ig markets - a criminal broker

Unless you have proof that they did this and it affected your position, I would assume that it was simply your trading that caused losses over the period but you can't accept this and need to blame someone.
the only way that i could prove is if I had access to the secret database through the exchange which the regulator refuses to provide which means that it's a dodgy business that keeps this bullcrap system running.
Whatever - this is the stupidity of the human race. They enjoy going to go watching these crappy hollywood movies that do nothing but destroy this beautiful brain we have. Just note that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Keep thinking that these corporations are doing this for the goodness of their heart. You are a slave to these corporate criminals that see money as their god and they will run mathematical formulas to control the human race further and then further remove the flaws and imperfections so we don't engage in the act of reproduction which is why they invented religion and prisons both profit from human suffering by trialing drugs on you.
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the only way that i could prove is if I had access to the secret database through the exchange which the regulator refuses to provide which means that it's a dodgy business that keeps this bullcrap system running.
To clarify further, perhaps, what you are claiming, are you willing to share detail i.e. security, time and price points of the trade/s in question ?
Whatever - this is the stupidity of the human race. They enjoy going to go watching these crappy hollywood movies that do nothing but destroy this beautiful brain we have. Just note that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Keep thinking that these corporations are doing this for the goodness of their heart. You are a slave to these corporate criminals that see money as their god and they will run mathematical formulas to control the human race further and then further remove the flaws and imperfections so we don't engage in the act of reproduction.
From the words you use you do not appear to have a 'beautiful brain'. You come across as a crying whinging baby who has lost his dummy and is screaming until someone finds it and puts it back in.
Grow up learn from YOUR mistake (nobody forced you to hand over your money, do a bit of due diligence next time) and go back out there and make more money than you lost. Take a bit of ownership of your life!
When you have been subjected to experimentation like I have, you'll realize it that this bullcrap capitalistic society doesn't suite me as a socialist because I have been born way too early for this world.
A true socialist would not be engaged in speculative activity to start with which begs the question as to why you were involved in trading when that is a capitalist activity?

My life has gone exactly like Jesus christ down to being middle eastern and my life being full of suffering and I am pretty sure he wasn't religious but an atheist. He was just a popular product to give people hope.
Please justify the above comment as it appears that your education and sources of information on this comment are sadly lacking.
A true socialist would not be engaged in speculative activity to start with which begs the question as to why you were involved in trading when that is a capitalist activity?

Please justify the above comment as it appears that your education and sources of information on this comment are sadly lacking.
He has a messiah complex AND a victim complex, he needs some serious medication and a shit load of therapy or he needs to take responsibility for himself and grow up.
He has a messiah complex AND a victim complex, he needs some serious medication and a shit load of therapy or he needs to take responsibility for himself and grow up.
Just note that the love of money is the root of all evil and eventually you are going to a think that is so dark that you won't be able to control it. It's this arrogant attempt by humans to control nature - when you try to screw around with something you don't quite understand, you'll get a dark force so dark that it will be unstoppable and it will eat up the entire world. Thanks for again proving that we are a slave to the male disease. Black or red. All it will take is one little slight variation to destroy the entire species off.
Thanks again for proving that religion owns this world and they enslaving everyone and most people don't know it. Religion owns you and owns the world and when you try to hide your feelings it kills off the species but of course the rich ]don't care about you.
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A true socialist would not be engaged in speculative activity to start with which begs the question as to why you were involved in trading when that is a capitalist activity?

Please justify the above comment as it appears that your education and sources of information on this comment are sadly lacking.
Socialist comes from meeting distinct individuals not a collective group like we are doing now. It also providing the freedom to people to do whatever they want. Otherwise it turns into a religion and yes my life has gone exactly like jesus christ because he hated bankers too but he loved people and I love and cherish people more than money.

This is the inherent problem with the west is that this capitalistic society runs like a friggin religion but we need some socialism as well which is freedom to do what you want. School feels like a religion and hey it works for some but never worked for me and no wonder I failed. I loathe how everything these days is rigidly planned when they don't require some spontaneous creativity.
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Socialist comes from meeting distinct individuals not a collective group like we are doing now. Otherwise it turns into a religion and yes my life has gone exactly like jesus christ because he hated bankers too but he loved people and I love and cherish people more than money. This is the inherent problem with the west is that this capitalistic society runs like a friggin religion but we need some socialism as well which is freedom to do what you want. School feels like a religion and hey it works for some but never worked for me and no wonder I failed.
What are you trying to achieve here?
You are coming across as some kind of Don Quixote cartoon character trying to right the wrongs of modern society by shouting at windmills, to no effect.


What are you trying to achieve here?
You are coming across as some kind of Don Quixote cartoon character trying to right the wrongs of modern society by shouting at windmills, to no effect.

View attachment 299495

Maybe trying to get it through people's skulls that this broker is a criminal organization that have the licence to print money f thin air and get away with it. It also can steal people's money and get away with it. For the lucky country, it sure as hell does not feel like the lucky country to me. It feels like religion has been running this country and me personally, I want religion to be banned because it's based on a belief system.
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Maybe trying to get it through people's skulls that this broker is a criminal organization that have the licence to print money f thin air and get away with it. It also can steal people's money and get away with it. For the lucky country, it sure as hell does not feel like the lucky country to me. It feels like religion has been running this country and me personally, I want religion to be banned because it's based on a belief system.
Move to another country ... again.
Maybe trying to get it through people's skulls that this broker is a criminal organization that have the licence to print money f thin air and get away with it. It also can steal people's money and get away with it. For the lucky country, it sure as hell does not feel like the lucky country to me. It feels like religion has been running this country and me personally, I want religion to be banned because it's based on a belief system.
Whether your argument about your broker has any truth or not, you've used a lot of "red herrings" in your arguments i.e. irrelevant statements that distract from the fact you have weak/no evidence to support your original claim. I'm guessing you do this unconsciously so I'm just letting you know 🙂
jesus christ because he hated bankers too but he loved people

This again shows you have no idea what the life of Jesus was about. Your comment is referring to when the moneychangers were doing business in the Temple on the Sabbath and Jesus overturned the tables and drove them out. This was because the Temple was considered the home of God (his father) and that on the Sabbath no business or work was supposed to be conducted and they were flouting that rule. But he did make a point of sharing a meal with a Tax Collector who the Jewish people at the time viewed the same as bankers in that they were corrupt and often took money they were not entitled to from ordinary people and classed as sinners. They even bad mouthed him for doing so but it shows that he did not hate anyone. He made a point of condemning the sin but not the sinner.

In view of your comment that you wish all religion should be banned you have in several of your posts made direct reference to highly religious people and even used religious quotes such as "The love of money is the root of all evil".

Are you sure you are not subconsciously craving a religious enlightenment and greater purpose in your life?
This again shows you have no idea what the life of Jesus was about. Your comment is referring to when the moneychangers were doing business in the Temple on the Sabbath and Jesus overturned the tables and drove them out. This was because the Temple was considered the home of God (his father) and that on the Sabbath no business or work was supposed to be conducted and they were flouting that rule. But he did make a point of sharing a meal with a Tax Collector who the Jewish people at the time viewed the same as bankers in that they were corrupt and often took money they were not entitled to from ordinary people and classed as sinners. They even bad mouthed him for doing so but it shows that he did not hate anyone. He made a point of condemning the sin but not the sinner.

In view of your comment that you wish all religion should be banned you have in several of your posts made direct reference to highly religious people and even used religious quotes such as "The love of money is the root of all evil".

Are you sure you are not subconsciously craving a religious enlightenment and greater purpose in your life?
Good observations.
This again shows you have no idea what the life of Jesus was about. Your comment is referring to when the moneychangers were doing business in the Temple on the Sabbath and Jesus overturned the tables and drove them out. This was because the Temple was considered the home of God (his father) and that on the Sabbath no business or work was supposed to be conducted and they were flouting that rule. But he did make a point of sharing a meal with a Tax Collector who the Jewish people at the time viewed the same as bankers in that they were corrupt and often took money they were not entitled to from ordinary people and classed as sinners. They even bad mouthed him for doing so but it shows that he did not hate anyone. He made a point of condemning the sin but not the sinner.

In view of your comment that you wish all religion should be banned you have in several of your posts made direct reference to highly religious people and even used religious quotes such as "The love of money is the root of all evil".

Are you sure you are not subconsciously craving a religious enlightenment and greater purpose in your life?
I value liberty more than security because security is an illusion but I hate religion and science - because they don't add value to my life. Neither of them really are doing anything good other than robbing you of your freedom that you deserve.
Religion just like god and money give the illusion of security and that's what religion does. It feeds a fantasy and that fantasy is wearing off but this capitalistic society continues to feed the fantasy because they feed that fantasy to the parents who buy into the nonsense and then the kids are tortoured into going to school. To me school and religion are no different and it's no wonder why we have so many problems in the world.

Religion tells us to get married. While Science tells us to have kids so they can be narcissistic and they can run these crazy experiments on them and have their minds ruined or destroyed so they tell us to get involved in sex when sex is not a need but a desire - just like having kids is a desire. It's feeding a fantasy because they are still little children themselves.

Things like war/politics/career narcissism needs to die and the only way to do that is for 1984 to come along and I am glad that it has come along because religion has been getting a free ride since birth and same way that science has also had a free ride.
Both science and religion give the illusion of security and that's why they are the two leading industries. TO me I think that religion has been running the world not independent thinking. When you are a scientists then you tend to want to sell your products to the masses and make as much money as possible so you can get validation from others rather than validation from yourself.
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I value liberty more than security because security is an illusion but I hate religion and science - because they don't add value to my life. Neither of them really are doing anything good other than robbing you of your freedom that you deserve.
Religion just like god and money give the illusion of security and that's what religion does. It feeds a fantasy and that fantasy is wearing off but this capitalistic society continues to feed the fantasy because they feed that fantasy to the parents who buy into the nonsense and then the kids are tortoured into going to school. To me school and religion are no different and it's no wonder why we have so many problems in the world.

Religion tells us to get married. While Science tells us to have kids so they can be narcissistic and they can run these crazy experiments on them and have their minds ruined or destroyed so they tell us to get involved in sex when sex is not a need but a desire - just like having kids is a desire. It's feeding a fantasy because they are still little children themselves.

Things like war/politics/career narcissism needs to die and the only way to do that is for 1984 to come along and I am glad that it has come along because religion has been getting a free ride since birth and same way that science has also had a free ride.
Both science and religion give the illusion of security and that's why they are the two leading industries. TO me I think that religion has been running the world not independent thinking. When you are a scientists then you tend to want to sell your products to the masses and make as much money as possible so you can get validation from others rather than validation from yourself.
Money doesn't just provide the 'illusion' of security it actually provides security.
If you have sufficient money to buy food, water, shelter and warmth then you have all the security you need. Money provides all those things.
Anything else is a bonus to keep our genes' host 'happy' while it is doing its job for them. Just ask Richard Dawkins.