ig markets - a criminal broker

Don't buy anything - it's all noble cause corruption - it's doing the same thing but expecting different results. Monkey see and monkey do. Either way you are either slave to the government or corporations and the two sides swap against each other and the people in the middle are religion and music and science and lawyers that control these two groups. It gets worse when these two groups merge against each other to brainwash everyone to fighting against each other. They are the elitist pigs that make a fuck ton of money and will continue to make a fuck ton of money because of the internet - it's fiction.

We are all in the matrix and these greedy socialist have injected a virus into our heads and most people don't even know it.

When bitcoin comes out it is also corrupt because the people that have it got there first and you are a slave to the establishment that own everything.
Why are you telling us this?
Why are you telling us this?
Because life is rigged. We are slaves to the dollar signs and pounds and euros which is a thing of fiction and it's a belief system which is why we can't ban money because it in itself is a belief system. The Rich people own this place where they go around stealing people's hard earned money. Ever played age of empires and starting from scratch? The computer already has an advantage over you because they have no emotions in them and the computer cheats in order to gain the upper hand. The same game is being played here. You are a slave to the establishment that are out there that want to kill you and you are their enemy...but they'll kill you slowly you don't notice so we have no freedom.

Why do you think that there is diseases being released? It's designed so that these companies profit from selling people the cure and make double the profit because then it satisfies their shareholders of racial purification. It's designed to weed out the imperfections of the human race so that our sex instinct is gone for good and we basically become droids walking around with no way of having any sex drive.

Sickness is profitable. We are slaves to the global technocratic elites that run experiments on the human race to weed out and remove our flaws and imperfections to create a global fascist state. The only way to win is to invade another country or be first neither of option any of us have. People think that religion is bad well to me science is just as bad because it's designed to control the population. We have no freedom of choice.
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Because life is rigged. We are slaves to the dollar signs and pounds and euros which is a thing of fiction and it's a belief system which is why we can't ban money because it in itself is a belief system. The Rich people own this place where they go around stealing people's hard earned money. Ever played age of empires and starting from scratch? The computer already has an advantage over you because they have no emotions in them and the computer cheats in order to gain the upper hand. The same game is being played here. You are a slave to the establishment that are out there that want to kill you and you are their enemy...but they'll kill you slowly you don't notice so we have no freedom.

Why do you think that there is diseases being released? It's designed so that these companies profit from selling people the cure and make double the profit because then it satisfies their shareholders of racial purification. It's designed to weed out the imperfections of the human race so that our sex instinct is gone for good and we basically become droids walking around with no way of having any sex drive.

Sickness is profitable. We are slaves to the global technocratic elites that run experiments on the human race to weed out and remove our flaws and imperfections to create a global fascist state. The only way to win is to invade another country or be first neither of option any of us have. People think that religion is bad well to me science is just as bad because it's designed to control the population. We have no freedom of choice.

Computers cheat?
It's clear you know nothing about computers so stop talking rubbish.
He can't. He's gone down a rabbit hole. And if you try very hard to bring him back out that will just confirm you are a covert paid agent of "the Rich people".
We are slaves to a thing of fiction which is money and god - primitive stuff and rich white people will get a free ride and us plebs won't.
Money's real.
If money is real then it doesn't justify stealing. You are condoning theft which is a serious crime but some people are given exclusive access to do so...Every single cent should be respected and I really mean that - all this invention of the credit card has been the down fall of the human race. It's feeding a fantasy.
But how is it that norges investment bank can go around stealing REAL money? DO you realize that by taking money from the future you are depriving me of my freedom and that I will be given the illusion of freedom which is not the same thing. When you are given an illusion you keep on wanting more and more eventually it's feeding a fantasy and not the real thing. Not only that you are depriving me of the option to reproduce if I choose to do so...

It gives the big elitist people to do what they want - which to invade another country and start a war and justify killing people. It's already happening in the middle east. But it also gives the elitist the option to reproduce.

Just watch when AI comes along. It will feed a fantasy and then eventually kill us off - you are a slave and death is the only true freedom.
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If money is real then it doesn't justify stealing. You are condoning theft which is a serious crime but some people are given exclusive access to do so...Every single cent should be respected and I really mean that - all this invention of the credit card has been the down fall of the human race. It's feeding a fantasy.
But how is it that norges investment bank can go around stealing REAL money?
The fact that something real and useful can be stolen and has been stolen from you (allegedly) does not mean that thing should be prohibited because it encourages stealing.

Before we had money no doubt some people used to steal food. So suppose some food was stolen: would you think we should prohibit food?

(I realise I'm trying to use logic here which is probably futile with someone like you).
The fact that something real and useful can be stolen and has been stolen from you (allegedly) does not mean that thing should be prohibited because it encourages stealing.

Before we had money no doubt some people used to steal food. So suppose some food was stolen: would you think we should prohibit food?

(I realise I'm trying to use logic here which is probably futile with someone like you).
I have proof that it was stolen - and others have proof that these people are going around stealing real money by using algorithms because they got so good at what they did. It still doesn't justify stealing my hard earned money just because they can.

We as an arrogant species like to think we do but we don't - all because we wanted to feed a fantasy to everyone. When you create a paradox here on earth you create a huge problem.

When you steal from the middle east you create a paradox and that's what they did here. They created a paradox within a paradox. Think of it like staring at a broken mirror - it's hard to look at yourself when you put the pieces back together.

You can't lick what has been chewed.
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I have proof that it was stolen - and others have proof that these people are going around stealing real money by using algorithms because they got so good at what they did. It still doesn't justify stealing my hard earned money just because they can.

We as an arrogant species like to think we do but we don't - all because we wanted to feed a fantasy to everyone. When you create a paradox here on earth you create a huge problem.

When you steal from the middle east you create a paradox and that's what they did here. They created a paradox within a paradox. Think of it like staring at a broken mirror - it's hard to look at yourself when you put the pieces back together.

You can't lick what has been chewed.
Keep posting this stuff it makes me laugh out loud every timer I read it.
"You can't lick what has been chewed." 😂😂😂
I have proof that it was stolen - and others have proof that these people are going around stealing real money by using algorithms because they got so good at what they did. It still doesn't justify stealing my hard earned money just because they can.

We as an arrogant species like to think we do but we don't - all because we wanted to feed a fantasy to everyone. When you create a paradox here on earth you create a huge problem.

When you steal from the middle east you create a paradox and that's what they did here. They created a paradox within a paradox. Think of it like staring at a broken mirror - it's hard to look at yourself when you put the pieces back together.

You can't lick what has been chewed.
What was stolen from the Middle East? Who stole it?
What was stolen from the Middle East? Who stole it?

Zombies stole his brainz.
Norges investment bank stole my hard earned money but it justifies them stealing my hard earned money. You are a slave and the minute you think you are free, there are control groups around you that will call you a conspiracy buff including your parents because your parents have been sold a fantasy and they buy up the crap because their brains are too stupid to think outside the box.
We are all slaves to a fascist regime that has been running this experiment and trying to control you so they can give you a life and not the freedom you deserve.
That computer screen is programming you and you don't even know it...Watch when AI comes along - it will enslave human minds forever and then kill them off after they are done with you...

We are all slaves to the elitist that got to do everything and more and now they go around spreading fear to control us and kill us off and get a laugh out of it.
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Just watch when AI comes along. It will feed a fantasy and then eventually kill us off - you are a slave and death is the only true freedom.

If death is the only true freedom then is there any point in carrying on living?
We are slaves to a thing of fiction which is money and god - primitive stuff and rich white people will get a free ride and us plebs won't.
There is hope, do not despair.

Surviving Slavery.

People may not have survived the hard labor and the violence, the domination, and the degradation of slavery had they not found ways of nurturing their spirits. Most enslaved people did not escape or engage in active rebellion; instead, they focused on living their lives, resisting when they could, exerting individual agency when possible. ‘Surviving slavery’ describes the life in enslaved communities where black people formed bonds with one another and created practices, beliefs, and rituals, all of which provided them respite and enjoyment, and helped them to survive their captivity. Many turned to Christianity, rejecting their owners' interpretation, but believing that they would be delivered from slavery.

Norges investment bank stole my hard earned money but it justifies them stealing my hard earned money. You are a slave and the minute you think you are free, there are control groups around you that will call you a conspiracy buff including your parents because your parents have been sold a fantasy and they buy up the shit because their brains are too stupid to think outside the box.
We are all slaves to a fascist regime that has been running this experiment and trying to control you so they can give you a life and not the freedom you deserve.
That computer screen is programming you and you don't even know it...Watch when AI comes along - it will enslave human minds forever and then kill them off after they are done with you...

We are all slaves to the elitist that got to do everything and more and now they go around spreading fear to control us and kill us off and get a laugh out of it.
You make some interesting points. You might want to say more about Norges investment bank and how they managed to scam you.
If death is the only true freedom then is there any point in carrying on living
Because it will done out of your own free will. It will done by force just like how we were forced to go to school and accept this form of slavery.
It's even more deeply disturbing when science becomes a religion. Same way how money has become a religion. It's all based on a belief system.
Infact I think that religion has been running the world at this point. Not our own free will. Because both god and money can be printed out of thin air but people can't.

I also can't exit out of a project because the bills need to be paid. I can't pursue my own hobbies because work needs to be done. You wonder why mental health is such a huge problem in the west - it's because we were all fed a fantasy from these rich elitist who want to feed the fantasy to their kids. I blame commercialism for this.

Why do you think all the movies have the same derivative plots? They sounds and look and feel al the same.
We want a socialist utopia but we are going away from the cause....don't you see? But if you are born in the west, especially from a rich family, capitalism works but there is a huge hole in the middle class which is exactly what the establishment want.
These rich elitist have injected a virus into heads so they can run a story on you on how deeply flawed you are and how perfect they are.
The only freedom you have is the internet and that's it - they want you glued to your screen rather than having your own free will to do what you want.

Our ideas come from meeting different people and the changing environment and the food we eat and also strangely ironically tragedy too but if you are in the same environment you are going to do the same thing but will be expecting different results. You have no free will at all. You are a slae the establishment that have bought out governments and they run hollywood/bollywood/pollywood or whatever bullcrap you want to spew.

Get rid of politics and religion and you will solve all problems but keep voting for these clowns. Profit and prophet the male disease that affects all genders not just men - all genders including women because they get into power and want to stay there.
No wait make politics voluntary rather than forcing it upon their citizens.
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You make some interesting points. You might want to say more about Norges investment bank and how they managed to scam you.
They didn't scam me - They stole my hard earned money. Stole it - right before my very eyes.

you can see the action unfold here - this company got delisted. They became a substantial holder
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They didn't scam me - They stole my hard earned money. Stole it - right before my very eyes.

you can see the action unfold here - this company got delisted. They became a substantial holder
Its a nightmare, pet.

What are you doing at this point about this problem?
Its a nightmare, pet.

What are you doing at this point about this problem?
Do what? All I can do is complain but that's not going to stop the problem. These greedy people are going to kill you off because the game is rigged against you. You are a slave - you have no freedom whatsoever and even if you play the game fairly, they'll ensure that they make triple if not quadruple profit to ensure that you stay where you are. Money and god is going to lead to the destruction of our species but not that establishment care - they'll just use one of us who has been subjected to fascism testing to restart the game all over again. This whole model is based on a belief system and not on facts and keep feeding this fantasy to the masses because people will eat it up which is why the internet was invented. It was invented to keep us occupied while they the rich go off travelling the world doing what they do for FREE.
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