background which know your playing style and once they are able to gather your pattern recognition they'll slowly or with a clean sweep take your money with you if you keep playing. It's exactly like the casino because there is no emotions involved. To me emotions is the rate and the formula and once the algorithms know your formulas is, they'll take everything with you.
I agree that trading should be done with limited capital risk.

CFD's are OK but in the UK spreadbetting is a better option as its profits are tax-free.

Day-traders and scalpers usually lose money. Trading long-term is generally more successful, easier to master and less prone to price spikes and wide spreads, no matter what the reasons for these.

How is trading with no emotions like gambling in a casino? I would have thought the reverse.
It's confusing because the machine world has enslaved everyone's mind - meanwhile the rich people that run hollywood/pollywood and bollywood that feed the fantasy get to continue to live in the fantasy and make it a reality forever - meanwhile you suffer down here and we pay thing of fiction which money hoping that things will turn around. You are slaves to the machine world and the medical industry and religion and whatever social group you associate yourself with that wants to know everything about you so they can run a story on you...and then kill you or use you as a force to start the game all over again.

Me personally I wish that guns were legal where I am because I rather commit suicide than be part of this collective cult that people associate themselves with. You have no freedom whatsoever...You are slaves to the business world buyer or seller.

You should have the option to opt out at anytime...

You are forced to live by society's rules not by your rules and laws. The lawyers/accountants and business world - i.e. the narcissistic who got political ties are controlling everyone lives because they can.

My life has gone exactly like Jesus christ down to being middle eastern and my life being full of suffering and I am pretty sure he wasn't religious but an atheist. He was just a popular product to give people hope.
This is all very vague and rambling, I have little idea what the point of this message is.

Anyway, what have you decided to do about this state of affairs?
This is all very vague and rambling, I have little idea what the point of this message is.

Anyway, what have you decided to do about this state of affairs?
What can I do? I have begged the broker to give me my money back but they said that basically shot me down. The financial Ombudsman said the same thing and they get funding from these people who do reviews into complaints so you are fighting a very corrupt system and there is no point in fighting. You are a slave and religion won.
What can I do? I have begged the broker to give me my money back but they said that basically shot me down. The financial Ombudsman said the same thing and they get funding from these people who do reviews into complaints so you are fighting a very corrupt system and there is no point in fighting. You are a slave and religion won.
Religion - I have no faith in religion but I've no doubt that many sincerely religious people will tell you that it is the absence of religious faith in finance that allows it to produce evil outcomes, not the presence of religion.

You have to remember the purpose of financial ombudsmen and regulators. Their main goal is to ensure that the financial services industry continues. For this to happen, the industry must gain and keep the confidence of investors. They are not there to protect a single company or a single investor: they are there to protect all the companies who can gain the confidence of investors and to drive out the companies that can't. They are not lawyers who will sue a company for your damages if you have lost money.

The system is not corrupt, it is just impersonal, it does not care who you are and if you get hurt. People with least money get hurt badly. Such is life.

As an aside make a list of the countries in history that didn't use money and which did well for their people.
Religion - I have no faith in religion but I've no doubt that many sincerely religious people will tell you that it is the absence of religious faith in finance that allows it to produce evil outcomes, not the presence of religion.

You have to remember the purpose of financial ombudsmen and regulators. Their main goal is to ensure that the financial services industry continues. For this to happen, the industry must gain and keep the confidence of investors. They are not there to protect a single company or a single investor: they are there to protect all the companies who can gain the confidence of investors and to drive out the companies that can't. They are not lawyers who will sue a company for your damages if you have lost money.

The system is not corrupt, it is just impersonal, it does not care who you are and if you get hurt. People with least money get hurt badly. Such is life.

As an aside make a list of the countries in history that didn't use money and which did well for their people.
The system is corrupt because it depends on the uncertainty principle which is the people behind the computer screen. You won't understand mathematics but not only can I see math but I feel it too. CFDs are mainly done by people with a split mind and those come from the middle east generally know what's going on because they all have a split mind. Same with people who have abused the crap out of drugs.

The Obudsman don't care about 1 case - because if they gave me the vote they will lose funding and the people working at these clinics will lose their jobs. Eventually that will open the gates for more cases flowing in which will be bad for business and companies will lose money as a result.

I just wonder how can anyone sell themselves to money and god. A thing of fiction and this beautiful mind we have and we sell ourselves to money and god and I have to suffer as a result but I am forced to live a life where money is everything which is deeply disturbing of how messed up the world is because the establishment pushed their fantasies to the extreme.

Not only that but printing of money devalues the currency to practically zero and then you have to bring these toxic products in order to keep this financial system sane.
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.... I have begged the broker to give me my money back but they said that basically shot me down. The financial Ombudsman said the same thing...
In what way did you lose money? Bad trade? I may have missed where you said this in the thread
In what way did you lose money? Bad trade? I may have missed where you said this in the thread
They went against my position. You are a slave and so are your kids and their kids and eventually they'll keep leeching until the entire family tree disappears - they don't value your life or your kids - these rich people. That's why they want you to be noble and be part of this corrupt system where money is everything instead of doing that you love doing which why free will is so important but we have no free will. I have broken off the matrix and the control groups around me are trying to reprogram so I accept this ensalvement because they came here to have peaceful slavery which is worse than free will.
what do you mean? and what proof do you have of what they allegedly did?
As soon as I was opening a trade, they would go in the opposite direction - i.e. short the stock - in other words become a substantial holder and then close out of a trade I closed the trade. I didn't overleverage but they did some other shady stuff like preventing me from opening and closing a trade.

But it doesn't matter. Religion owns the world because it's based on a belief system. Whether it be Isam/Christianity/Hindu/Catholics - they are sick psychopaths that need some serious oral hygiene because their PH content of their mouth went below 5.
As soon as I was opening a trade, they would go in the opposite direction - i.e. short the stock - in other words become a substantial holder and then close out of a trade I closed the trade. I didn't overleverage but they did some other shady stuff like preventing me from opening and closing a trade.
Unless you have proof that they did this and it affected your position, I would assume that it was simply your trading that caused losses over the period but you can't accept this and need to blame someone.